Hello Nexus,
it´s time to give my Introduction.
Thinking about this for some time, I realize, it´s not just about taking Psychedelics, though they are a great Opener to get you aware of all the other things that go on around You.
I realized that I didn´t know and still don´t know. I mean, I studied Chemistry with Material Sciences and you know of all these Models which explain things pretty well, unless someone proposes a new Model which describes Things even better. A few years ago d-Orbitals were thought to hybridize....
Psychedelics work on Grounds that Science can´t hardly explain, Psychedlics are here and have been here like forever. That we know so little about the Powers surrounding us is what makes these Experiences so incredibly awesome.
Thinking about this whole Multi-Dimensions-Thing, Entities, Plants having Conciousnes and realizing that Cultures were using Psychedelics for thousands of Years opens so many doors. The whole World is in deep need for such awareness. In "The Spirit Molecule" it´s said that DMT is something you don´t necessarily have to take, it´s more about the Concept lying behind the Experience. This is so true and fascinating.
So I want to Thank you Guys to help me on my Way back by giving Information on Extractions and beeing open for all there is and will be.
Integrating, living and thinking about the first Experiences gave instant relieve from some of the pain I had to deal with in my everyday live.
Keep on the good Work and promote me

- Wer heute den Kopf in den Sand steckt knirscht morgen mit den Zähnen -