so SWIM was wondering...which music..if you like to blast off to?? there are so many different which you find most...deLIGHTful...
SWIM likes...shpongle-divine moments of truth, shpongle spores, botanical dimensions
plus carbon based lifeforms-hydroponic garden
plus OTT-Angelic Particles (Buckminster Fullerine Mix) from the 'in dub' album
there are many more...but ha...SWIM cant remember
another thing that SWIM likes to do is use some binaural rhythms before and during an adventure...sometimes interesting things happen...
and last but not least is the bio-tuner...which sends harmonic electrical frequencies across your brain...bathing it in electrical patterns...which after awhile boosts memory...emotional stability...and well being...
what is interesting about the bio-tuner is that...after while...even if you smoke the can start to remember your dreams...and if you keep using will find that you dont really need to smoke dope all the time...and then you start to remember 5 or 6 dreams a night...but you have to ask yourself...are you sure you want to remember?!?! believe me when SWIM says...when you do the things that are talked about on this better be sure...that you are gonna have some wacky dreams...and dont let anybody tell you different...just accept them...and try to enjoy them...hahahhaha