Hey Nexians. I've been scrolling through the boards for about a year now but I will be doing my first extraction in a month or two so I decided to make an account.
Not much to say really. I do my fair share of research on entheogens, religion, philosophy, ancient history, dreaming, nature, tribal culture and anything thats considered "other worldly".
I have not had a great ammount of insight into the psychedelic experience. I have smoked a fair bit of pot (which on 2 occasions I hallucinated - glowing light beaming and streaming from my body). And a botched DXM experience (just a small sense of timelessness). I lovvvve dreaming and in the past 2 years have somewhat got a little control of the content that I dream about. My dreams are very interesting and can be extremely pherapeutic, guiding and beautiful. I've had a short experience being lucid in a dream but can't seem to wake up again nevertheless I will still continue to do things that will increase the chance of lucidity. I know these things are just the edge of the rabbit hole and can't wait to send my arse falling down it

Other than that, good to see the site is back up, was biting my nails there for a bit. Wtf was that anyway? Someone on the shroomery said it was a DDOS attack :l
Peace, Mojo.
Locked up inside you, like the calm beneath castles, is a cavern of treasures no one has been to.
MojoPin is a fictional character and therefore all activity he is associated with should be treated as fiction.