Im still astounded at my experience with dmt and addiction. I shot heroin on the street for 20 years. you can safely say I had addiction issues. I have had 4 dmt experiences so far, all self administered experiments. The first trip was an ego death- rebirth experience. the second aroused my kundalini (more on that inna bit) and healed me physically. When I came down and looked in the mirror, mt body had literally rearranged itself to the full manifestation of my current potential. Think I'm lying? Ok good. The third didnt quite do enough out of fear- killed fear. reading about this contact phenomena, I wanted to see what the heck that was about and IMed a huge dose- instant release, an eternal unfolding of absolute, through AUM, unified with Kali, "I" died died died! Oh man, my body poured colored light throughout the entire universe, in Samad-He. I remained there for a while, the kindom shimmering below me, the vault of heaven above, oh yes virginia, there IS an everloving God! Ah, healed, freedom , the true name of God is.... Thank You!
Anyway, I walked off methadone, wait a minute, did he say... yes, my friends, healed. Yes.
oh, yeah, sorry, I was lost there in reverie remembrance.. the kundalini thing, I had been only peripherally familiar with the concept, but after my experience, recalled reading about it as a teen being described as something akin to what I'd exp'd. So I went and read up on it and everything I read corresponded, or I knew it was written by someone who had no actual knowledge. Thats an actual "side effect" of an K-awakening, the ability to call spiritual B.S. and recognize truth. Whatever. I dont want to get into a long diatribe describing everything I saw, or heard or spoke, only the result is important.
I want to mention something regarding contact.
There was point after the unification with God, or whatever name you want to give it ( please dont get lost in dogma semantics), where I did go through an immense, literally life-threatening "crisis". As I was returing, something tapped my left shoulder. (astral, man, astral.) It was not some alien, or bug, it was what religions have called the devil, and the name he gave me was Sat-an. I had realized that I AM and that all of creation is merely the result of God having an "identity crisis". That I as a man, stand between heaven and earth, death to my right and the devil to my left. But do I remain "faithful" t5o the Lord, or take this power, resuscitate and secure my ego to it and go back to the kingdom with my "boon"? Oh man, we can do bad things, people, but we can also secure life through Love. It was basically the existential argument of ALL time! Anyway, it was pretty intense, and it is the will, freed of the ego that pulled me through. Thank You, You are my father, I AM, thy son.
I know this sounds really f-ed up, but the end result is the end result people, and I now know how to love, which is where my karma lay. It flowed like water from the base of my spine, free. I AM FREE!
I'm a magician now and I've put down my wand.
And no the irony of using a syringe to cure a life-long heroin addiction is not lost on me. In NA circles they call that kind of behavior insanity. Ha ha ha. To paraphrase I. Regardie, god bless his Soul, if this is insanity, then I propose a good reason for the cultivation of madness!
And as a warning, because it'd be irresponsible of me to not include one, do not expect a substance to heal or cure you, especially of psych conditions. I did ALOT of prep- for 365 days, literally, to get here. But the staff of Hermes is the physicians symbol. Hmmm...