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What would you say? :) by Ya 'in responce from the Nursery' / introduction Options
#1 Posted : 4/11/2011 9:35:55 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 73
Joined: 09-Apr-2011
Last visit: 19-Sep-2013
This is an email to my mother written about fifteen minutes ago, after a rather loud and angry night spent at my mums and visit with my three younger brothers. this video i watched just before recommending it to her brought tears to my eyes and a puddle on my sheet. this idea of a vacation that could be so nice as to induce through tears what i thought where nonexistent-memories of a dream i swear i never have almost every night of peace love tranquility honor and respect

then boom like clockwork this post popped into my head found it in one search. like a dream i tell you
hope this helps ya

I feel someone like this ( http://www.glennbigonet.com/index.html ) could really help alan with managing his anger, i'm looking at it for myself and possibly knowledge and experience that i can gain and then 'semi-professionally' to the best of my knowledge share with other people, anyone who wants to learn. maegan talked about opening up a center for teens young adults and children and i'm sure anyone else who wanted to stay. she wants this to be her home that she invites people into, which i think is a great idea, a positive step forward in truly helping people, starting from the inside and working through their mental setbacks and then reinforcing them with positive steps forward, this is where i need help; communication. but this 'living in a house' isn't want i want, i don't think i could ever live somewhere forever or have a forever home, i just don't know how.. i've found that my lifes joy comes from experience and transformation. look at this website ( http://www.ayahuasca-wasi.com/ ) and please watch the video, and come with me to the amazon. lets experience something together, discover what you enternal compass is pointing twards, evolve in the mind and seek what you wish, i hope that one day i find what i'm searching for, ..a cave somewhere

will you?

slash/ introduction while i'm at it

In a way this is a post to everysingleoneofyouonthisboard who have helped me learn so much in the plant mind of psychedelics, though i haven't experienced anything close to what you describe (but still peaking over cliff hanging concepts indeed!) i'm here for the potential of these extraordinary substances that i believe do indeed deserve everysinglehumanbeings completely minded respect and credit for idea of a somehow connected and communicating evolutionary mind. those involved are inside of themselves creating a complete symbiosis of a 'novelty'/forward moving plant/human-mind vechiel that takes place within in you, of time and, of able ability to create Anything that we can create in our Minds! but be reasonable! and look for the best solutions. --for me this is easier said than done, one of my hurdles is communication, to get my words to stand out right with an image when physically spoken, this is something i just can't seem to comprehend, or integrate for very long. but i’m working on it,

right after he’s smoked dmt you can tell..
usually i wouldn't quote him for fear of conformation, but fear?
you've gotta admit terence has some wild ideasShocked i've always had a special place in my heart for trees most of all, their mental or bilingual immensity still shakes me everytime as does the site and jaw dropping abilities of erupting volcanoes.. really puts things into perspective when i wonder what i am

this post is a couple of things really, its a move forward in the communication of likeindividuals, which i've seen portrayed in many ways on this site, individual ideas connecting through similarities and simply put 'likeminded-ness' that comes together when these individuals meet or connect through some forumSmile of communication or even happenstance to something or someone new and exciting during or after symbiosis. and 2nd an adventure, hopefully everyone reads something different

and so one day maybe i'll happen upon your cave


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