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Hello Nexus! And huge yield question Options
#1 Posted : 11/12/2011 5:42:49 PM
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Hi Nexus! I'm Luuk (pronounced Luke in english), and new here.
Let me start by saying this is a truly amazing source of (scientific) knowlegde and experience. There are some amazing sites on psychedelics, but when it comes to DMT this one really takes the cake.
I've had experience with psychedelics for some years now. Mushrooms, lsd, 2-cb, salvia but DMT has always sparked my interest in a huge way. This year this fictional character I made up ordered some mimosa bark, and last week he made and smoked some DMT. I loved it instantly, it is the mother of psychedelics. Previously I found mushrooms the only real teacher. I loved LSD and 2-cb, but to me they are more recreational. They are absolutely awesome to do, but I do not learn as much from them as I do from shrooms. DMT does have this learning quality, and is an epic experience.

This fictional character had a huge yield, 4,9 grams of 200 g of mimosa bark. Could someone let his/her light shine on how pure this is? Im going to recristallize with n-heptane but this seems like an abnormally huge yield anyway.
A friend of mine was stupid enough to spill 800 milligrams on the ground and my imaginary friend smoked like 200 mg so this is a little bis less.
Luuk attached the following image(s):
12112011269.jpg (1,764kb) downloaded 278 time(s).

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#2 Posted : 11/12/2011 8:50:55 PM

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Hi ,
not being one to accuse you of exagerating but with 2.45% yield, you might want to check your scales, your tek, or try weighing it without including the tin.
Folks here might find it difficult to believe your imaginary friend who "smoked" 200mg. It's usually vaporised and anything between 15-50mg will leave a lasting impression.


#3 Posted : 11/12/2011 9:09:45 PM

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Honestly that looks like a reasonably pure yield! Just from the sheer weight of it I'd question whether or not you got any impurities from the extraction- what was your method/ materials? Also its definitely worth calibrating your scales against a known weight so you can rule out the possibility of error there.
Bare in mind also, that some of that weight is going to be plant fats, so its definitely worth re-X to ascertain your actual yield.
Either way, if you've smoked it and it works then I suppose you've got nothing to worry about Razz
#4 Posted : 11/12/2011 9:16:39 PM

ThGiL fO TiRipS

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wow that would be a very nice yield but by looking at that dirty scale I would not trust it Smile

how about give it some cleaning and calibrating and than try it again Pleased

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#5 Posted : 11/12/2011 9:43:20 PM
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arcanum wrote:
Hi ,
not being one to accuse you of exagerating but with 2.45% yield, you might want to check your scales, your tek, or try weighing it without including the tin.
Folks here might find it difficult to believe your imaginary friend who "smoked" 200mg. It's usually vaporised and anything between 15-50mg will leave a lasting impression.


Wel I haven't smoked 200 mg at once of course. SWIM (everything I say from now on is pure fiction) first smoked some doses of 10/15 mg with some friends to try it's effects out. Then I vaporized 30 mg through my volcano and had a (mild, I guess, with eyes open I could still see my deformed room) breakthrough. This certainly left a lasting impression. I was explaining the lost gram, that's why I said 200 mg. In the spilling accident I weighed the DMT just before and just after, so the lost 800 mg are accounted for too.

I am fully aware of the fact that DMT is vaporized, but to me vaporizing is done with a vaporizer and it's called 'smoking a bong'. I do know that DMT cristals are vaporized.

I was amazed by my results too, but I followed Noman's tek quite closely. I used 200 grams,on an accurate scale, of MHRB from Adenium.
I weighed my DMT numerous times on my 0.001 and my 0.01 scale so I am very sure of this.
Because of these large yields I asked for an expert's opinion on the purity.
There are obviously some yellow impurities present but the stuff is plenty potent! 10 to 15 milligram gives me strong OEV's, comparable to 4/5 grams of shrooms. 30 mg was a breakthrough, unless you don't call it that when you can still open your eyes if you want, offcourse it's possible to take it further.
I have no reason to lie or exaggerate, I'm just wondering if more people have these yields, maybe some other people who ordered from Adenium around may/june? I am very content with this bark and the fact that I still have some more to goSmile
#6 Posted : 11/12/2011 9:56:59 PM

ThGiL fO TiRipS

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The spice looks ok to me its not pure but perfectly ok. If you got the numbers correct then this is probably a record here. Congratulation man Smile

But still show the spice some respect and clean that scale Very happy
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#7 Posted : 11/12/2011 10:06:25 PM
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I did 4 pulls, and the last one yielded 600 mg. Might even have gotten some moreSmile
Adenium people!
Yeah usually I weigh it on my DMT scaleVery happy, 0.001 gram precision, but this was 4 grams so it's just as accurate on a 0.01 scale.

I'll confirm these reports after extraction of the rest of my bark, and further purification with heptane.
#8 Posted : 11/12/2011 10:55:18 PM

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Yea, your scale is dirty, like ur tin...DMT deserves moar respect!!...get those cleaning hands into action!!Laughing
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#9 Posted : 11/25/2011 8:48:57 AM
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Hey luuk we had the same thing with our latest Adenium batch (around June indeed).
Insane yields, and we lost some of it already with an accidental spilling of saturated naphta.

What i know is that adenium has better concentrated powder anyway by leaving out the fillers, and maybe they had a good time for growing resulting in high yielding plant material.
#10 Posted : 11/25/2011 1:46:25 PM

veni, vidi, spici

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just checked the Adenium site and they dont ship to the uk Sad

i was syked to get some of this potentialy turbo yielding bark to have an experiment with but i guess i live in the wrong place.

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#11 Posted : 11/28/2011 2:11:14 AM
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haxxorz, good to have these results repeated! I will try to order some bark from Adenium again soon, hope it's still that good.

3rdI, too bad, maybe through a friend on mainland europe?
#12 Posted : 11/28/2011 3:00:22 AM

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I think alot of the stuff out there is adenium. I know I have used several vendors and all had adenium bark.
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#13 Posted : 11/28/2011 5:33:14 AM


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Oh man! I found that vendor about 8 months ago and was like "Oh man! What great prices!". Up till then I had only been getting ripped off by "plantdyes", and said that my next MHRB purchase would be through them... only to promptly forget its existence!

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#14 Posted : 11/29/2011 4:13:10 AM

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I can confirm that Adenium has high quality MHRB powder!
Who is M.G.K.?
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#15 Posted : 11/29/2011 4:25:52 AM

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I just ordered some shipped to the US. He shipped it on the 24th. So I will see how long it takes. So far everything else was top notch. Fast service and reply. When it comes in I will update on how long it took.
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#16 Posted : 12/14/2011 8:37:50 AM

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I have the same scale. They come with a lifetime warranty. I've never had to re-calibrate my scale after dropping it a few times. Always is dead on when I throw the 50g weight on it. I just had a 2% yield myself and was kinda worried. I posted about it and people reassured me this happens quite often. My x-tals had just a hint of yellow in them, some were nice white/off white. I will be posting my full procedure once I find a way to upload.(But yeah always check your calibration, 200mg does seem quite high.)
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#17 Posted : 12/14/2011 8:41:16 AM

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M.G.K. wrote:
I can confirm that Adenium has high quality MHRB powder!

Sorry to double post. M.G.K. do you get 2% or higher yields?
I can think of nothing more important for the survival of our species and those we live with then for us all to have access to the psychedelic experience.
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