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First breakthrough (150mg DMT + 250mg Jungle Spice). 11/11/11 Options
#1 Posted : 11/13/2011 9:49:31 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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SWIM has been seeking a breakthrough on orally active DMT for a while now. On his fifth attempt, he found the experience he was looking for, perhaps quite a bit more. SWIM considers this experience to be one of the most significant of his life and will attempt to relay as much about it as possible, but he'd first like to provide a bit of background on the events that led to the experience.

SWIM had been planning to dose pharmahuasca on 11/11/11 for some time. Not only did the date seem novel to him, but he had off work and his daughter would be at school. He had made jello shots for both himself and his significant other, two jello shots containing around 250mgs of harmalas a piece and two containing about 150mgs of yellow, waxy DMT which had been pulled with naphtha. On 11/9/11, SWIM received what he thought of as a sign. Upon arrival home from work, SWIM noticed a fantastic citrusy scent. He asked his SO what the smell was and she informed him that she had purchased a new air freshener. The scent smelled very much of d-limonene, which SWIM had been seeking for some time to extract the "Jungle Spice" from his basified sludge left over from a previous extraction. SWIM checked the label of the air freshener and was absolutely delighted to find that it contained solely d-limonene. With a little bit of convincing, SWIM's SO reluctantly let him use about 3 ounces of the d-limonene to extract this dark spice that he had read so much about. SWIM can't say enough good things about d-limonene as a solvent. Not only does it seem to extract a nearly full spectrum of alkaloids from the MHRB, but it's perfectly safe to have around the house (as opposed to Xylene or Toluene), it's non-toxic, leaves the house smelling fantastic as it evaporates, and if it doesn't get fully evaporated, it's no big deal. SWIM wanted to leave nothing up to chance this time around. In the past, SWIM believed that perhaps MAO inhibition was a limiting factor that prevented him from breaking through. SWIM had recently extracted a boat load of harmalas from some Syrian Rue he had procured at a Persian grocery store. To ensure that he was fully inhibited at the time of dosage, SWIM decided he was going to start taking the harmalas the night before to ensure that none of his DMT would be wasted. SWIM took his last bites of food prior to the trip at around 8:00 PM on 11/10/11, he had been making sure to strictly follow the MAOI diet for a few days prior, but SWIM is becoming less and less convinced this is really necessary for RIMAs.

After his dinner, SWIM began mentally preparing for the trip ahead. In retrospect, this was probably a very good idea. Whereas SWIM's past experiences with DMT were strictly recreational, he wisely allowed for the possibility that his next trip might be substantially different. At around 11:30 that night, SWIM dosed around 250mgs of harmine/harmaline. Shortly after, SWIM began feeling that pleasant harmala dreaminess and went to bed. SWIM's alarm went off at 6:00 and he excitedly went to the fridge to retrieve the harmala jello shots. SWIM still felt the nice glow that the harmalas from the night before provided, but SWIM didn't want to leave anything up to chance. SWIM and his SO both took the harmala jello (which, SWIM should mention, contained a bit more than 200mgs of harmine/harmaline extracted from rue as well as about 40mgs of THH freebase per dose). At a bit after 7, both SWIM and his SO were definitely feeling the sedation of the harmalas, so they each took their DMT jello shots. The effects seemed to come on much more quickly this time around, something that SWIM attributes to having fully inhibited MAO prior to the experience. By around 9, SWIM had a very nice body high and his vision had become very sharp. SWIM had experienced this "hyper vision", as he calls it, on smoked DMT before, but it was neat to experience it for extended periods of time, though it wasn't nearly as intense as with his smoked experience. At this point, SWIM made a comment to his SO that seems a bit like foreshadowing in retrospect: "You know, every time I do DMT, I enjoy it, but I'm left disappointed." You see, SWIM was not seeking a recreational drug with DMT. From what he had read of it, he thought that it could provide him with an experience that could maybe answer some of the questions he's long had about life. At about 9:30, the effects weren't really building or changing, so SWIM turned to his SO and said "You know, I think I'm gonna try some of that Jungle Spice." The solvent had pretty much evaporated completely, but it still had a wonderful citrus scent to it. SWIM was left with bout 800mgs of beautiful, amber goo. SWIM took about 100mgs of this Jungle Spice, washed it down with some fresh ginger and lemon and waited for it to kick in. At around 10, SWIM didn't really feel the Jungle Spice at all. SWIM foolishly thought to himself "Huh. This jungle spice doesn't seem all that powerful, what are people getting so worked up about?" With a combination of arrogance as well as the strong desire to break through this time around, SWIM took another approximately 150mgs of Jungle Spice and washed it down with some ginger/lemonade. About 5 minutes later, SWIM's incredibly intense voyage would begin...

At this point, SWIM was incredibly excited, yet scared as well. SWIM forgot to remain humble while dealing with this drug and clearly did not wait long enough before redosing. To recap, SWIM had now consumed ~150 mgs of yellow, waxy DMT and ~250 mgs of the mysterious jungle spice. The Jungle Spice seemed to be imparting an ENTIRELY different nature to the trip. Although SWIM can't be certain that it wasn't simply the increased dose of DMT that was causing these entirely different effects, he believes that the jungle spice is not only more potent, but also provides a far different effect from the standard yellow DMT. The trip began with ecstasy. SWIM quickly realized that he was able to see/think/travel in incredible new ways. SWIM noticed how incredibly inefficient it was to travel with his legs considering that he could travel with his mind almost anywhere instantaneously. As amazing as his newfound abilities were, SWIM realized that the feelings and abilities he was experiencing were totally familiar to him, he experiences this every night during REM sleep. SWIM realized that he was having a waking dream and he could pretty much do whatever he wanted within the confines of his mind. He thought it was absolutely essential that he remembers how he feels right now because life would be so much easier if he were simply able to replicate this dream-like state in real life. He could experience flight in his mind while simultaneously being very aware of his normal, pedestrian body back in the real world. SWIM was incredibly excited to play around with his new abilities and his body became awashed in love due to it. SWIM told his SO how much he loved her MANY, MANY times. SWIM knew that his SO would be helping him through this insanely intense experience and he was VERY glad that she was there for him at this point. As SWIM began to get more familiar with the state he was in, he realized that his consciousness was slowly disconnecting from his body. At this point, he realized that he could travel WITHIN his own mind. SWIM now likens this portion of the experience to the movie "Inception". Time dilation was becoming very noticeable at this point and SWIM quickly figured that the deeper he went into his own subconscious, the more time would dilate in the "real" world. This effect was so severe that by the time SWIM reached the deepest level of his subconscious, time in the "real" world seemed to have stopped completely. This began the most terrifying portion of SWIM's trip, in fact, it was the most terrified SWIM had ever been under the influence of a psychedelic. Whereas SWIM was pretty much playing around with his new abilities, he didn't realize how quickly it could turn around on him. When SWIM was filled with bliss from the awe of his experience, time seemed to fly. However, there were probably three separate occasions where SWIM would have personal, negative thoughts enter his head and echo intensely. When this happened, SWIM was filled with utter dread and terror. During these terrifying experiences, (which probably only lasted a few seconds in the “real” world), it felt like SWIM were stuck in a mental institution with only an intensely negative thought to keep him company, loudly repeating its message and making sure that SWIM could only focus on it. SWIM was aware enough at this point to realize that this state wouldn't last forever and quickly began escaping from this awful asylum. While SWIM had only been traveling within his own mind up until this point, he decided now would be a good time to see if he could travel the material universe as well. Within seconds, SWIM found himself blasted into outer space. He appeared to arrive at distant planets almost randomly. Even though he made the decision to leave his world, it was like a tour guide was with him intent on showing him incredible sights. As he arrived at these foreign lands, SWIM did his best not to succumb to amazement and instead tried his best to note details of these fantastic alien lands. Unfortunately, SWIM can't recall much about these lands other than the fact that they were achingly beautiful and he viewed them with impossible detail. SWIM couldn't help but liken this portion of the trip to Dr. Arroway's alien experience in the movie/book “Contact”. After planet hopping for a while, SWIM began the most intense, amazing and fantastical portion of his trip.

While SWIM had been able to largely control his experience up until this point, the trip had now gone into auto-pilot mode. SWIM was now being propelled at the speed of light (perhaps faster?) into the center of the universe (SWIM didn't really have a frame of reference for his location, it just seemed that that's where he was). Once SWIM reached his destination, he was able to catch his breath and appreciate the stunning beauty of the space around him. SWIM once again was reminded of “Contact”. He wanted more than anything to be able to describe the beauty around him, but words simply failed. SWIM would repeatedly think “Should have sent a poet”. SWIM had a feeling that something significant was about to happen and in the back of his head, SWIM semi-jokingly thought to his-self “This must be where I meet God.” Mere seconds after this thought, SWIM began to get bathed in what he can only describe as a spiritual light (it should be noted that SWIM is an agnostic and is not 100% convinced of an immortal soul.) Along with this spiritual light, SWIM began to feel the most intense ecstasy he had ever felt. Once again, words fail in describing this particular portion of the experience. One could not compare this sensation to MDMA as MDMA seems to impart bliss onto one's physical self, the sensation that SWIM was feeling came from his consciousness (soul?) being bathed in this incredible light. That, and the unrestrained bliss that this experience caused made MDMA look like a really sad joke. At this point, SWIM felt that he was in the presence of a much higher power, SWIM was not reluctant to believe that it was God. This presence did not have a true avatar, so to speak, but just appeared as a distant star within SWIM's field of vision. Within seconds of this presence making itself known, SWIM began receiving communications from it. This was not a typical conversation one would have. Rather, it was like a dam had been opened which was holding the collective knowledge of the history of the universe. Information was being sent to me from this presence at incredible speeds. This was the most intense experience of SWIM's life. Information was flowing into SWIM with such an incredible force that SWIM had to use his mouth as a relief valve of sorts. In the real world, SWIM now began babbling incoherently for the next ~90 minutes as SWIM's consciousness had a conversation with God. While SWIM was having this conversation, he became utterly convinced that there was an afterlife and his own soul was eternal. Words are wholly inadequate to describe this 90 minute encounter. The knowledge imparted to SWIM (which he's currently trying to recall and piece together) was so amazing and mind-blowing that SWIM nearly vomited after the encounter simply from the intensity of it all. SWIM recalls telling his SO that he experienced a spiritual awakening at this point. He was utterly convinced of an afterlife and shortly after remarked to his SO “How can I possibly go back to being an agnostic now?” Now SWIM simply had to bask in the afterglow of this amazing experience. However, this conversation was so utterly amazing and indescribable, the mere afterglow of it was far more intense than just about anything else he had experienced. SWIM was so overcome with emotion at this point that his face had almost become frozen into a big, goofy, joker-like smile. SWIM's face remained like this for about a half hour. So SWIM's SO had just witnessed 90 minutes of SWIM babbling totally incoherently followed by another 30 of him being unable to talk and with a huge, goofy face and mouth agape. She was, understandably, quite freaked out by this, but SWIM was beginning to regain her senses at this point and could allay her fears to an extent.

When all was said and done, SWIM was rather proud of himself for handling the experience as well as he did. There were times when it seemed like things could have gone horribly wrong, but he thinks he was able to keep things from getting out of hand. SWIM did his best, but he doesn't think that words are capable of adequately describing the experience. SWIM was only capable of putting maybe 20% of the trip into words, the rest was just far too weird to describe. It was definitely the most intense trip of his life, in the future he'll show a good deal more respect for the jungle spice. However, it was also the most rewarding and amazing trip of his life. SWIM still considers himself to be an agnostic, but is more likely to believe in an immortal soul now. SWIM guesses he's gone from ~50% to an ~80% certainty in an immortal soul. However, he can't really describe how he came to that conclusion. The communications he received from that higher presence were incredible at the time and convinced him beyond certainty, but now that he's had time to take the experience in, he's still not entirely sure what he learned during those 90 minutes. SWIM is looking forward to trying a smaller dose of Jungle Spice in the future to see if he's capable of absorbing more of the message next time around.

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 11/14/2011 12:03:02 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Very happy just in short words,

a trip report that i enjoyed a lot!
i was already looking forward and awaiting happily and curious trip reports from the 11.11.11..
the part where the scene of the inner experience got compared with the outcome to the 'real' world i liked a lot,
due to that is one of the main fears SWIM is personally going through considering tripping hard with others around.
Great that this guys' SO was with him, and your illustrative narration made me for a good laugh, too..
thanks for sharing!
#3 Posted : 11/14/2011 1:25:38 AM
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pandelis wrote:
Very happy just in short words,

a trip report that i enjoyed a lot!
i was already looking forward and awaiting happily and curious trip reports from the 11.11.11..
the part where the scene of the inner experience got compared with the outcome to the 'real' world i liked a lot,
due to that is one of the main fears SWIM is personally going through considering tripping hard with others around.
Great that this guys' SO was with him, and your illustrative narration made me for a good laugh, too..
thanks for sharing!

Thanks for the comment, Pandelis. SWIM is still trying to make sense of everything that happened. Apparently 2 days wasn't enough to put everything together. SWIM has spoken with his SO and realized he's got a few of the time details wrong. But yes, it's a good idea to only do orally active DMT with people you're very familiar with and who will be a positive force of guidance throughout the experience. I'd also suggest doing a much smaller dose than SWIM did, unless one is a very experienced psychonaut (with a good amount of experience with oral DMT). SWIM doesn't regret the experience at all (he still feels the afterglow from the experience and expects it will stay with him for quite some time), but it got extremely scary for him for a while. We wish you the best in your upcoming experience.
#4 Posted : 11/14/2011 1:33:38 AM

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if that ever happens, but SWIM might do so, and thus appreciates! =)

take your time to let it settle. the remainings will appear more calm and maybe clearer, at least in some aspects, within a while.

best wishes to SWIM and his SO, too !
Sky Motion
#5 Posted : 11/14/2011 4:37:54 AM


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Should be in the first steps in hyperspace section?

Correct me if I'm wrong!

Awesome report, glad you got to breakthrough Smile
#6 Posted : 11/14/2011 7:41:33 AM

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SomewhatLost wrote:

While SWIM had been able to largely control his experience up until this point, the trip had now gone into auto-pilot mode. SWIM was now being propelled at the speed of light (perhaps faster?) into the center of the universe (SWIM didn't really have a frame of reference for his location, it just seemed that that's where he was). Once SWIM reached his destination, he was able to catch his breath and appreciate the stunning beauty of the space around him. SWIM once again was reminded of “Contact”. He wanted more than anything to be able to describe the beauty around him, but words simply failed. SWIM would repeatedly think “Should have sent a poet”. SWIM had a feeling that something significant was about to happen and in the back of his head, SWIM semi-jokingly thought to his-self “This must be where I meet God.” Mere seconds after this thought, SWIM began to get bathed in what he can only describe as a spiritual light (it should be noted that SWIM is an agnostic and is not 100% convinced of an immortal soul.) Along with this spiritual light, SWIM began to feel the most intense ecstasy he had ever felt. Once again, words fail in describing this particular portion of the experience. One could not compare this sensation to MDMA as MDMA seems to impart bliss onto one's physical self, the sensation that SWIM was feeling came from his consciousness (soul?) being bathed in this incredible light. That, and the unrestrained bliss that this experience caused made MDMA look like a really sad joke. At this point, SWIM felt that he was in the presence of a much higher power, SWIM was not reluctant to believe that it was God. This presence did not have a true avatar, so to speak, but just appeared as a distant star within SWIM's field of vision. Within seconds of this presence making itself known, SWIM began receiving communications from it. This was not a typical conversation one would have. Rather, it was like a dam had been opened which was holding the collective knowledge of the history of the universe. Information was being sent to me from this presence at incredible speeds. This was the most intense experience of SWIM's life. Information was flowing into SWIM with such an incredible force that SWIM had to use his mouth as a relief valve of sorts. In the real world, SWIM now began babbling incoherently for the next ~90 minutes as SWIM's consciousness had a conversation with God. While SWIM was having this conversation, he became utterly convinced that there was an afterlife and his own soul was eternal. Words are wholly inadequate to describe this 90 minute encounter. The knowledge imparted to SWIM (which he's currently trying to recall and piece together) was so amazing and mind-blowing that SWIM nearly vomited after the encounter simply from the intensity of it all. SWIM recalls telling his SO that he experienced a spiritual awakening at this point. He was utterly convinced of an afterlife and shortly after remarked to his SO “How can I possibly go back to being an agnostic now?” Now SWIM simply had to bask in the afterglow of this amazing experience. However, this conversation was so utterly amazing and indescribable, the mere afterglow of it was far more intense than just about anything else he had experienced. SWIM was so overcome with emotion at this point that his face had almost become frozen into a big, goofy, joker-like smile. SWIM's face remained like this for about a half hour. So SWIM's SO had just witnessed 90 minutes of SWIM babbling totally incoherently followed by another 30 of him being unable to talk and with a huge, goofy face and mouth agape. She was, understandably, quite freaked out by this, but SWIM was beginning to regain her senses at this point and could allay her fears to an extent.

I can really relate to this paragraph. On one of my ayahuasca experiences after thoroughly purging, I decided to smoke some DMT. It's what I referred to as my "black tar DMT" cause it was made from retrieving DMT-condensate with other pyrolized fats/DMT that gave the crystals a dark black/brown color. They were unarguably more potent than pure DMT by weight, though why I wouldn't know. Anyway I ended up having a white light experience where I had an encounter with God, and like you said, it made MDMA look like a joke. The euphoria was like 10x MDMA at its peak, and even though it seemed like I was traveling at the speed of light during the experience, it was the afterglow where I really started going crazy with bliss. I was just shouting, screaming, crying. I was just overflowing with joy and it was just merciless; it felt like it would never end, and the afterglow itself did last long like 45 minutes. It was easily hands down the best day of my life so far, and it would be damned hard to top, but I think that it's well within the realm of possibility Wink
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#7 Posted : 11/14/2011 7:25:48 PM
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Global wrote:
SomewhatLost wrote:

While SWIM had been able to largely control his experience up until this point, the trip had now gone into auto-pilot mode. SWIM was now being propelled at the speed of light (perhaps faster?) into the center of the universe (SWIM didn't really have a frame of reference for his location, it just seemed that that's where he was). Once SWIM reached his destination, he was able to catch his breath and appreciate the stunning beauty of the space around him. SWIM once again was reminded of “Contact”. He wanted more than anything to be able to describe the beauty around him, but words simply failed. SWIM would repeatedly think “Should have sent a poet”. SWIM had a feeling that something significant was about to happen and in the back of his head, SWIM semi-jokingly thought to his-self “This must be where I meet God.” Mere seconds after this thought, SWIM began to get bathed in what he can only describe as a spiritual light (it should be noted that SWIM is an agnostic and is not 100% convinced of an immortal soul.) Along with this spiritual light, SWIM began to feel the most intense ecstasy he had ever felt. Once again, words fail in describing this particular portion of the experience. One could not compare this sensation to MDMA as MDMA seems to impart bliss onto one's physical self, the sensation that SWIM was feeling came from his consciousness (soul?) being bathed in this incredible light. That, and the unrestrained bliss that this experience caused made MDMA look like a really sad joke. At this point, SWIM felt that he was in the presence of a much higher power, SWIM was not reluctant to believe that it was God. This presence did not have a true avatar, so to speak, but just appeared as a distant star within SWIM's field of vision. Within seconds of this presence making itself known, SWIM began receiving communications from it. This was not a typical conversation one would have. Rather, it was like a dam had been opened which was holding the collective knowledge of the history of the universe. Information was being sent to me from this presence at incredible speeds. This was the most intense experience of SWIM's life. Information was flowing into SWIM with such an incredible force that SWIM had to use his mouth as a relief valve of sorts. In the real world, SWIM now began babbling incoherently for the next ~90 minutes as SWIM's consciousness had a conversation with God. While SWIM was having this conversation, he became utterly convinced that there was an afterlife and his own soul was eternal. Words are wholly inadequate to describe this 90 minute encounter. The knowledge imparted to SWIM (which he's currently trying to recall and piece together) was so amazing and mind-blowing that SWIM nearly vomited after the encounter simply from the intensity of it all. SWIM recalls telling his SO that he experienced a spiritual awakening at this point. He was utterly convinced of an afterlife and shortly after remarked to his SO “How can I possibly go back to being an agnostic now?” Now SWIM simply had to bask in the afterglow of this amazing experience. However, this conversation was so utterly amazing and indescribable, the mere afterglow of it was far more intense than just about anything else he had experienced. SWIM was so overcome with emotion at this point that his face had almost become frozen into a big, goofy, joker-like smile. SWIM's face remained like this for about a half hour. So SWIM's SO had just witnessed 90 minutes of SWIM babbling totally incoherently followed by another 30 of him being unable to talk and with a huge, goofy face and mouth agape. She was, understandably, quite freaked out by this, but SWIM was beginning to regain her senses at this point and could allay her fears to an extent.

I can really relate to this paragraph. On one of my ayahuasca experiences after thoroughly purging, I decided to smoke some DMT. It's what I referred to as my "black tar DMT" cause it was made from retrieving DMT-condensate with other pyrolized fats/DMT that gave the crystals a dark black/brown color. They were unarguably more potent than pure DMT by weight, though why I wouldn't know. Anyway I ended up having a white light experience where I had an encounter with God, and like you said, it made MDMA look like a joke. The euphoria was like 10x MDMA at its peak, and even though it seemed like I was traveling at the speed of light during the experience, it was the afterglow where I really started going crazy with bliss. I was just shouting, screaming, crying. I was just overflowing with joy and it was just merciless; it felt like it would never end, and the afterglow itself did last long like 45 minutes. It was easily hands down the best day of my life so far, and it would be damned hard to top, but I think that it's well within the realm of possibility Wink

Yes, this full spectrum spice truly is powerful stuff. I have to say that I didn't fully appreciate and respect DMT until my experience with it. I'd very much like to know more about it. And I'm glad you've experienced that euphoria too. I REALLY appreciate this forum because I need to talk about the experience and discuss it with others. I'm completely unable to just keep this inside of me.
#8 Posted : 11/14/2011 9:18:29 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Sky Motion wrote:
Should be in the first steps in hyperspace section?

Correct me if I'm wrong!

Awesome report, glad you got to breakthrough Smile

Thanks. I tried posting this elsewhere, but I could only find the post button in open discussion. Perhaps my brain is still recovering. I'll be perusing that section shortly. I'm very much interested in the experiences of others.
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