I found this forum by chance shortly after my first synthetic dmt experience (on this auspicious 11/11/11). I've researched it through the works of Dennis and Terence McKenna, Rick Strassman, Daniel Pinchbeck and others for many years but have only recently acquired it. This was the first entheogenic experience I've had for nearly ten years, but I did experiment with mushrooms, lsd and ayahuasca brew in the 90s. Since 2001 I've been mostly pre-occupied with relationships, work and political activism. It hasn't been a very good decade for progressives like myself and with the increases in earthquakes and other disasters as we approach 2012 I've been feeling apprehensive. However, I also feel that at a certain point some problems become their own solutions, nothing lasts forever and cyclical changes become inevitable. My intuition tells me we really are entering a period of major shifts (on multiple levels) and it seemed to be confirmed by what I experienced in the dmt dimension. From some of the posts it looks like others on this forum might be having similar feelings/experiences so I'd be interested in sharing and learning new ideas about it.