DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 79 Joined: 05-Sep-2011 Last visit: 06-Mar-2012
Today in less than a hour and a half I planned to FINALLY have my first Aya. I have more than enough supplies. I just lost my sitter though. Do I need a sitter? Am I being overcautious? I've done mushrooms at least a couple times with no one home and it went pretty good despite some paranoia.

Posts: 4711 Joined: 10-Sep-2009 Last visit: 09-Mar-2025 Location: Rocky mountain high
It's very much a personal decision about how comfortable you are without a sitter, I personally like to fly solo. Don't forget you've got a whole community over in the nexus chat room who are always haapi to help ya along the way 
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 79 Joined: 05-Sep-2011 Last visit: 06-Mar-2012
I think I'll just reduce the dose. With Rue tea and DMT freebase, what would be ideal dosing for a low strength introductory trip in which perhaps I'll just blast off with smoked spice if I feel I want more. To give an idea, 3g of mushrooms is usually all I need for a great time without much worry, and I usually stick to 30-40 mg's when I smoke spice.
Suggestions are appreciated. I'm browsing our forums but it's difficult to reach a conclusion. I'm thinking a little heavy on the Rue, about 6-7 g's and 35 mg of spice.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 79 Joined: 05-Sep-2011 Last visit: 06-Mar-2012
dreamer042 wrote:It's very much a personal decision about how comfortable you are without a sitter, I personally like to fly solo. Don't forget you've got a whole community over in the nexus chat room who are always haapi to help ya along the way  I forget >_<

Posts: 4711 Joined: 10-Sep-2009 Last visit: 09-Mar-2025 Location: Rocky mountain high
I'd say that's too much rue, try for like 2-3 grams and yeah 35 mg should give ya a pretty good intro
 Hyperspace Architect/Doctor
Posts: 1242 Joined: 11-Jul-2010 Last visit: 08-Dec-2012 Location: On this plane
You personally don't, need a sitter, but if you feel comfortable alone than i would say it was alright, but safe dosing please, And be safe, have fun, and lets us know about your journey when its over.  Good luck "You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness." โ Terence McKenna
"They Say It helps when you close yours eyes cowboy"
Posts: 459 Joined: 07-Apr-2011 Last visit: 05-May-2020 Location: Midwestern U.S.
Yeah that sounds a little much for the rue. I would suggest 3 grams, but if you aren't afraid of going a little deeper by yourself then 4. If you feel yourself getting to deep, I have said these wise to myself to chill out moar than once... "Just breathe maaaannnnn, juuuuusst.... breathe". Let the plants guide you, for they teach lessons beyond what we humans can offer. Distorted is our perception of reality, because reality is much more distorted than we could ever perceive it to be.
All posts made by this username do not actually exist. They are hallucinations caused by the reception of light photons by the retinae of homo sapien sapien. You are already inside the rabbit hole.
Follow the path you have chosen, travelers, you will not regret the outcome, that I can assure you.