Thank you for the warm welcome Enoon
What I meant by highest step for myself, our species, our planet;
of our known worldly situation
we as a species, are the peak of perfection
the highest evolution of our tree
that this planet has painstakingly produced
We are quite frankly, amazing.
Now I have evolved in thought,
I consider myself a higher quality version of what I once was
I am at my peak
and will keep peaking in quality!
I can hardly wait for the day when the rest of Humanity
realises how brilliant and awe-inspiring itself is
and throws off these shackles of mediocre society
that we have slowly and unintentionally wiggled our way into
It gives me shivers up my spine to even imagine our full human potential!!
as with psychedelics;
I believe they are amazing tools
built for our selves, by our greater self, to help change our perception of ourselves
The same as with a teacher, as a book or a drug
My perception is all that I can know
and I get what I need from any source
because it is all just threads within the greater mesh that is me.
(Bah trying to get abstract thoughts to coincide with specific words in a legible sentence.
There has to be a better way haha)
I have been on a journey with psychedelics for the last 8 years or so
and considered myself quite wise to how the drugs themselves work
until quite recently my overall perception of my being changed
now...I am learning they are much more than a bit of visual mindfuckery fun on the weekend
I have been led here by the excitement of my experiences
about what is beyond my currently perceivable self
DMT is the "book" I want to read from next
I believe it holds information for my next step in self
Bebses Dendrite Blog of Consciousnessattempting to connect myself with our (GREATER SELF)