Please post songs that a specifically about tripping and made for the purpose of tripping on psychedelics.
This is my favorite when smoking the spice. Here are the lyrics and my attempt to interpret them. I also posted this on
Lateralus by Tool
Black then white are all I see in my infancy
(When we are born everything we know is black and white we only do things based on what our parents tell us and that is how we know what is right and wrong)Red and yellow then came to be, reaching out to me, let's me see
(Soon we develope our own insight and perceptions of the world... religion, philosophy, ect. and the world is no longer black and white. We may form our own religous opinions different from how our parents/gaurdians raised us. Maybe we even experiment with drugs.)As below, so above and beyond, I imagine
(We start out below and move above and beyond what we could imagine while we were young)Drawn beyond the lines of reason
( We start thinking and rationalizing beyond our reason which we grew up with.)Push the envelope, watch it bend
( We push ourselves further to see what happens as we are curious to defy rules always bending them slightly to see what we can get away with.)Over thinking, over analyzing, separate the body from the mind
(In ancient times people practiced mysticism and used meditation and shaman guided rituals to become spiritally alligned. The body and mind were considered one. In todays times we are taught that science is the ultimate truth. we over analyze and think which seperates the body from the mind.)Withering my intuition, missing opportunities and I must
(The modern day practice of science has destroyed our spiritualality, and we miss out on opertunities and eperiences we would have gained from the old practices.)Feed my will to feel my moment, drawing way outside the lines
(So to feed these desires and feel the moment you must move outside the realm of what's considered sociably acceptable in todays modern societies.)Black then white are all I see in my infancy
Red and yellow then came to be, reaching out to me, let's me see
There is so much more and beckons me to look through to these infinite possibilities
( often times after trying a psychedelic drug you feel you have an enlightening experience and develope a higher intuition and understanding of your reality. It beckons you to see to other possibilities than what you've been tought to undertand by the normal practices of society.)As below, so above and beyond, I imagine
Drawn outside the lines of reason
Push the envelope, watch it bend
Over thinking, over analyzing, separate the body from the mind
Withering my intuition, leaving opportunities behind
Feed my will to feel this moment
Urging me to cross the line
Reaching out to embrace the random
Reaching out to embrace whatever may come
( You want to push the limits and trip harder and bend reality farth than you have before because you feel it will lead you to something new.)I embrace my
Desire to
I embrace my
Desire to
Feel the rhythm, to (
Psychedelics often alter your perception so you may feel and perceive music in a way you never have before)Feel connected
( LSD or DMT expereicnes leave you feeling disassociated from your own conscience and you can often feel like you're connected to something bigger than yourself.)Enough to step aside and
Weep like a widow, to
(You may gain a deeper appreaciation for nature.)Feel inspired, to
Fathom the power, to
Witness the beauty, to
( You find beauty in things you never noticed before.)Bathe in the fountain, to
Swing on the spiral, to
(DMT will launch your consciousness into a spiral of gometric patterns and colors)Swing on the spiral, to
Swing on the spiral of
Our divinity and
(While on a DMT trip You often have encounters with higher beings or entitires that you might associate as divine, it can be a real spirital experience for many.)Still be a human
( and when you come down from your trip and return form this seemingly different dimension you were in you will have a greater appreciation that you are a human being.) With my feet upon the ground I move myself between the sounds
( You will be glad to feel your feet on the ground again and there are ofen auditory halucinations accompaying a DMT trip which also gives you a sense of euphoria espesially if you are listening to music whie tripping, lose yourself between the sounds.)And open wide to suck it in, I feel it move across my skin
(obviously open wide to take a hit, and DMT comes on fast you well feel it's effects as soon as you exhale.)I'm reachin' up and reachin' out, I'm reachin' for the random or
Whatever will bewilder me, whatever will bewilder me
And following our will and wind, we may just go where no one's been
( DMT is such an amazing experience so you will want to try it agian and hope that you can go father maybe to where no one has been.)We'll ride the spiral to the end and may just go where no one's been
(and this last bit is selfexplanitory)Spiral out
Keep going
Spiral out
Keep going
Spiral out
Keep going
Spiral out!
Keep going
Disclaimer:All these thoughts,
words arranged in this message,
come from the Tao
and return to the Tao.
Yet they do not touch it.
Each of us will perceive the message,
Yet to each our own interpretation.
I'll see you when the river meets us