to better understand me, let me take a quick look into the interior of my past with psychoative chemicals.
i discovered them my freshman year of highschool, but was shown them is a preverse light, and to chase my high, i quickly turned to selling them around my school, buisness started slow, but i quickly progressed and became number two dealer in the school, and worked for and was friends with numero uno
anyways, this sort of attention quickly leads to getting caught, wich it did and i was expelled and put in near isolation for the next 18 months of my life, in wich i had no one else and had to find somthing to kill the time, i began surfing the web and stubled across a bard by the name terrence mckenna
and nothing has ever been the same....
fast forward a year and i am more lost than before, but somehow in a good way, im off the shallow path of culture that i was on, and now am asking, what now? iv begone looking into everything from alchemy to occultism and the connection and relevencey somtimes overwhelm me, my only key are these psudo nerotransmitters that we all love and fear
i know its a long shot but i hope that if i can learn everything i can about thes ancient religons, secret teachings and wild ravings of mad teachers
and put together all the conections i can come to an undrstanding, or destroy the assumption of understanding......
i guess thats all
"So the conclusion that I reach, visa vie the individual and civilization, is this: Culture is not our friend. Culture is not your friend. It’s not my friend. It’s a very uncomfortable set of accommodations that have been hammered out over time for the convenience of institutions."