Good evening,
Thank you for your response. I have carefully read your words.
The plant is question is most certainly the spirit molecule.
Events over the past years few years and months have accelerated to the present and the future meeting is a convergence of like minded individuals, some of whom have met before and a some whom have not and some whom feel enlightened. The purpose of the meeting is a celebration but several individual paths stem from this including my friend who is looking to use the opportunity for healing.
My friend has been contacted this afternoon with an offer to meet a group of shaman. With the upmost request ayahuasca tourism is what he is hoping to avoid.
Recreational use in the past may be contributing factor to the present state and he treads carefully to find the right persons to assist.
My friend is fearful without a doubt as he takes a heavy burden of 'baggage' and intends to return without this. To sum it up he wishes to kill his ego as this manifests as anger and is damaging his family relationship. The family he loves.
In the past he has used Mahayana Buddhism, martial arts and music to channel his energy but a great dealt of pent up anger resdides.
The last meeting with the molecule showed him his ego and invited him to step out and have it removed. At the time he was sure he would also lose his life as he was too attached.
My friends aim is to remove the ego but leave the body/mind construct intact and believes ayahuasca could help.
The assistance and synergy of a shamanic programmer / plant molecule to surgically open memory banks and delete a piece of illusionary / delusionary history without a full mind format is the intention. His attachment to his family must not be lost as he has carried them far.
My friend is in Europe and his loaction is currently on the steps up to the great hill. He has trusted travel companions but is sure there are others on here who are further up the mountain and he asks for their advice and blessing. In return he will pass this down to those before him.
He is currently procuring steady walking boots and is looking for a map to avoid the tigers and preventing stumbling along the way and also help in how to prepare himself physically and mentally for the journey ahead.
Any advice or wisdom will be greatly received and your thoughts passed to my friend.
taina naina nainí