not sure if this has been posted yet:
The B.C. doctor who allowed a film crew to document his use of a traditional Amazonian tea to help drug addicts has been ordered to end the treatments.
Dr. Gabor Maté was using ayahuasca, which induces a trance that unlocks painful memories to help drug addicts end their addictive behaviour.
The active ingredients in the plant are restricted. Dr. Gabor Maté was using ayahuasca, which induces a trance that unlocks painful memories to help drug addicts. CBC
Since CBC News reported on Maté's work on Sunday, Health Canada has threatened him with criminal prosecution if he continues.
"Naturally I will have to comply with the regulations as I received them, and I intend to," Maté said.
"It's not a big personal loss for me because it's a small part of what I do. But it's a loss for the people who can benefit from this work and we have people whose life could be saved by it."
The full documentary on Maté's controversial treatment will be aired on The Nature of Things on Thursday at 8 p.m. ET. He will also be on CBC Radio's The Current on Thursday, which starts at 8:37 am. ET.'t describe how truly weak this is.