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Pharma - Caapi vs Rue alkaloid experiences Options
#1 Posted : 2/17/2011 9:15:50 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Not really sure where to put this thread. It seems equally appropriate in the experiences section.

SWIM has only recently begun experimenting with caapi alkaloids in his pharma sessions, having finally acquired and extracted some caapi. Extracted rue alkaloids were always used previously.

His first time he made two separate shots, each containing 175 mg red caapi alkaloids and 80 mg spice fumarate, since he always drinks twice in a night. He was hoping to go really deep with this experience. It had been over six months since his last pharma session and he had some issues he was hoping to work through in the way that only a deep journey can provide. SWIM hasn't yet passed the 80 mg of oral spice, and that much is very intense for him.

Being his first experience with caapi instead of rue, he wasn't sure what to expect. It was a very warm, pleasant, and healing experience, with a very clear headspace, but much more mild than he was expecting. It was also very short lived compared to his rue preparations. He was back close to baseline within about an hour and a half of ingesting the first drink. He then took the second, which took him much deeper than the first, but was still very short lived compared to what he was accustomed to. All in all, a wonderful introduction to the magic of the caapi vine.

Two weeks later (three weeks maybe?), he had another session. Thinking that perhaps the short experience the previous time was due to needing more caapi alkaloids compared to rue, he decided to up the dosage a bit and invite all his "friends" to the party instead of just the red caapi. He again prepared two identical shots, this time each containing 100 mg black caapi alks, 75 mg red caapi alks, and 50 mg rue alks (total of 225 mg), and with 80 mg spice fumarates.

The first drink was quite a bit more intense than the previous session, and with a noticeably different character, like something that had been missing last time was back. Though much more intense, this was also quite short lived, again being back near baseline around an hour and a half later, when he took the second drink. What happened next can't really be described in English. It was the most intense experience of his life, both horrifying and magnificent, in which he thought he might die, had violent purifying purges, turned into his inner monsters, did die, bonded fully with the life giving five elements, and then was reborn into a new and wonderful world of pure love.

There was a beautiful and amazing afterglow from this experience that lasted an entire week, and still seems to continue a bit still. He felt so healed, renewed, recharged, motivated, and uplifted, and projected that out to those around him. Everyone benefited.

So, in conclusion, SWIM's first experiences with caapi have been wonderful, with a warmer feeling and a clearer head-space than with rue alone. Yet, rue brings its own gifts to the table that are lacking with caapi alone. He thinks that from now on he will continue to combine both.

Anyone else have any thoughts or reflections combining the two?


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#2 Posted : 2/17/2011 9:29:17 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Salvia divinorum expertSenior Member

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Rue contains quite a bit of harmaline (I think 50% or more?) and harmaline has about twice the MAOI effect of harmine, so when dosing with caapi extracted alkaloids you’ll have to use more to get comparable effects.

You say you took 225mg total alkaloids and 80mg DMT-fumarate, then took the same amount 1.5 hours later? That’s quite a bit – no wonder you had such a powerful experience. I’m glad it had such a positive and healing effect!
gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
#3 Posted : 2/17/2011 11:14:02 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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For the record, SWIM didn't walk into this blindly, but, yes, it was quite a lot. That dosage he has gradually worked his way up to, and wouldn't recommend it for early journeys. I probably should have said that in the first post to prevent anyone from thinking that's typical (BE SAFE ALL!).

Yes, rue does contain a lot of harmaline. He just wasn't aware that there was going to be such a large difference in potency and effects of rue vs caapi. After combining them, he thinks that there is an element to both that would now seem lacking without combining them (THH from caapi, and harmaline from the rue would be missing if either were used alone)
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