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Icarus' Short Story Options
#1 Posted : 4/5/2011 11:58:28 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 6
Joined: 13-Aug-2009
Last visit: 08-Oct-2012
Hello travelers,

Icarus was fresh in college, so he didn't know so much. He had plenty of plans and ideals, just as he should, he just got into a good college. Somewhere along the line, his buddies and his buddies buddies introduced Icarus to cannabis. It was just wonderful. Being high just couldn't measure up to ordinary reality. Sounds sounded better, tastes tasted better, his vision was bright as if God himself placed the Sun behind his eyes. He became more sociable, and chatted with his friends about all kinds of things like the nature of existence, the role of technology in our lives- all the deep things which seemed oh so important.

At some point, his high became super euphoric. He began to imagine himself as a diode of light in a dark room so he could better understand light. Symbols started cropping up everywhere. Eventually music came to him and he was able to slow down time even further when high, so time began to become irrelevant to him. Time shattered into space, a space he was beginning to appreciate more and more. Soon, he was so euphoric, he stopped sleeping, for he was working on important stuff, stuff that couldn't be interrupted. He bought a cool new vaporizer and smoked and smoked and smoked until three days went by without sleep.

Icarus began to talk faster and faster, and no one could keep up with him; he had discovered so much that was happening around him he could barely contain it all, let alone have anyone with the time or undivided attention to listen to all this new, startling information he found. The euphoria grew greater and greater, no one could know what it felt like to be God! In fact, he thought he was God, and he thought he would birth the messiah with his old girlfriend, in California, where his school's football team was going to try and win the national title. Once they won, there was a surge of energy throughout the town that he connected with, and that drove him even farther into euphoria. He took all his friends around campus, showing them all sorts of neat stuff Icarus thought was amuszing and significant. He absolutely refused to drive in cars, for they were automatic; in fact machines in general were begining to become too powerful for him to handle, and as such he destroyed his phone, for its power was too great.

Icarus gave away all his possessions, his car, his money to a friend. He wanted to be nothing, own nothing. Soon his friends became very alarmed and concerned about Icarus' health and safety, for he thought he was God. Then his family came up to take him home. On the way home from his college apartment, they got into a car accident- a drunk driver. This sent shock-waves through Icarus' body, surging with adreneline. He blamed it on the auto-machines.

Icarus was glad to be home, 'OM' is where he wanted to be. Unfortunately, his family had no idea how to deal with this electrified version of their son, so they took him to a hospital, where they felt he did not have the capacity to understand why he was there in the first placed, so they Baker Acted him. But first four men had to hold him down and inject him with drugs to calm him down. Icarus spent the next twelve days inside a mental hospital...

I, Daedalus, Icarus' son, wonders in retrospect if these expiriences were a massive DMT surge through Icarus' body.
His experiences were very hard on me. But, I have become very interested in the potential of DMT, in not only understanding Icarus' experience, but in the semiotics and geometry the entities of hyperspace wish to convey to us. I have never done DMT myself and hope to one day. I have many goals, but the most primary is to understand DMT, but yet respect that the full facets of DMT may never be fully revealed.

Thanks to all who read!



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#2 Posted : 4/6/2011 12:43:14 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 36
Joined: 14-Mar-2011
Last visit: 13-Sep-2011
Fascinating. Was this long ago?

Have you ever read "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance?" Icarus' experience sounds much like Phaedrus'.

#3 Posted : 4/6/2011 1:31:13 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 18
Joined: 24-Feb-2011
Last visit: 18-Apr-2011
Location: hi
Great story man. I didn't think it was going to end with that question, which i do feel i can answer with a speculation. I really think in very certain situations dmt is secreted. Where it travels and what it does to things it touches i have no clue. Can you actually feel serotonin? it could be that im thinking of. But this feeling is like something thats physical but at the same time visually sensational. It's happened while tripping on mushrooms many times. I kind of let go of my body and my will power and this rushing radiation comes through, like something thats always there but i only see when i let go. Doesn't feel like the mushrooms, feels like my body, kind of ominously shocking, not really desirable per se.
Are you daedalus the DJ? do you know who im talking about?
#4 Posted : 4/6/2011 6:28:48 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 6
Joined: 13-Aug-2009
Last visit: 08-Oct-2012
Nah, I'm not a DJ...
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