Let me start off by saying this is not swim's first trip into hyperspace. Swim has had over 20 amazing vists and breakthroughs. The spirt has helped sime through alot in the past 8 months. And now swim is starting to feel back to normal again, always in a good mood. So tonight was going to be one of swim's first joruney is quite some time in a optamistic state of mind.
As normal swim likes to spend quite a bit of time before blast off meditating. And after what felt like a good session swim was ready. So swim went to go start the preloade vessel and got a few good hits outta of it. But never felt blastoff. So after a little bit swim decided not waste this state of mind and contuie to meditate. For about the next 30 mins swim had the most spirtual expereince ever while on this plant. Swim had pretty good CEVs and when swim started to pray to his godess, she appered infront of she, just her face. Swim knows it was her, he could just feel it. And through out that whole meditation swim felt himself connecting with his gods and past life. He felt as if everything was starting to come together. Swim feels like he was starting to become buddha(by defention of being an enlightened one) swim is not saying he is now enlighten and a buddha but it felt like swim knows he will become one in this life time. And end his reencarnation cycle.
Has anyone ever experience something like this. Breaking through, with out accuatlly have any noticable effects of the lovey spirit molecule?
"This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness."
~Dalai Lama