Hey there. As I'm acquaintaincing myself with the quality reports here...I admit that my curiosity and deep respect for this substance is rising. I doubt whether am I worthy of the experience at present moment...
If you think I shouldn't write this here please delete my post...I'll understand.
It was my first and only time "I" took acid and for me it was fully mystical despite the dose of like 70mg, as I know. Life-changing experience, confirmed all I've read about and my thoughts to that there do exist a greater pattern to all this...I remember the strong feeling I'm unworthy of experiencing the perfect, absolutely unified perception of the One Being...I couldn't grasp how it's possible despite being all the Whole, I still exist as the infinitely small Part. I remember also I lost total control of the body, mind, and all this up to the pure "non-existent" or "only-consciousness" state of being...Also attained the ultimate meaning of all the life, that each smallest part is crucial concerning total sum of Being.
I feel I have tremendous amount of thing to learn. I will contribute all of what I know, but the first part is to KNOW it before...
All of the writings here are of fictitious nature. It's just creative imagination of the author's mind.