The following are the words of a close friend of mine...
2nd trip from about 18 months ago:
As I exploded into another world, I was immediately confronted with a large insect-like creature. It towered over me, and proceeded to stand on its back legs alone to reveal an innumerable amount of legs extending out of the complexly patterned abdomen. I was perplexed by the fact that what should have been a terrifying experience was evoking such a deep sense of peace inside me.
Throughout the entire experience, the alien never ceased to maintain direct eye contact with me. In addition to looking directly at me, the creature was overwhelmingly looking inside of me. It was as if the creature understood the questions that have been burning within me for so long, and wanted to do all it could to provide me with answers. The internal peace was overridden by my curiosity as I observed the Insect-like creature begin speaking matter into existence.
The matter exited its mouth from both sides and swirled together to form a circular fractal which descended into eternity. As I followed the epicenter of the fractalβs descent, the creature communicated with me telepathically to let me know I was observing how all things originally came into existence. The Symbol of Uroborus appeared in my mind. The result of trying to understand this visual and physical representation of creation was the feeling of having every strand of my mind ripped apart. I felt I had infringed upon a divine truth that our pathetic minds were not to meant to know. I could feel the cells making up my spiritual mind separating. I did not think there was any way I could return to my physical body intact.
Upon seeing my pain, the creature let me know the discomfort was a result of my current inability to completely understand the process. My whole life, I have been incapable of believing something on faith alone. Maybe the innate faith I have been provided with is less than the average person. For some reason, it is much easier for me to believe after having seen the answer, and told I am simply incapable of understanding it, than when I am told to believe on faith alone. In both scenarios, the exact answer is shrouded in mystery, but the former provides my soul with infinitely more peace.
All posts are completely fictional and for educational purposes only