hello everyone.
I remember discovering a website sometime in 2008,
www.disassociative.org, i found it by accident, and i was very intrigued by it, at this stage i may not have even tried weed for the first time yet, let alone anything else, but this site had writings of hyperspace among other creative writings and pictures and stuff, most of which i cant remember.
i just thought of this website today as i have not visited it in over 2 years.
i tried to go to it again, even clicking the link in my bookmarks, but the page will not load so i assume it no longer exists, so this leads me to the purpose of this thread.
has anybody here heard of this website
www.disassociative.org? if so, does anybody know what happened to it?
any information you have will be appreciated.
thank you for your time.
my name, is nobody.
*Gantz Grof is a fictional character created as part of an interactive experimental hyperreal novel concept
Gantz Grof exists within "Meta-Novel" which you are currently reading, and therefore a part of.
As one critique of Meta-Novel said:
"if Meta-Novel is fiction, then what is reality?"
As nein critiques said:
"Genius" "Fresh" "the new IN!"
Meta-Novel draws its inspiration from the likes of Kaufman, Jarmusch and others, who coincidentally stole the idea from the creator of Gantz Grof and Meta-Novel.
Meta-Novel is all rights reserved, Once existing within Metaverse, one is owned and belongs to Meta-Novel itself, and therefore also the creator of Meta-Novel