Hello splendid travelers! I am honored to join you here. What you all have created here is magnificent and wonderful. You are a fantastic group of mature and intelligent people, and I look forward to joining and contributing to your(our) ranks. Please allow me to introduce myself.
I am a seeker of enlightenment, of knowledge and wisdom, and of truth. Psychedelics have been helpful in these pursuits, though only a part of them. I am quite fond of the teachings of Zen and Tibetan Buddhism. Meditation is a wonderful tool, I suggest any of you travelers unacquainted with it bring it into your repertoire. It has proved invaluable to me already. I seek gurus and sources of wisdom to learn from and gain in their knowledge, lest I suffer myself to gain it other ways. I know I will find many sources of wisdom on this site.
I am also a musician, writer, and an artist. For now I mainly compose various forms of electronica(usually dubstep. I plan to branch out into a variety of other forms of music, and also delve into painting, woodcraft, and sculpting. I currently lack the money to do most of that so for now I practice patience. My dream and goal as of now is to become a headline DJ at the Shambhala Music Festival one day
It's going to be great, I hope some of you are there when I do it.
I am also a Shaman in training. I have been laboriously attempting to heal myself mentally, spiritually, and physically for 2 years since I woke up and stopped being an automaton. I hope that I can master my craft and help guide others as well. Both through the realms of psychedelics as well as the troubles of the material world. I want to bring joy, health, and thriving existence to others to return the favors the universe has bestowed on me.
My experience is, for the time being, fairly limited. I've had only a handful of shroom trips, and a recent journey through ayahuasca and DMT. I plan to expand and partake of other experiences though in the future. I am but a novice in the world of psychedelics, but I have already gained greatly from their gifts.
I hope to join and contribute to the growth and evolution of this forum. Thanks for being awesome and making such a wonderful place!
If you have any questions let me know.
"We can build an ark of written words, and be resurrected, if the data is recorded."