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A shaman of the salvia realm Options
#1 Posted : 3/10/2011 9:56:49 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Location: Dreams
I'm not just called "shaman" for no reason, im a quite expirienced friend of Lady Sally D. Let me explain my progression through the realm of salvia. My first attempts with salvia were rather unsuccessful; besides a trippy little head buzz i felt nothing. I should have expected that with a ghetto ass can-pipe and a Bic lighter. Later i went to a "smoke circle" with my friends and decided to give miss sally a second chance. My first breakthrough. I held in a large amount of smoke time after time with no results, i told them i didnt think it worked on me. My friend (let's call him Tyler) told me to "rip the hell out of this bowl" and "hold it in until [stuff] starts to happen". So i took his advice and i waited and waited and wai........HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I busted out in laughter, then stopped to notice that my laugh was behind and above me laughing at me. I felt four different layers of "reality" unfolding away from me. (just try it and you'll understand) As soon as i looked at my friends, they had all melted into what looked like a cascade with the color orange flowing from their faces down their bodies which appeared to be rocks. There were three distinct colors to this trip: orange, blue and green. Still in a state of a hallucinagenic euphoria i ran out to Tlyer's backyard grass feild and crawled around listening to these little purple flowers laugh as they ran away from me. I turned around and looked at my friends again and as soon as i did they melted away again, and i laughed at this. After that the "trip" subsided and i told my friends all about it. It truly opened my eyes to how blind we all really are. There are so many things our minds neglect to feel and see, and with the aide of salvia i feel able to see so much further. If youre looking to see into a whole new world, salvia is your ticket there. Since then i have encountered the realm of salvia numerous times and i embrace each expirience, good or scary, as a message from my "soul" as we percive it. I am glad to be a part of a community who recognizes the amazing qualities of the natural magic that the earth has given us; and for a good reason. Keep on keepin' on Nexus!
Just once or twice is good for your soul - Danny Elfman

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#2 Posted : 3/10/2011 10:02:16 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Have you tried DMT yet? Salvia is interesting but it didn't seem to have much to teach me.. A lot of people really value it though.

If youre looking to see into a whole new world, salvia is your ticket there.

DMT certainly fits the bill as well.

Welcome Smile
#3 Posted : 3/11/2011 3:25:54 AM

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I'm don't want to get hung up on the whole "shaman" thing, but I think it would take many, many years to get to the point in your relationship with Salvia to be able to take on a title like that. Shamans who brew up Ayahuasca, it takes them years to achieve that status as well. I'm not saying you aren't dedicated, but let's just call ourselves "travelers" or "Voyagers of the Salvinorin Seas." Pleased

I think Salvia has just as much to teach as any other plant ally. It just takes real perseverance to get down to those deeper lessons with Salvia. I know it took me several years before I started to even begin to accept some of the lessons Salvia was trying to teach me. DMT may be more gentle. Salvia can definitely be...I can't come up with any better word than "violent". Hard lessons, but lessons learned nonetheless.

#4 Posted : 3/11/2011 11:59:50 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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vertigoshaman wrote:
My first attempts with salvia were rather unsuccessful; besides a trippy little head buzz i felt nothing. I should have expected that with a ghetto ass can-pipe and a Bic lighter.

You're no shaman.
#5 Posted : 3/11/2011 5:47:36 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hello VertigoShaman,

I find Salvia to be one of the most difficult plant allies to tame. If plain leaf is to be respected and feared in its own right, how much respect does potentiated leaf demand from us in order to safely teach us anything meaningful? The extracts provide a quick and deceptively painless way to travel incomprehensible distances from our perception of ordinary reality. Life, as I have experienced it till now leads me to believe that there is never a painless way to achieve greatness, whether it's greatness in distance, in character, in speed, or anything else. My waking experience may be lying to me, but it still provides me with the best basis for assumptions. I am very much into "seeing a whole new world" as you put it. The moon is beautiful and far away, I often wish I could be able to travel that far, enjoying a coffee and a cigarette comfortably on its surface. The reality is likely to be that my coffee would freeze, my cigarette wouldn't light up and my body would be ripped inside out from the vacuum of space. During a salvia breakthrough we are flung to what we perceive to be beyond the ends of the universe, beyond other dimensions, into salvia space, an alien realm much farther and harsher than the familiar environment of our moon. How will we protect ourselves there? How do we grasp anything meaningful from the experience when we have no idea how we got there and no clue as to how we got back home? What do you think? I think we should be careful not to fly to close to the sun, if the wings on our back are borrowed and made of wax.
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