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#1 Posted : 3/14/2011 11:12:54 AM

Posts: 1
Joined: 14-Mar-2011
Last visit: 14-Mar-2011
Location: The Road
Good morning, I suppose it'd be proper to introduce myself so here goes:
Hello, my name is Seth. I am young'n of the age 21. For work, I pretty much do whatever is offered. I am a gypsy, and the road has long been my friend. Ever since the day I was born, I have traveled. Much like the Johnny Cash song, I have indeed been practically everywhere. Although I suppose one could deduce such from my screen-name.

I try to do well at whatever I set my mind to, such as music, visual arts, writing, or whatever my current employment may require of me, but it seems my talents lie within art, writing, and my rebellious nature. I must apologize in advance because at times I may come off as uncouth, but I assure you, I do not mean anything untoward. I am a very laid back individual, who tries to take things as un-seriously as I can. This attitude was inspired when after many years of hard-ship, and personal disconnection, I read the book Steppenwolf by Herman Hesse which helped me with whatever had been bugging me at the time. (Phenomenal book, by the way.)

I like to study philosophy, enjoy music, create art, and practice my marksmanship at the range. In fact, if you ever meet me in person, you'll notice I always have two things on my person: My Zune, and a rucksack full of sketchbooks. Other hobbies include, but are not limited to, woodwork, hiking, camping, swimming, playing a game called STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl, and chain smoking.

Since I was about 15 years, I have been searching for an other-worldly experience. The start of this journey was brought upon me by a great appreciation for the music of Jimi Hendrix, wishing to discover exactly what was driving my creative self to create art, and a book by an unknown author titled as 2012. The book was a review of what has become known as the Mayan Cosmogenisis, or in English, the Mayan myth of Spontaneous Conscious Evolution brought on by the return of the god "Quetzecatl" I suppose I've always been drawn to the other-side, if you wish to call it that, for I have always yearned to know more about the unknown.

And there you have it. That's me in as much of a nutshell as I can think to place. Although personally, I find it much more enjoyable to learn about people as time goes on than reading a bio about themselves... It takes the fun out of it, really, because from there on out you have a jist on what to expect. Smile

Anyways, I shall skeedadle from this overly long-winded post. I'm done writing. Seriously. Razz

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