Hello all
I am brand new to the nexus, thanks to a friend that directed me here.
I met a the dmt spirit for a slit second on spice and would like to make a nice brew of rue and mimosa to fully meet this spirit.
I plan on using this recipe, the first one on the page...
http://www.erowid.org/chemicals...ca/ayahuasca_info1.shtmlI wanted some opinions on the recipe.. advice, anything
Right now I think my only questions are, Is 8 grams of powdered mimosa good for this recipe or it talking about starting with shredded mimosa, is there any difference? All I have is powdered.
And, how much water and lemon juice should I use to start with?
then finally we opened the box
we couldn't find any rules
our heads were reeling with the glitter of possibilities, contingencies...