Quote:Also, if you might be willing to tell us a little bit about yourself, your philosophy, your psychedelic history, anything, I'm sure folks would love to learn more about you.
I was considering letting this be learned as my time in the Nexus progressed but I might as well give a general outline.
My philosophy is shaped around concepts such as Siddhartha Guatama's Four Noble Truths and The Eightfold Path. Recently having started following these Buddhist ideas, I have applied them to my life to poke for validity and because I am life that suffers, it's been pretty valid! As far as The Eightfold Path goes, I still need lots of work in Right Speech, Right Action, Right Effort, and Right Concentration, but I do feel I am coming along just fine as a human being at age 18.
SWIM has tried various entheogens ranging from Salvia Divinorum, Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds, and Mimosa/Rue as an ayahuasca analogue.
Salvia Divinorum has saved SWIM's life and really helped extinguish his egotistic actions and thoughts. I hold this herb very dearly to my heart and though I have heard from several people that Ska Pastora doesn't enjoy being extracted and/or smoked, I feel my intentions surpass that every time I embark on a journey and though intense, rapid, and hardly graspable, I still feel the visionary power of this plant showing me what I really need to know, not what I desire to know.
I am really into art, oh boy, I LOVE ART.
I view art as how life lives, what it does to create within its environment.
I'm a huge music fan and have tried to find artists from every genre I can relate to or understand ranging from shoegaze, post-punk, hip-hop, to ambient.
I'm a novice visual artist who is aspiring to eventually represent what happened and what I perceived on a range of mind-blowing psychedelic experiences!
Hopefully during my time on the Nexus, I'll get to share a few!
"Unless you start again, become that trusting, open, surrendered being, the energy can't come in. That is the kingdom of Heaven."
-Ram Dass