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5-Meo-DMT: THE molecule? Options
#1 Posted : 7/1/2011 8:44:59 PM
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Hi all,

I recently finished reading Tryptamine Palace by James Oroc and found it thoroughly interesting and thought provoking. The author portrays 5-Meo-DMT as opening the door for him to union with god and is all-encompassing, and describes DMT as being more of a visual whirlwind of imagery. However he does admit that large doses of DMT can allow the user to experience the same union with god.

I just wonder why there is little discussion of 5-Meo-DMT experiences on the Nexus. Is it because 5-Meo is so powerful, the majority are put off it? Or just because it's not as well known? Or perhaps because the author is one of the few to have such positive experiences with 5-Meo? So many people on the Nexus describe DMT as being THE molecule and that DMT is IT.

I've no experience with either so I'm asking others who have perhaps tried both to give their views? Do they think one is more efficient or reliable than the other to provide a god-union experience?

On another note, the author doesn't list the Nexus as a resource, but lists Shroomery for its information on DMT. Perhaps the book was written before the Nexus took off, but it seemed odd to me.
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#2 Posted : 7/1/2011 9:17:52 PM

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From my understanding, very few have first hand 5 Meo DMT experience for some reasons :

-5MeO isn't so easy to source naturally
-It Might Be in chaliponga thoght it's still debated.
-It appears to be in some virola resin but most do'nt get any effects from most barks or most poeple do'nt get ANY effects from virola in so called western user.
-It is found in minute amount in some yopo seeds.

Maybe most poeple do'nt have a rigth tek to extract properly 5MeO-DMT.
Maybe it is instable.
All this reasons makes it hard to pass by or have a real first hand experience.
Some poeple seemed amp to try it and the most "reliable" way to source it, which is a shame really for organic chemical lover, looks like synth-made from rc's lab in country where it is still legal.
It is a rare, and also more bodyloading form of DMT.
This also, and the lack of visual doesn't sound like the best psychedelic tryptamine for most poeple.
Also maybe it's relative unknown safety...
Smell like tea n,n spirit !

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#3 Posted : 7/1/2011 9:46:27 PM

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I have some lab grade 5meo waiting for me but i have so far not sampleded it.

It´s weird that in my country that has one of the hardest drug laws bot 5meo and dpt is still legal.
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#4 Posted : 7/1/2011 9:55:41 PM

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I also quite enjoyed Tryptamine Palace, even though I found it a bit dismissive of our particular molecule. I have no experience with 5-MeO, but I found his entire breakdown of the experience and what it means to him personally to be 100% applicable.

I had to wonder while reading it just how much experience he has had with nn- and to what depth he's actually traveled, as I always do with anyone who expresses anything less than complete awe and befuddlement in the aftermath. I just don't think there's any possible way to interpret the nn- experience as anything less than fantastically jaw dropping when you really get it right. Likewise, I imagine, with 5-MeO - but afficiandos of this particular brand of tryptamine often seem to be in some kind of competition for baddest astral travelers of the drug world. Much of it seems to revolve around the increased potency per milligram. Whateva. I'm sure the experience is just as nut crunching, but with very different characteristics.
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#5 Posted : 7/1/2011 11:48:36 PM

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I have also enjoyed the book by Oroc, thought it was definitely up in the top 5 of books on psychedelics I have read. I haven't personally tried 5-meo but would love to some day, his description of union with the zero point field and the godhead sound mighty tantilizing. I thought he came across as way more tolerable and less dogmatic as Martin Ball (I have read Entheogenic Evolution, another book that focuses on 5-meo-DMT).

Peace and happy travelling!
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#6 Posted : 7/1/2011 11:57:33 PM

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If anyone has any pdf of this Oroc books, plz pm me or throw it in !
Smell like tea n,n spirit !

Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
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#7 Posted : 7/2/2011 12:21:00 AM

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i also enjoyed the book, although ultimately, imo, it does not present much that is especially new or unexpected. parts of it are truly inspiring, even mind-blowing, yet other parts seem re-hashed or oddly naive. it reads somewhat like a love letter to an ally - which is great. but i don't think Oroc has a particularly comprehensive perspective, in terms of ally diversity (altho his own ally is particularly 'comprehensive', which perhaps compensates).

sorry to say i haven't actually tasted 5-meo (tho i've been sitting on some for years now... need to get on this Smile )... i have however been present in a few 5-meo ceremonies... one time a participant emitted the most clear, clean, sharp, resonant, triumphant laughter i have ever heard... like a metallic-crystalline pealing of platinum seraphic bells, or something... gives me a little chill to think about it Shocked
#8 Posted : 7/5/2011 1:51:23 PM

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I also looked around for Tryptamine Palace in PDF, never manage to find it. If somewone has got it, I'd LOVE a pm and you'll have all my gratitude =)

The 5-MeO is a pretty interesting substance. I think THE substance is not existing, much depends on the psychological attitude and structure, on the brain chemistry, on God knows what in each one's fate. But for me, 5-MeO has been for years THE Medicine, the most enlightning, scarefully and sacred door I could come in. Never had bad trip, 5-Meo still feels to me like Home, the before-time home.
I was taking lab-grade, but I now don't like to take anything lab-grade and I'm looking forward to extract it.
Personally, it helped me much more than DMT has ever done. But again, I think is very personal, now I prefer shrooms over-all, and I feel better working with them (though I'm not having any kind of drug for months, now)
Bad, bad english
#9 Posted : 7/5/2011 7:38:13 PM


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Actually there is a good organic/botanical 5-MEO-DMT source available as I understand it.

The Phalaris strains "Turkey Red" and "Yugo Red" are supposed to be fairly clean high concentration sources of 5-MEO. I can't verify whether that's true or not right now, but I will as soon as my Yugo Red clone produces enough biomass to give it a try. Smile
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#10 Posted : 7/5/2011 7:44:05 PM

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DreamoarFortyTwo, do you have a good tek isolating 5MeO ?
As I understand it, it's very hard to stabilize, or well, hard to succeed in most n,n extractor case.
I'd be amp to try if you did find a suitable tek.
Smell like tea n,n spirit !

Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
#11 Posted : 7/5/2011 8:17:33 PM


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rOm wrote:
DreamoarFortyTwo, do you have a good tek isolating 5MeO ?
As I understand it, it's very hard to stabilize, or well, hard to succeed in most n,n extractor case.
I'd be amp to try if you did find a suitable tek.

From the way it sounds a simple alcohol or acetone extraction should yield an effective product, that's what I plan to try first. However that turns out I was also thinking of trying very low doses as an aya admixture. Ever since I read about johnny appleseed's experiences with his "turkey red" variety as an aya admix I have been very excited about trying it, but I'm a little apprehensive about this with "yugo red" being a different (albeit similar) strain.
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily...

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#12 Posted : 7/5/2011 8:34:00 PM

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Ha crude extract would work to a certain extent. But what about gramine or hordenine?
I was lurking for a 5metoxy crystals tek I mean even TA crystals or smt.
Smell like tea n,n spirit !

Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
#13 Posted : 7/5/2011 8:43:16 PM


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rOm wrote:
Ha crude extract would work to a certain extent. But what about gramine or hordenine?
I was lurking for a 5metoxy crystals tek I mean even TA crystals or smt.

Don't you worry your pretty little hyper-head Pleased

There will definitely be extraction experimentation, it's only a matter of time till we crack the 5-MEO code Cool
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily...

Visual diagram for the administration of dimethyltryptamine

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#14 Posted : 7/8/2011 5:35:29 PM

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haha! yeeah I'm confident it will come as our aspiration grows.
5MeO will make it to our neuronal cortex !
Smell like tea n,n spirit !

Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
#15 Posted : 7/8/2011 7:38:47 PM

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I'm thoroughly enjoying the reading of Tryptamine Palace too...
Makes me want to work more with this molecule which has something very "sexy" spiritually speaking (!) to share.

It's true that Oroc has his opinion about the apparebnt "superiority" of the metoxied version of DMT over our dear one, but he apparently hadn't made a lot of work.
Anyway, his opinion is still funny and quite positive.
Each one his own medecine, allies, and tools.

The good thing is to know our own, but how to know without working with them, giving it enough time to understand their mechanical transformative language without falling into too fast judgement ?
Smell like tea n,n spirit !

Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
#16 Posted : 7/8/2011 8:16:39 PM

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rOm wrote:
I'm thoroughly enjoying the reading of Tryptamine Palace too...
Makes me want to work more with this molecule which has something very "sexy" spiritually speaking (!) to share.

I'd suggest just adding harmalas to your spice journeys. The most deeply spiritual - sacred - journeys I had with DMT began when I started using harmalas sublingually beforehand. Fractal says that oral harmalas before a vaporized journey is even more special.

There does seem to sometimes be a cold "alien" feeling to DMT journeys, but pre-dosing with harmalas changes that.
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#17 Posted : 7/8/2011 8:38:41 PM


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gibran2 wrote:
I'd suggest just adding harmalas to your spice journeys. The most deeply spiritual - sacred - journeys I had with DMT began when I started using harmalas sublingually beforehand. Fractal says that oral harmalas before a vaporized journey is even more special.

There does seem to sometimes be a cold "alien" feeling to DMT journeys, but pre-dosing with harmalas changes that.

I will second that, I almost won't even smoalk anymoar unless I've got some caapi brew working around in my belly.
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily...

Visual diagram for the administration of dimethyltryptamine

Visual diagram for the administration of ayahuasca
#18 Posted : 7/8/2011 9:03:36 PM

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don't take me wrong, I never have done any straight spice this year yet.
Only smoked and vaped in changa forms. Or more regularly as pharma/aya.
I don't feel n,n is boring or pointless, nor inferior to my very slim experience with it's metoxied brother in chemestry..

Actually this book makes me also want to go further with spice as we understand it.
Plus there is no hierarchy in entheogenic molecules, rahter what we DO with it.
I just meant it's up to us to create the relationshuip that works within our own brain chemistry.
Smell like tea n,n spirit !

Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
#19 Posted : 7/9/2011 1:28:12 AM
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..quotes i recall about 5meoDMT:

"It's not that there weren't visuals, there definitely were, it's just that my head was in such a deep place the visuals seemed trivial.."

a few 5methoxy heads i've met call it the 'trip to the light' or the 'godhead'...

one said to me: "Why smoke DMT when you can go all the way with 5meo?"

some people don't like/can't handle it.
have read one heavy overdose(mentally) experience (40mg vaped in one inhalation) which, while probably not physically harmful to the subject,
convinced them they would die of heart failure at any moment.."Fuck..what i have done!.."etc

with caution, & understanding, 5meoDMT is every bit a 'spirit' molecule...

(N.B. 5meoDMT causes MAOinhibition at large doses, so diet, even when smoking, should be observed...)
#20 Posted : 7/16/2011 7:22:02 PM

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dreamer042, please, keep informing us about your 5-meo extraction from phalaris! Precious.

never had 5-meo with harmalas... but seems pretty intriguing.
Bad, bad english
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