Hello all,
I am a 25 year old guy living in Texas. I did not touch a single drug until I was 20, and it was alcohol. Fun for a while but ultimately led to a crazy night, crappy morning, and not much else. I'm a social drinker at this point and not much more. My true yearnings where for hallucinogenics. In fact, I wasn't interested in marijuana or any other drug. I finally did break down and try marijuana earlier this year though and loved it. I've been a habitual user ever since. Still though, I wanted the "trip" that I kept reading about.
Back in March of this year I had my first taste via LSD. It was a light dose and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. It put many, MANY things into a unique perspective I had never before thought of. It changed the way I looked at the world. But that experience paled in comparison to my second LSD usage.
The second trip was much more potent and intense. Some unbelievable things happened, as I'm sure you've all experienced. I found a connection to God and the people in my life that I thought impossible. It single-handedly changed my life. For the better. I have not tripped since then but am absolutely looking forward to the next go-around. The spiritual aspects were so profound that I've been writing and thinking of little else since then. I feel as if my entire life has just begun! Hearing my favorite songs for the "first" time is truly amazing.
One of my friends that accompanied me on my journey suggested I go to this site and here I am. It is as wonderful and enlightening as he described and I am honored to be amongst such an intelligent and thoughtful online community. Very unique amidst the sea of ugliness you usually find on forums...
I have never tried DMT but am beyond curious. I've been researching different teks but am feeling very nervous and unprepared due to my lack of both chemical experience and extraction techniques. I'm hoping that by talking with members here and learning more and more I can one day reach a point where I can travel to the places I've read about on this site with the aid of DMT.
What else? My favorite poet is Rumi, Bill Hicks and John Frusciante are my idols and I write music to stay alive.
Thanks for reading and I look forward to interacting and learning with you!
Learning to know that I do not know.