My name is Chris. I'm 20 years old and live in the USA. Within the past year or so, I started experimenting with psychedelics although I've been curious about them since I was a straight-edge 14 year old. People would offer to smoke me out back then and I would tell my drug-using friends that the only thing I want to try is acid. Looking back I realize how young and naive I was but how was I to know that I would end up experimenting with various substances and falling in love with psychedelics? I definitely lacked the foresight as a kid.
But I digress. I smoked DMT for the first time back in March and I was floored by the experience (which I will be posting later on). I had read up on DMT long before I started using psychedelics so it was definitely something I had been looking around for. The problem was that every time I would find someone to sell it to me, the connect would evaporate as quickly as it came, leaving me frustrated and disappointed. Eventually, I came to terms that DMT will find me when I'm ready for it. I can't say that I was ready for it when it finally landed in my hands (then again, I don't think anything can prepare you for a DMT trip) but I can say that it changed my life. Breaking through into the DMT reality was the most intense, humbling, beautiful and terrifying experience of my life.
Afterwards, a friend of mine that I was discussing my trip with led me to this forum. I've been lurking for a while since then but I finally decided to register to be part of the community. I hope I can be an asset in the future for this great online haven.
Safe tripping