gibran2 wrote:I just ordered a variety of seeds from a vendor in Peru: chacruna, chaliponga, and yellow caapi. I’ve read that caapi in particular is hard to start from seed, so if anyone has good advice, please share!
You should soak chaliponga seeds in 300 to 500PPM GA3(Gibberellic Acid) for about a day and then keep them moist in soil. This plant will germinate in about a month or so. If you are getting fresh seeds then GA3 is optional
I got mine late January so i had to do the hustle.
Chacruna, had no success from seed. It's easier to propagate via leaf cuttings.
Best of luck with your seeds. Just keep em moist and your patience will be rewarded.
If you want precaution, sterilize the soil but i don't find this necessary with store bought potting mix.
Live and Let Live.