Hello there,
Obviously I am new to this forum and am posting this as an introduction. I am from the far off land of Oz, Australia and have been dragging this old corpse around for about three decades. During that time I have been privelleged and punished, taken down but I'm the patient guy who may not always say it, but finds something to amuse me in any miserable situation. All it takes is a change in perspective sometimes and you find that the weight that was crushing you is actually beneath you...
I am a student of life and have a thorough love of learning and experience and so I have seen and learned a great deal in my relatively short time. Since I was a child and to this day i have studied History, Philosophy, Religion, Martial arts, Biology, Genetics, Husbandry, Botany and everything that makes the universe groove...
Naturally a person with such curiosity found intoxication at a young age and was fascinated. Never in a "Yeah man let's get f*cked up!" kind of way, But I have smoked cannabis EVERY day bar about 20 for nearly 20 yrs. I do not drink, as I find it too toxic and phisically taxing, for little (spiritual?) return. I do however loooove the odd visit to shroomland, have enjoyed many an RC, MDMA, Cocaine, basically I have tried most things I could find to experience in my life. Notable exceptions being PCP, Heroine, Methamphetamine, basically most things I've seen destroy lives (could inlude booze too).
Having mellowed in my "old age," I find it important to respect the drugs I'm taking and respect my own body, so I don't tend to trip too hard too often but there is much in those other realms I am yet to explore. As such I keep a few gems close, like my SallyD, HBWR and Mimosa Hostilis, living alongside my foodcrops and things I grow only to preserve their rare genetics.
I am busy in my day to day life but I will be endevouring to spend a little time here learning and perhaps even help others, though I think I will have a lot of reading to do before I know my way around well enough and have something to say, I will be here soaking it all in!
Peace all and thanks for having me!
Miyagi San
"Today is victory over yourself of yesterday, tomorrow is victory over others."MM