Interesting post. I have now seen quite a few posts that were themed like this. I think the core thing here, beyond all others, is perception.
For you, you perceived it as if they were "tearing" you apart. Maybe eating you alive. You, however, were the reason the trip escalated into that situation. Now, don't take offense, because I am 100% sure you didn't intend for the trip to go like that... However, I would bet that as you started to progress into the trip, you probably at some time, probably even very faintly, envisioned these external beings as negative/evil/whatever and/or that they would eat/tear/destroy you. I'm not saying I am 100% on this, but I can definitely see how ones perception can skew the experience into something it's not (though, like I am saying, I might be wrong).
The reason I say this, in particular, is because while I have had similar experiences, they were on the flip side of negative. My experiences, while being torn apart, ripped open, and having my organs and brain shifted around was at the time perceived as a "healing" experience. You see, when they reached into my body and pulled out slivers of my brain, shifted internal organs around and what appeared to be them entering through my mouth was entirely perceived as a healing experience. And because so, the energy I took back from the trip was amazing, healing and overall a beautiful experience.
Now, looking back at that experience, I could of easily, and I mean EASILY taken it as a bad experience, and could have definitely seen it in a dark light. In fact, towards the end of the experience, there were so many beings fucking with my body that I did start to get a little freaked out. I even thought, what if this is spiritual possession, but I ceased that thought but it didn't matter because the trip was pretty much over at that point anyways.
So, I have a HUGE interest in this types of stuff because I am trying to make sense of not only my experiences but all of our experiences in a whole. I believe that how we perceive the trip to be plays a big part in how we internally judge weather what is about to happen will be something good, or something bad. I have a strong feeling that if at the beginning of the trip I would of thought it to be something negative, and I had all those being doing shit to my body (things I could definitely physically feel) then I might have taken it in an entirely different way.
I hope this makes sense, would love to hear what your thought on this are. I wouldn't worry too much about having negative trips though, unless you are worried, in which case your trips will probably be bad