I speak often about my guardian whom I call Teo (for no other reason then the time I first met this being was on mushrooms and the aboriginal term for the sacred fungi is Teonanactl so it seemed appropriate).
When I first met Teo, there was a feeling of familiarity, of connection, way beyond anything I have experienced with other humans while on Earth. It was like this being knew me, intimately knew me, better than anyone else and was very aware of my own unique situation and has guided about 90% of my mushroom breakthrough trips. It seems to me that every experience I've ever had on any psychedelic has been carefully orchestrated by this entity for my own education and I'll elaborate a bit on what I mean.
I won't put my entire psychedelic story here, but to summarize it briefly, I've had a hard time in life with religion and the oppressive, depressive influence it's had over me. I was addicted to the misery religion brought to my life and I can only call it an addiction now that I look back on it with perfect hindsight vision.
Well, the first time this being made itself known to me was through my mental addiction to religion. My first 'close encounter' started with a 'voice in the head', or the logos of the mushroom that Terence McKenna used to talk about. As I was peaking (not aware I was about to breakthrough into a realm I had yet to experience), this voice boomed at me with an authority that posed a challenging question to me: where did I hear about god from?
I didn't have a definitive answer and not having the answer prompted this voice to ask me why I hadn't thought about god at an early age. I again couldn't reply to this challenging series of personal questions, and this voice said to me, bluntly:
Voice: That's right, because back then you
KNEW... but now you've forgotten.
It was after being told I had forgotten the answer that I launched into hyperspace for the first time and had the ride of my life. My entire childhood was explained to me, why I was 'more fun' (Teo's 'words', not mine) when I was younger and what had went wrong with me, which is a very personal story that I also won't go into here.
Having this incredible insight into parts of me I wasn't aware existed, proved to me that this being I was conversing with knew me better than I knew myself (which was communicated to me with a very blunt 'of course!'
. Teo also has a certain... energy signature? Is that a good term? I dunno if it is, but I
KNOW when he is nearby (sometimes even while sober). It's a different feeling from other entities I've encountered in hyperspace. Indeed, it seems to me that Teo is a part of myself, a branch of my conciousness that evolved in a different way and even though we are 'seperate' with regards to how we communicate, a deeper part of my knowledge knows that underneath this disguise Teo and I are actually one being so in the truest sense, I am a guardian and guide to myself.
I've been on many, many adventures in hyperspace with Teo but his main function seems to be teaching. There is a series of... lessons I've been taught about my perspectives on things here in 3D reality and I've found these to be 100% spot on accurate descriptions of my day-to-day mentality about things. Teo has also taken me as far out into hyperspace as I've ever gotten, and brought me before 4 other beings that looked identical to him. I've sort of dubbed these beings 'the council of Tek', as they seemed intimately aware of my situation (just like Teo) and were anxious for me to 'stop playing games and move on' with them.
I've 'seen' Teo a couple of times only, mostly he is just a felt presence, but the few times he has manifested in my vision he appears as a neon green ghost-like apparition (but not at all scary, actually quite funny looking). If you're familiar with how pavement looks when it's really hot, how it gets that heat aura above it like when your driving in the desert, that's the type of ephermal substance Teo is made out of, except with a very bright green to it. He also has a triangular 'head' with no descernible face.
So in answer to the original OP, I've found that there is a deep sense of companionship and knowing associated when you've met 'your' (and there could be many) guide(s). Your guide or guardian will speak to you and appear to you in ways that you never thought possible and when you meet 'them' you just sort of know who 'they' are and what 'they' represent. At least in my experiences anyways.
All posts are from the fictional perspective of The Legendary Tek: the formless, hyperspace exploring apprentice to the mushroom god Teo. Tek, the lord of Eureeka's Castle, is the chosen one who has surfed the rainbow wave and who resides underneath the matter dome. All posts are fictitious in nature and are meant for entertainment purposes only.