I am rather new to the Nexus but have been here enough to realize and appreciate there seems to be a great lot more to the forum than what led me here in he first place.
To introduce myself I´d like to mention I were a great fan of logic, rationale and something along the lines of "the scientific method". Then came an experience about a year and a half ago which changed everything. Without going into greater detail on that, it had to do with me doing things in my own mind that had an immidiate effect inside the mind of a friend at the occasion.
I had of course had great insights and whatnot from previous experiences, but there is always the chance it was nothing more than one great mindfuck.
The implications of me being able to enter my friends mind, not only as an experience in my own mind but having her react to it at the same moment as I manouvered about in hyper-reality, well, it shed new light on everything.
From that moment on I supposse I have been a tad secretely obsessive with the idea of finding a way to travel on, use or experience the dimensions that must exist above the three spatial dimensions. On this following journey I have also come to realize the greatest challenge this far is not reaching these realms every now and then, nor is it what to make of some really profound insights etc. The hardest part to me, as to give the whole endeavour any deeper meaning than being a commodity, a luxury allowed to experience when having this makeup we have or as a little trinket to save in the experience vault, it is to put it into practical use.
At first I was a little too eager to share my profound and mystical as well as existential learnings and insights, all with the best of intentions. "We are all one, it is really true because this and that...", "hey, the universe is really just a vast field of energy with lumps of higher density here and there", "If you think about it, nothing has an intrinsic value, you are the one giving things value and thus you are free to choose the value of anything...".. and so on. You know.
Fortunately it did not take all too long before I came to another insight and stopped pestering my surroundings with my revelations.
Very very basically I came to realize that the best I can do with my suppossed learnings is to live by them. If they were true, then it would show through my actions and whatever might come out of them.
Simply put, be the best you can be. Try to identify the flow and movement of energy around you/me and try to work in harmony with any positive direction and amplify it.
(I cant really speak for people affected by my actions, but on a personal level, it has really paid off, it is as if any energy I put in eventually bounces back twofold)
Since then there have been ups and downs, my spiritual journey collided with love for and from another person and a rather dull work experience, both of which gave a lot of food for my ego in their own respective ways. Maaan is it challenging to fight off the fear of loosing the warmth of that undescribebly wonderful person whilst maintaining a state of emotional detachment to the stuff of the world. Biology - Deranger, 1-0.
At this moment in time I am not entirely sure of what my aim is or what I want, except for the usual knowing of the inner self, balance, inner peace and whatnot.
What I do know is that I have been granted the fortune of having some very enrichening experiences. I do know that a great lot of people have not had these and I am actively working and plotting to change the latter, all in good time, step by step. Now, I am not implying that everyone should or could have MY experiences, I wish for them to be able to have their own, that is all. The point here being raising overall awareness, creating true freedom of mind and with that the collective evolution of our minds and with that the evolution of our species, and with that, hopefully steering towards a better world. Grandeur? Perhaps so...
On a personal level, which I think goes for everyone, a better world is achieved if everyone outputs more energy than they consume. For this instance I am looking at energy as units of basically anything that can be consumed and that can be produced, be it love, food, arts or whatever. To be a human being grants incredible ability to actually manufacture stuff that uptil that moment did not exist. Who can do that? Gods? My companion in life would of course point out, based on a discussion we had, that we cannot actually create, we may merely assemble existing matter into new forms or perhaps share to others our discovery of things previously unnotised, but we cannot create things out of thin air, so to speak, suppossing air is nothing.
Almost forgot, I´d love to share my dabble in the field of music, speaking of the ambition to give something to the world. Except becoming better, I also wish/need to learn to finnish any of the music I compose.
http://soundcloud.com/kriss-recoded/where-nexthttp://soundcloud.com/kriss-recoded/laikahttp://soundcloud.com/kr...ll-the-time-in-the-worldhttp://soundcloud.com/kriss-recoded/hopeSince this is the Nexus I could not but help myself from posting my feeble attempt to recreate the music that came to me when I was introduced to DMT whilst a couple of hours down an acid trip. When I try to describe it the closest I can get is it was as if everything can be experienced by any given sensory path, and when experiencing the trees, the world, everything, it came as music. First I was sucked in by, well the distant echo of my inhalation/3rd toke, a long swooshing sound followed by a gentle, slightly pulsating mid-frequency range humming that lay like a carpet upon which every continuing melody that appeared trod upon. Playful musical box melodies filled everything, many different at the same time at different distances changing and above all with the sense of constantly accelerating tempo. The world was music, and for my minds eye I could faintly perceive silhouettes of humanoid characters holding hands, dancing round and around in a circle around me. And then of course a whole lot more, like those eyes exploding, tearing wholes in the skye looking down at me.. and so on and so on.
http://soundcloud.com/kr...f-machinery-snippet-from Hm, now I dont know were I am going with this presentation anymore. Should have gone to bed a long time ago.
SWIM has recently received a bag of powdered mimosa and with spectacular coincidence a friend of SWIM, who happens to be familiar with the fine arts of putting the bark to use, is soon moving in from very far and away, so I´ll probably drop a line or to if/when I get word of anything interesting that may or may not come out of that.
By the way, stop eating the animals.
Make love, not law.