My name is Wallace.
I've signed up to these boards, or the 'Nexus' for a few reasons. The way in which I found this place is through google searching "White Light DMT" and coming across a thread here. I was on my way to post there and share an experience before realising you needed to post here first. I figure there's no harm in gaining more knowledge on the subject and people here seem really switched on, so I'm looking forward to some discussions! Let me also just say I am so glad to find a place that supports scientific evidence and open perspectives.
I read another post that started something like this, so i'll state the drugs in which I have used so people are aware. Marijuana - quite heavily for a year whilst I was living abroad, I had no real ill experiences up until a year ago (will be explained) when I started becoming paranoid whilst smoking. Mushrooms - My favourite drug as of now, I have gone on probably 4 or 5 trips, I have never seen colours of shapes whilst using Psilocybin. MDMA - I think around 3 or 4 times, my first time was an amazing experience, I have never taken more than one capsule and since the first haven't experienced anything too significant. Speed - 3 times, 1 average dose and two incredibly small ('wake me ups'

all within the last 3 weeks.
The greatest and worst experience that I have ever encountered however is love. A year ago I met another individual and had quite the experience. Initially it was 3 nights of about 16 hours in which we smoked a little pot to begin with the first couple nights and simply connected non stop. It was the first time I've ever had so much in common with another, the first time I had seen myself (the definition of myself is up for scrutiny), the first time I felt true and non-ego based love, the first time I had felt complete and completely grounded, yet entirely happy. The first time I had felt no fear in any way and been able to communicate openly and fluidly with others (not just the individual), the first time I began to understand what I was capable of physically and artistically, the first time I ever felt entirely free, the first time I had an OBE, the first time and the first time I had a white light experience. The first time I experienced telepathy/synchronicity and the first time I truly accepted I'm a dork (still working on that one these days hahaha). The connection with this person was incredibly intense, lasted 2-3 weeks and has simply left me mind-fucked, paranoid and unsure of myself ever since. Good times!
It opened my gates of possibilities, spirituality, and inhibitions. Basically it was 2-3 weeks (honestly can't remember) of feeling high, whilst completely sober. I generally slept anywhere from 2-5 hours a night feeling completely refreshed in the morning, experienced synchronicity like no other (in every way from buses to people) and felt like I wasn't there, yet was, the entire time. The attraction that I pulled in was beyond my own belief, I had people lose their thoughts and speech constantly, and basically felt like a magnet. Never worked so fast in my life and been so 'switched on'.
The only way I could describe it at the time was feeling like God. Or maybe just Jesus.
By the way, if anyone else has had a similar experience I would love to share experience with you.
Before this I was a spokesman for 'you die, you go in a hole and that's it', since then I have no idea what to think. Since then I have come across many people in the 'New-Age' box, Reiki practitioners or participants and people talking of reptilians. I have had Reiki healing performed and felt fantastic afterwards, I have received my Reiki Stage 1, however felt as if I didn't learn anything too new to help my understanding and decided as much as I would love to energy heal, do not wish to continue it until I have healed myself. I am also weary of new age beliefs and 'wa-woo' and though I looked into it quite deeply and thought 'Oh that's possible!', I am coming back (I feel) to a balanced view that involves more science, as that is what I was brought up on. My view of what is possible within the human race, society and our perception of reality is utterly different however.
I have experienced a few OBE's since, and quite a few white light experiences. I have also experienced Synchronicity/telepathy with another individual I was traveling with, as well as a white light experience with them which was incredibly exciting for us. During a sleep paralysis moment (something else I never used to experience), I began getting high pitch noise, weird language (which some call light language, and something that I have come to realise I have muttered during various stages of consciousness before, not just had through these experiences), vibration in visuals as I was viewing myself from third person, and then broke through the white light to see Greys/Annunaki. My friend who was little spoon at the time experienced geometric shapes and colours, the same noise and vibration then white light as well.
In conclusion, I am excited to learn more about DMT and others experiences as it has been of extremely large interest to me this last year, I would love to communicate openly with others on the emotional experience level of both trips and 'sober' reality to help in the grounding of myself again and perhaps understanding of what is going on, as well as help others and share knowledge and experience. I am a conspiracy enthusiast, have a large interest and understanding of the Mayan calendar from the perspective of Calleman, Arguelles, Clow etc, a Terrence McKenna fan, as well as Sagan, Einstein, Tesla, and Michio Kaku. I love to draw and paint though have lost all inspiration lately, graffiti and music are things I love.
I feel there are links between quantum mechanics and DMT, however I have been pursuing some form of magical/scientific answer for the last year to explain what I experienced and basically justify my views now to scientific minded friends, something I am giving up on as it hurts my head without going new age and feeling like I might just be going crazy instead (though it makes sense to me).
My favourite thought I have observed which came to me on mushrooms whilst on the Canadian West coast is "The Keepers of Earth shall be grounded by truth". Around that time a friend of mine was reading out Bhagavad Gita to me, felt like my mind was being blown.
"All matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves.." I now wonder what would happen if I actually took acid.
Peace, lots of love and hope you are having a lovely day/night