Hello, forum.
Let me begin my introduction by saying that I LOVE dmt. It is the only drug I’ve ever tried that reliably helps me appreciate my life, and makes me want to organize, learn and excel. I find it extremely fulfilling.
To be honest, I have no idea about the frequency with which “normal” users do dmt, but I would guess that I do it relatively frequently—usually two or three times a week. Because I smoke the spice at such a frequency, it’s important to me for my product to be as pure as I can manage so that it doesn’t impact my health.
Sadly, I still have significant problems with my extractions. My procedure is built off of lazyman’s example, but I have yet to produce consistent results. So far, I have not had the use of specialized equipment such as separator funnels and Buchner filters—I am currently a jockey of mason jars and coffee filters.

Additionally, I have yet to refine the machine I use to a point when I can smoke without error every time. As a new member of the community, I’m excited about all the information in circulation about how to refine the entire process. I hope that some day, when I am an expert with years of successful extractions under my belt, I’ll be able to help out with my own two bits of advice here and there.
While I enjoy the trip itself most, the comedown from dmt is one of my favorite parts of the experience, and I often have marvelous insights and productive ideas during this phase.
To close out my introductory essay, I have a few questions:
1) I sometimes feel sick a while after smoking. My main symptom is physical discomfort, centered in my chest. Would further purifying my spice help rectify this, or should I learn to accept it? My product is already quite pure, it would seem.
2) Why all the use of “swim?” Are there significant legal risks associated with admitting to smoking the spice via an anonymous website such as the nexus?