Quote:so what do you like about mushrooms above other psychedelics? the older i get the more im leaning back to lsd and less to mushrooms. far less body load and anxiety potential. whats your thoughts.
I know the mushroom real well,i enjoy cultivation from spore print to fruits, so i know where my shrooms come from,
I'll be able to pass on some cool tips in the mushrooms forum section one i can post in there.
Always been a liberty cap picker from an early age too, hence my fasination.
The opposite is true for me, thats why i dont do LSD anymore, too much anxiety, only lost the plot 2 - 3 times on it over 100's doses like, but its the bad un's you remember, can be a proper double edged sword LSD!
I think a couple of bad LSD experiences is the reason I not done my bark in yet, the fear of fucking my mind up for 6 months afterwards, is a scary thought.(again) lol.
If you dont like the shoom body load, you should get some Mexicana A truffles, they are the bomb, clear head and lsd like visions very spitiual high! Can be cultivated very easy spores from any good vendor.
Well I only extracted half my bark 50g, as a test run, if i was looking at taking a match heads worth i say i've got about 6 - 7 hits in there.
Learn how to do a sodium carbonate wash, and re'xing while here too, too clean those yellow'un's up a bit.
Great forum.
Quote:Welcome to the Nexus FractalX. I look forward to hearing how your STB goes. If you have any questions during your extraction you know where to turn. You are now amidst allot of DMT knowlege. I hope we can be of help and I cant wait to read your contributions. Keep us updated.
many thanks! I'll be reporting back soon on my adventures.