They look about right form a distance, the shape of them anyway. but i cant be certain. the best way to check is if they have a little hook on the ends of their leaves.
also i would like to stress how important it is that you do not take the bark from this tree. i have been to places in York where many of these trees have been ring barked and even chopped down. some of them are struggling on a thin strip of bark that was left. its absolutely disgusting seeing this, very greedy if you ask me. especially considering these trees are such slow growers and many of them are dead from ring barking.
I would recommend using the leaves, They contain up to 1.5% alkaloids and the yields are good and remarkably clean. i have friends who had also had great success with the leaves.
I hope this helps. : : )
“He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man.” - Samuel Johnson
Disclaimer: Every post by Alienteaparty is in no way to be taken seriously, Alienteaparty is purely a figment of a sick-sad child's imagination!