I know that in the end it is up to me to decide what I do with my life. I am posting this here because from what I hear there are quite a few of you who are professional chemists. I'm interested in experiences you have as professional chemists, and any helpful words you care to offer.
Okay, so at the moment I am an undeclared engineering student. I'm leaning more towards declaring chemical engineering as my major, but am still unsure if that will lead me down the path I want to go. From what I understand, as with most engineering degrees, I will basically sit around solving equations, messing with formulas, and the like(mostly on a large scale). Question one: How often would a chemical engineer actually spend time in a lab?
I am interested in organic chemistry more-so than general chemistry, and would love spending as much time in a lab as possible. Question two: Should I stay in the engineering field, or switch majors to just chemistry or biochemistry?
I'm in the engineering field because I like math, but I like chemistry more. I would also rather be involved in research versus making things more efficient. Money isn't really a big deal as I am sure both of those professions will provide a comfortable lifestyle. I just want to be able to provide for my future family without hassle. Question three: How much time do those of you that are chemists have to spend time with your family?
As I understand, the job outlook for engineers is much better than those with just a chemistry degree. Question four: Those of you in the field, how is the job outlook? Question five: Do you enjoy the work you do?
I would also like to hear any other helpful information such as what kind of work you do, if you do not mind sharing.
Thanks in advance.
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