Hi everyone - I have a pretty big favour to ask.
1. I need to identify books published in the UK that detail extraction processes or syntheses for DMT. Academic textbooks are preferable but underground chemistry books (think Uncle Fester, etc.) are good too. Any type of information is good as long as it explains how to produce DMT (so something like Tihkal is fine as is a published version of Marsofold). If you don't know of any books specifically about DMT, other Class A drugs (e.g. mescaline) would be fine.
2. My second question is to ask you good people what, in your opinion, is the most thorough guidebook for cultivating cannabis. I'm thinking a detailed step-by-step guide complete with recommendations of equipment, seeds, etc. Your best recommendations for this will also be greatly appreciated.
Hope you can help. I thought if anywhere you guys will have this specialist knowledge