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#1 Posted : 2/13/2011 6:55:44 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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This is the thread I'm going to post all my future trip reports in, and I encourage everyone to put their random trip reports here. No matter the length, descriptiveness, or relevancy to each other. Just post about any experience you've had with this wonderfully strange plant! Smile

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 2/13/2011 9:52:28 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Location: Forever riding the rotating molecular structure of interconnecting peoploids.
The Periphery People

My pipe seems to have taken on magical properties because I’m now able to trip a lot deeper using crumpled up plain leaf. After torching up, I grabbed my LED flashlight and followed the beam of light through the darkness of my apartment to my chair.

I got comfortable and closed my eyes. I immediately began to see vertical layers of what looked like white cauliflower bulbs. I remember thinking to myself, “these white colors are pretty strong considering it’s just plain leaf.” While watching the retinal festivities, I focused in on one of the cauliflowers. It was very bright and stationary, but I noticed that it was constantly rearranging itself in high speed as if some cranked up hidden painter was having difficulty deciding on a final form. Even though I need reading glasses, I had no problem seeing the high resolution of the scene in front of me. I waited to see if the bulb would take on a human shape, but the best it could do was try unsuccessfully to form up as the profile of a white horse.

I then saw the periphery people. Actually, it was one person. Imagine looking through your eyeballs and noticing the bone surrounding your eye sockets. That is where I saw the periphery person. He was glued to the bone surrounding my right eyeball. I could see him lurking there in the corner of my eye. His human torso was like a topographical mountain range protruding out of my skull.

Unfortunately, the trip then began to wind down. What astounded me was the fact that I was only smoking plain leaf. I can’t wait to see what happens when I start smoking hefty pinches of 10x. Plus there’s that untouched 25x that whispers to me,
“don’t be afraid of the periphery people.”
#3 Posted : 2/13/2011 9:54:15 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Location: Forever riding the rotating molecular structure of interconnecting peoploids.

Welcome To The Salvia Carnival

Yours truly just finished smoking a fiery, ember orange bowl of plain leaf. I was instantly taken to the carnival. IT NEVER STOPS. The salvia carnival is always ongoing. It is an ever-present reality that coexists alongside our material/consensus reality. It is an entire salvia world forever rotating on its axis like a cosmic Ferris wheel. A world that rotates on its axis. Who could imagine such a thing?

I was thrown into this greenish, rotating carnival ride made up of interconnecting wheel-like appendages. It seemed alive as it spun me around and around. I felt like I was in John Lennon’s “Benefit for Mr. Kite”. My salvia body twisted into hidden dimensions. My ego spiraled outwardly and disappeared into every nook and cranny of the salvia experience.

Salvia is a carnival that never stops. It’s a carnival that doesn’t discriminate on who can enter. The price of admission is one leaf of salvia divinorum.

If we build it, they will come.
(If we build what?)
If we build a bridge to the salvia carnival. Cool
#4 Posted : 2/13/2011 10:06:59 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Location: Riding the Aurora Borealis
Very nice Smile I love when there are such similarities between two trippers. Salvia seems to produce similar, yet vastly different effects. If that makes any sense. Some get stuck in a void, others feel like they have to fight the experience. Then there's this whole group of people who've written about the Wheel and this strange carnival/circus, also these "lego people", which I've also experienced. Many visuals seem cartoonish, like interconnecting lego-men. And it's amazing that people who've never spoken or know each other in the least, experience the same things.
Rising Spirit
#5 Posted : 2/14/2011 12:28:59 AM

'Tis A Looooooong Wind Blowing Cosmic Dust

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Make that three trippers. I have been to the 'Salvia Carnival' before. Not yesterday though, that one was COLLOSSAL. It happened about 3 months ago? It was my third time into a full-blown breakthrough experience with SD and it was quite fascinating. I remember being jostled about by the undulating crowd and for the life of me... I couldn't remember who I was. Was I dreaming? Or is this REALITY and I am just figuring it all out? And why was I at the Carnival?

I did stop at a stand and watched a juggler who was tossing glowing globes with an expertise which defied reality. But of course!!! Anyway, I decide to reach out for one of the globes. Strangely, my arm elongated to easily stretch-out and reach one of these pulsing light globes. I just had to have one! Yeah, I'm still a kid at heart. Wink

As my hand touched it, my fingers started to melt into and then become thousands of marble-sized light globes which, within seconds, grew to the size of the juggling light balls. moments later, each one grew to bowling ball size and on and on and on...

As I watched my hands, arms and chest dissolving into this bubbling and frothing surge, these innumerable spheres enveloped me completely. Like I was engulfed within am electromagnetic foam of some kind? Cosmic suds! Was I suffocating (?), I thought in a panic! I melted into them and they melted inside of me. My cellular structure became these bubbles of throbbing light. As if my form was a transparency of a vessel, holding sparkling water or champagne!

Soon I was fully consumed by these glowing orbs and I became 1,000,001 bubbles of Salvia light-energy-spheres. Buzzing and bubbling... I cannot say this was unpleasant, for it was kind of fun! Each bubble pulsing with that eerie Salvia Divinorum rhythm. Suddenly, I exploded into every conceivable direction.

My sense of self had become this globular effervescence. My bubbles of light were propelled outwardly, each globe exponentially grew until it was the immense size of a sun and drew cosmic dust into it's gravitational field, rapidly developing orbiting planetary bodies. Some planets grew life forms and eventually... we have beings, societies and ... the same repeated duplication of the Salvia Carnival.

This can occur before our stunned subjective observations (all 1,000,001 of us) in a matter of seconds. Well, I assume there were also 1,000,001 Rising Spirits loosing their wits to the loop of Salvinorin A but honestly, I didn't know who the Hell I was at the time. But then again, do we ever really? Regardless of which state of mind, environmental stimulus or level of sobriety?

I'm talking about 1,000,001 worlds, each duplicating the very same exact scenario, with me as the subjective witness to this looping force.

Frankly, this was a me which I still am trying to recognize, deep within myself. Mind bending stuff, this Salvia Divinorum! The wildest thing of all is this, as the globes of light flowed outwards from my Salvianated Self, just as many were flowing back INTO me (inside of my core light bubble). It's hard to describe, really hard to describe. But I felt as if each light bubble that emanated and exponentially grew larger and larger... was twinned by immensely huge stars of light energy shrinking even, in symmetric stages, to be reabsorbed right back into my Salvianated Self.

What a mind blowing experience!!! Shocked

I have become aware that Salvinorin a produces these manifestation loops... or whatever we want to call them. Like, for example, if you think about a navel orange when you are in the Bizarro World of the 'Salvia Loop', it would become 1,000,001 navel oranges, all the same in every tiny detail (all lined up side by side and disappearing out of sight). Often these multiplicities of identical duplication, seem to appear as if they were superimposed graphic images, whereby they fall into some kind of plasticine-mind-jelly matrix and cause an infinite continuum. This force seems capable of duplicating the thought-form for an apparent, eternity.

Some kind of surrealistic, linear mind looping effect of sorts? A very unique space! Often disorienting and sometimes frightening but that's all part of the energy. Very unique Medicine, that's for sure. If I had to pick the ideal background music for the Salvia Carnival?

I would choose Pink Floyd's, ECHOES AND REFLECTIONS (off the Metal album). It would be simply perfect! Say, did they have access to SD back in the late 1960's? Hmmm... the UK is a long way from Mexico. Or is it really very far at all? :idea:

Peace, love & light
There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.
#6 Posted : 2/14/2011 5:19:33 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Great report Rising Spirit! Smile

I did stop at a stand and watched a juggler who was tossing glowing globes with an expertise which defied reality. But of course!!! Anyway, I decide to reach out for one of the globes. Strangely, my arm elongated to easily stretch-out and reach one of these pulsing light globes. I just had to have one! Yeah, I'm still a kid at heart.

The second Salvia trip I took, I saw a juggler just like that, and I thought, "How is he juggling ten balls at once?" Smile Salvia always gives me that feeling of being young again, (not that I'm that old, really) of being a child in a grown-ups world. Salviaspace feels like it's a more complex reality than our everyday reality, in some manner.
Suddenly, I exploded into every conceivable direction.

Ha! I experience this EVERY time I smoke Salvia now, and it has even carried over to other psychedelics that I use. A feeling of exploding outwards into the cosmos in these brilliant beams of light/energy.
I have become aware that Salvinorin a produces these manifestation loops... or whatever we want to call them. Like, for example, if you think about a navel orange when you are in the Bizarro World of the 'Salvia Loop', it would become 1,000,001 navel oranges, all the same in every tiny detail (all lined up side by side and disappearing out of sight). Often these multiplicities of identical duplication, seem to appear as if they were superimposed graphic images, whereby they fall into some kind of plasticine-mind-jelly matrix and cause an infinite continuum. This force seems capable of duplicating the thought-form for an apparent, eternity.

I was just pondering this while looking at all those works of art in the Salvia Art thread in the nursery. Wondering if I could control it, because for me, it seems independent of my own thought processes. I find it hard to think of something specific, say a ball, or a cat, while in the grips of Salvia. The experience is so other-worldly that I usually can't remember much of my everyday life until the trip is winding down. But it still had me thinking, is it possible to steer the experience in a way. Could you make these manifesting thought loops do your bidding? Smile If it's possible, I think it would take much practice.

Again, great post Rising Spirit. I'm off to listen to "Echoes" while I pack my bong with some 5x Pleased
Rising Spirit
#7 Posted : 2/14/2011 5:42:33 AM

'Tis A Looooooong Wind Blowing Cosmic Dust

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Hey Now Doxippus,

I was about to post a new thread about my recent voyage and self-dissolving immersion into the 'Salvinorin Seas'. I am going to title it: The Salvinorin Self... but for now, I'd much rather be a part of a greater collective effort, to share, map and reflect upon the variety of experiences possible under the spell of this powerful psychedelic Teacher. When I do kick off the new thread, it will be specifically about the inter-dynamics of SD and the core spiritual and transcendental aspects of the Salvia experience.

In all honesty, I am just too mellow to take on the project, this morning and will be touching bases here, to share some of the characteristics of my SD trips and see if we share the same elements or if the states of mind it produces are as unique and individual as the myriad souls who embrace it's wild, spiraling ride into infinity.

I have just returned from the most spiritual experience I have ever had within such an interphase with Salvia Divinorum (20x standardized extract). I have discovered something about both, myself and the mystical nature of Salvia Divinorum. I hope to share a glint of what I have integrated.

Just as within lucid dreaming, awareness can be focused and utilized to direct the mind towards an objectivity which defies description, the force which loops endlessly into itself and gurgles into an infinity of possibilities.

There has been much discussion with the Nexus about Salvinorin A and how it affects the human brain. Is it a euphoriant or merely a rushing, bizarre state of dissociation and even dysphoria? Whether or not it is a true hallucinogenic psychedelic chemical, etc...

In fact, recently during his really wonderful lecture, Advances in understanding how psychedelics work in the brain, Dr. David Nichols dismissed the whole Salvianated state of mind as, "Much ado about Nothing." Now, if he was being deeply philosophical and was drawing reference to how Salvianation can expand one's perception of knowledge to include an awareness of the unknowable immensity and unmanifested nature of the Indivisible Void... I'd take that as a compliment. Sadly, he is being dismissive and condescending towards any experience which might spin-out, spontaneously from an immersion with Salvinorin A.

So just why is Salvia Divinorum generated perception not "mind manifesting"? Because of the receptors involved with it's activation within the human brain? As SD does not stimulate the Serotonin 2A and/or the Dopamine D2 receptors, his hypothesis is that SD is not a true psychedelic chemical substance, as it activates the cap opioid receptor. Being a scientist, he deals with clinically provable causes & effects. This is another path, altogether, than the one of the psychonaut. Ours is a process of subjective interpretation and a unique personal exploration, by which we come to understand the power of this Sacred Medicine. Pity though, as SD is still legal to use in clinical research, he is wasting an opportunity to use human subjects in his experiments, instead of mice. BTW, this is a link to the thread, here within the Nexus:


I will limit parameters of this trip report to a clearly descriptive format, without the usual metaphysical extrapolations, I am so prone to indulge in. there are areas which can only be interpreted through spiritual symbology, so I may meander over the edge a few times but what can I say? One of my boyhood influences was much more erudite with words that I am.

Popeye the Sailor wrote:
"I am what I am and that's all that I am... "

In short, I want to list some of the important features to my recent journey into the mysterious realm of SD, to essentially compare notes and embrace a platform of exchange with fellow Nexian family members. So, instead of a linear progression through my internal experience, I am shifting my story to the grouping and defining of these archetypal states of mind. I begin with the usual set of things our mind tells us are important to recall about the immersion. As with the interphase with Mesc, P, mushrooms, LSD, DMT, MDMA and other tryptamines & phenethylamines, Salvinorin A has a cluster of perceivable characteristics, which describe to the subjective witness, a panorama of energy patterns.

#1. The loop.
This seems to be a predominant element to the experience. This 'loop' can be seen/felt/imagined as a wave of rushing force, which turns over upon itself, endlessly. Folding upon itself, over and over again. It's extremely hard to put into words but I have the direct sensation of revolving within this pattern. Initially, a membrane of some kind kept me from tuning into it's nature but I have grown to the point of merging with it's undulations (like I had a choice?).

#2. The Sonic Tone.
I have noticed a exponentially louder and louder high ringing tone when I am becoming activated by the effects of Salvinorin A. Much like the Carrier Wave, which s characterizes DMT lift-offs but not as much a vacillation in tonality, rather, a scintillation of dual ringing tones, in synergy. In other words, I hear one tone from within my right ear/hemisphere and another tone in my left ear/hemisphere. Oscillating with one another or something? Or am I hearing them with my hearing receptors, without the aid of the ear drum? The sound has the capacity to direct the awareness of the witness into alternate dimensions of force and motion. When I drew my attention to the point when these tonalities intersected, I became of a higher resonance which rang it's tone in a singularity of vibration. I grasp at words like 'shimmering' and 'scintillating' to imply Ti's sound but it was flavored by an undertone of whirring and droning, as common in psychedelic exploration.

#3. Electromagnetic, plasticine elasticity field.
That's a mouthful! This is characteristic of Salvia Space, which is reminiscent of our dreams and the adaptability of the dreamscape in which we exist. I would hesitate to label it a field or frequency but nothing else seems appropriate either. It is the backdrop upon which the Salvia Universe is overlaid upon like a Divine pulse. The not so blank canvas, upon which our dreams are born into vision, sensation and reality. This may be conceived of as the very blueprint of the chemical structural exchange, within our minds and the wave patterning of our activated brain receptors. This 'field' appears to be buzzing and glowing with an immeasurable complexity of raw force. I might be reasonable to refer to it as the 'Salvia Matrix'? What it is, I cannot truly say... but it vibrates with an undulation or pulsation, out of which anything might potentially emerge, as an alternate thought-form or reality of it's own creation.

#4. The Cosmic Disc
When peaking on SD, I always see the image of a glowing disc-like shape. This disc can be seen within everything in the mind's eye and is composed of an infinity of smaller disc-like spheres of pulsating energy. I have had this vision many times but yesterday it was tremendously potent. In afterthought, it resembles an Alka Seltzer tablet bubbling and dissolving in a glass of water. I have looked carefully at this 'hallucination' and found that the closer I look, the more I can seen and endless interior to the bubbles emanating out of the Disc.

As the SD journey is multidimensional and unique in it's visual characteristics, the bubbles are BOTH, emanating and returning into the Disc, simultaneously. Like one of those computer-graphic images of a Black Hole. Except composed of sizzling, shimmering currents of light energy. Does this make any sense? I am always transfixed by this fizzing visual impression. Like looking through carbonated water. I always return with a sense that this image is some kind of symbol of the Indivisibility of God and one view into the fingerprint of the Divine.

#5. The Vibration & Pulsation of the Rushing Current.

#6. The Drumming Heart Song.

#7. The Rushing winds of Spirit breath.

#8. The Points of Light Eyes.

#9. The Rainbow Plasma Stuff.

#10. The Whiteout

There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.
#8 Posted : 2/14/2011 11:29:50 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Wow, that has to be one of the most powerful posts which attempts to clearly describe the Salvia experience I have ever read. I'm still half asleep, so I will have to re-read it later today. I will also post my experience from last night.
#9 Posted : 2/14/2011 12:39:44 PM

Hyperspace Architect/Doctor

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Rising Spirit wrote:
Hey Now Doxippus,

#1. The loop.
This seems to be a predominant element to the experience. This 'loop' can be seen/felt/imagined as a wave of rushing force, which turns over upon itself, endlessly. It's extremely hard to put into words but I have the direct sensation of revolving within this pattern. Initially, a membrane of some kind kept me from tuning into it's nature but I have grown to the point of merging with it's undulations (like I had a choice?).

i definitely have experienced the loop

first my location was parked in the woods in my mini van with one other buddy of mine. in preparation for the trip we made it as dark as we could only light coming from my radio. But to get to the trip we each filled our hits i went first and my buddy followed maybe going in together wasn't the best idea but i held my hit and when i exhaled it the visual i immediately had eyes open was my friends face and body inside of an oval shape and white background and it almost looked like a card of him and what it did was fall forward and the same image would slide up into its place and fall over again the trip continued like this and my mind was on this thought that i was stuck there at one point i believed i was dead i remember asking my friend multiple questions like what are we doing? or where are we? as i was trying to get any answers that would give me some sense of reality so i knew myself that i wasn't dead and in fact still in my vehicle. after this trip i have tried it again and have had the same looping experience and its weird to me because for some reason i would be ready to do it and as soon as i got inn my mind was waiting to get out. I am not a very big fan of the salvia not sure if i ever plan on doing it again.
"You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness."
— Terence McKenna

"They Say It helps when you close yours eyes cowboy"
#10 Posted : 2/14/2011 5:10:22 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Very nice Rising Spirit. Laying out the landscape where the salvia trip occurs. I cannot say enough myself, I need another breakthrough. I quit smoking the leaves daily, and when I smoked them again, it got stronger quicker than I expected. Hopefully I won't delay much. I get excited thinking about it, and know I want to, know it's just a few minutes of 'pressure' and learning. But then when it comes time to load and hit the extract, I'm like, ah, well, I'm too lazy, or, damn, I've smoked too much weed, or, I should work more on myself first. We'll see where this goes, I do not like at all the idea that I do not have the courage to suffer.
My ego is insane, but I'm alright

The path of excess leads to the palace of wisdom. -William Blake

Lavos is a fictional character, a dream inside a dream. Don't take what he says to be true or representational of reality in any known form. He is inspired by pure fantasy.
#11 Posted : 2/15/2011 6:43:39 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Location: Forever riding the rotating molecular structure of interconnecting peoploids.
The Rotating Mind Snatcher

I placed the warm pipe on my kitchen counter and wobbled over to my chair. I could feel a vague pulling sensation as I sat down. Then, with my eyes closed, I suddenly felt as if an outer layer snapshot of existence had been sliced off my temporal/spatial perspective of reality.

It's like I was within the area of the striking blades of some sort of horizontal windmill. As each blade swooshed through me, it carried away another snapshot of my existence. Away it would go along with my identity into a dark abyss.

I then realized that my closed-eye visuals were being pulled away from me by some insane salvia merry-go-round. It snatched my multi-colored visuals away from me like a thief. This happened again and again at regular intervals. I would see a scene with my eyes closed, and then some wheel-like apparatus with evenly spaced snatching clamps would come around and grab hold of my visuals, snatching the whole thing away from my mind‘s eye. I would then watch the scene get smaller and smaller as the rotating, horizontal wheel carried it away from me into the distant darkness between my eyeballs.

After a couple of minutes, the craft-like wheel began to slowly ascend at an angle away from my mental perspective. My everyday/material apartment then started to assimilate together as my all too familiar physical location. I almost expected a salvia attendant to raise the safety bar so that I could exit my chair. But I knew that the salvia beings were now detached from my mind as consensus reality continued to strengthen and solidify around me.
As I sat there in the afterglow, I was already beginning to miss my sojourn into salvia reality.
Rising Spirit
#12 Posted : 2/15/2011 7:59:54 PM

'Tis A Looooooong Wind Blowing Cosmic Dust

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Dioxippus wrote:
Wow, that has to be one of the most powerful posts which attempts to clearly describe the Salvia experience I have ever read. I'm still half asleep, so I will have to re-read it later today. I will also post my experience from last night.

Thanx Dioxippus,

I realize translating any of these sojourns into the Salvinorin Seas, falls way short of the intensity of the real experience. But still, it's good to compare notes and see if we can find a collective consensus about many of the definitive characteristics that Salvia Universe contains.

I was unable to finish detailing the last 5 characteristics, as I ran out of steam. I do vividly recall the aspects about each of them, including The Whiteout stage. I am taking another lift-off Friday and I will extrapolate further, after the next experience. I will be increasing my intake to a slightly larger bowl of 20X extract. Probably touch bases on Saturday morning?

OK, see you fellow Salvinorin Selves, then. Shocked

Peace, love & light
There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.
#13 Posted : 2/19/2011 10:02:03 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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The self playing salvia piano

Well, this is a new one. I rarely hear voices during a salvia trip, but I heard them this time. BTW, ever since I started cleaning my pipe before every use, my trips have been more intense. This trip was another of the plain leaf variety.

I sat down and closed my eyes. I immediately began to hear voices emanating from within my mind. They sounded like nonsensical words and sentence fragments. They had a soothing sound like a steady rain as they rolled down some invisible see-through mental screen. They were like the holes punched into paper that self playing pianos use to enable the keys to play notes.

For awhile, the spoken voices were rolling down the side wall of a transparent, bluish, plasma-like salvia house inside my tripping mind. The pulsating house and other objects were all slowly settling down toward the soft floor-like confines of my sub consciousness.

And then it was over. I sure am getting the most out of plain leaf these days. Remember to clean your pipes and bongs, people.
#14 Posted : 2/20/2011 6:15:41 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I'm not sure how common it is for most people, but I almost always get aural hallucinations with Salvia. Strange chanting in gibberish/some language I don't understand, weird almost electric crackling, popping/snapping, very low or very high pitched humming...

I was just thinking about giving my bong a good cleaning, it's looking a bit nasty lately. Gotta get out the coarse salt and IPA! Smile
#15 Posted : 2/26/2011 11:32:17 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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A Pinch Of Ten X

OK. So what the hell was that?
I saw those damn connecting beams again. Those toy-like connectors that snap into place, creating some type of rotating machine that slowly rolls over inside my brain. Do you know what I’m talking about? They’re these rod-like things that attach together creating a contraption that slowly rotates inside my jelly-like brain. These rotating contraptions are made out of brain jelly. The whole trip seems to take place inside my brain.

One other thing that I noticed. As I came down, I realized that the physical world is seemingly unaffected by the salvia experience. The salvia experience is a brain based affair. But something spectacular is occurring inside the brain during a salvia experience.

I remember thinking to myself as I watched the salvia contraption rotate within my brain how profound the experience would be if it were captured on film. I also realized that Hollywood has no fucking idea about the profound possibilities concerning the salvia phenomenon. Even with YouTube videos and salvia forum reports, the artistic establishment is still clueless. One day those morons will have a collective brain fart, and a decent salvia movie will be made.

Why is there a mechanical contraption rotating inside my brain during a salvia trip? It was made out of connecting rods. I’ve seen these connecting rods before. They’re usually made out of self replicating humanoids or other small objects. These replicating objects then form these linear beams or rods that connect together at various angles creating a rotating object that moves like jelly through my brain’s neural mass. The brain’s neural mass is like a three dimensional plasma hologram that displays the jelly world of salvia trips.

If that isn’t already mind blowing, I know that three quarters of this latest trip was blocked by amnesia. I can’t even describe the really good stuff because it’s still blocked by amnesia.

I don’t know if “Social Network” will win the Oscar for best picture, but at least it’s a movie about where we are as a culture. We are moving more and more into the digital age. We seem to be moving away from the physical world and toward a world inside our imaginations. Salvia too seems to be about moving away from the physical world. The brain is physical but it acts like a holographic transportation device that allows for a more subtle form of evolution further into the realm of imagination.

Diox, you mentioned in a trip report that you saw people walking on walls. I think I saw the same thing. When the visuals are rotating , the walls suddenly become the ground and vice versa. Also, for a split second, I think I saw some of the interconnected gears that FM talks about.
Rising Spirit
#16 Posted : 2/27/2011 1:14:37 AM

'Tis A Looooooong Wind Blowing Cosmic Dust

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burningmouth wrote:
Why is there a mechanical contraption rotating inside my brain during a salvia trip? It was made out of connecting rods. I’ve seen these connecting rods before. They’re usually made out of self replicating humanoids or other small objects. These replicating objects then form these linear beams or rods that connect together at various angles creating a rotating object that moves like jelly through my brain’s neural mass. The brain’s neural mass is like a three dimensional plasma hologram that displays the jelly world of salvia trips.

Funny... I've had the very same sensation repeatedly and have an entirely different picture of the mechanism involved. Each window has an alternate view and a unique vantage point, eh? My 'rods' are cross-oscillating brain waves surges, like dual hemispheric pulsations. They emit lines of vibrating energy, each from their respective hemisphere and radiates these linear, pulsating beams of raw current, which synthesize and intersect with one another; forming a cohesive fabric, which is composed of countless microcosms in it's design (like your tiny beings).

Sometimes I feel them almost twisting together or being compressed by some circular turning movement? Some mysterious universal wheel, revolving into an infinity of interiors within interiors. This is typically followed by an expansive sensation and a bubbling effervescence of spirit, despite the lack of any solidity of self or reference-point towards normal ego-identification... or any sense of reality.

In my case, I see stars and galaxies or the contrary, subatomic micro-structures. That being said, I have had visuals which incorporated any number of anthropomorphic beings. Odd yet hauntingly familiar. The human mind is a marvelous dream machine. We each have intriguing ways to translate these highly charged mind-symbols, these energy currents and raw, strobing interior electromagnetic forces. An abstraction, an intricate mesh of interwoven beams of mind stuff. :idea:

Like Dioxippus describes about the sounds within the journey, the epic voyage into the Salvinorin Seas, these beams have sonic characteristics. I was recently blow away by the intersecting, buzzing sonic waves from the ringing sounds emanating from both sides of my brain (each from their own hemisphere). Their rhythm was a throbbing counterpoint in pulsation. The point at which these tonal frequencies crossed one another, was the causative for yet another, higher pitched sonic frequency. Shimmering is the only word I know which is partially accurate to label this mesh of sonic beams.

The whole time, the elastic-plasticine (jelly like plasma, you say?) world of Salvia Divinorum, throbbed eerily in it's characteristic way and continued folding-over upon itself, endlessly so... You know what I mean?

There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.
#17 Posted : 2/27/2011 12:26:37 PM

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burningmouth wrote:
Diox, you mentioned in a trip report that you saw people walking on walls. I think I saw the same thing. When the visuals are rotating , the walls suddenly become the ground and vice versa. Also, for a split second, I think I saw some of the interconnected gears that FM talks about.

Yes I think that's why I saw them walking on walls. I thought at first that the whole scene was stationary, but then realized it was rotating counter-clockwise. I was rotating with it, so at times it seemed stationary. The gears, to me, are more like whirlwinds/vortexes that are interconnected. Still the same idea.
Rising Spirit wrote:
Like Dioxippus describes about the sounds within the journey, the epic voyage into the Salvinorin Seas, these beams have sonic characteristics. I was recently blow away by the intersecting, buzzing sonic waves from the ringing sounds emanating from both sides of my brain (each from their own hemisphere). Their rhythm was a throbbing counterpoint in pulsation. The point at which these tonal frequencies crossed one another, was the causative for yet another, higher pitched sonic frequency. Shimmering is the only word I know which is partially accurate to label this mesh of sonic beams.

The whole time, the elastic-plasticine (jelly like plasma, you say?) world of Salvia Divinorum, throbbed eerily in it's characteristic way and continued folding-over upon itself, endlessly so... You know what I mean?

I know what you mean. I'm glad someone else gets the sonic buzzing, as it was difficult for me to describe. There is always an aural element to my trips, in some way. Sometimes actual voices, sometimes that high/low pitched humming/buzzing.
#18 Posted : 2/27/2011 10:30:19 PM

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Rising Spirit,
Keep tripping. Sometimes I think salvianauts are part of a Manhattan Project. We individually help to download the 'Big Picture'.
Anyway, I had another trip last night...............

Another Pinch of 10x

OK. I saw something……..
There must have been some 10x residue in my pipe.
I saw the whole thing. The whole secret.
I remember seeing a world zipping into consensus reality. This zipping up wasn’t some basic mechanical thing. It had a resolution of a trillion times a trillion in bits. It was seamless. The closed eye visual displayed one world joining together with consensus reality like a scene in the movie 2001. There’s a scene in the movie where something oval atop the moon’s surface begins to pull inwards into the ground. The oval breaks up into around eight angular pieces that then retract into the ground. That’s about what I saw in my visual as one world retracted into another world. Those eight angular pieces might have been eight parallel worlds dissolving into consensus reality, but I’m not sure about that.

I saw another major secret. Other worlds can zip into our consensus world by way of our visualization process. It isn’t so much that other worlds interact with our world physically. They interact with our world visually. It’s all about the eye, the retina, the optic nerve, the visual cortex. It’s through our visual cortex that parallel worlds can contact each other. That’s why salvia visuals are so important. They rely on the visual cortex in the same way that physical eyes rely on the visual cortex here in consensus reality.

I saw that rotating contraption again. It was part of the tunnel-like portal that separated one parallel world from our consensus world.
Now if only I could shake off amnesia enough to figure out exactly what that parallel world was all about. That’s the 64 million dollar question. That parallel world is where the treasure chest of secrets is located. One thing is fairly certain. That parallel world is a veritable carbon copy of ‘this’ world. The seamless and extremely artistic process of transitioning between worlds is mind blowing.

Anyway, the new big secret is the fact that the visualization process that occurs both in salvia trips and in the perceptual awareness within consensus reality is a key ingredient in the movement between worlds. Needless to say, if what I just experienced could be duplicated in a movie, the world would have to stop and get a grip before being able to move on.
#19 Posted : 2/28/2011 10:29:59 PM

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Great report. I reread it today, and it made me think of the book I have also been rereading. "The Day of the Triffids" by John Wyndham. The book deals more with morality and such, as opposed to anything psychedelic-related. But this passage, which talks about vision and sight, came to mind.

"From very familiarity one forgets all the forces which keep the balance, and thinks of security as normal. It is not. I don't think it had ever before occurred to me that man's supremacy is not primarily due to his brain, as most of the books would have one think. It is due to the brain's capacity to make use of the information conveyed to it by a narrow band of visible light rays. His civilization, all that he has achieved or might achieve hangs upon his ability to perceive that range of vibrations from red to violet. Without that, he is lost. I saw for a moment the true tenuousness of his hold on his power, the miracles he had wrought with such a fragile instrument..."

Vision/visualization as something divine. We take it for granted on a daily basis. It definitely is something that is largely responsible for all the marvels we've wrought.
#20 Posted : 2/28/2011 11:38:26 PM

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That's interesting, Dioxippus. I hadn't thought about the fact that we perceive a narrow width of the light spectrum. Therefore, any interaction with parallel worlds will take place within the narrow band that evolution has given us. I wonder if people can hallucinate in infrared, etc.? Maybe salvia can tune the brain so that it can perceive what's ouside the visible color band. Interesting stuff.

Another thing. Maybe the parallel worlds are carbon copies because they need to 'line up' with our world before integrating with it. In other words, they might actually be dissimilar, but they become similar in order to integrate with consensus reality.

Negative Realities

Where do I begin?
The Disney fairy flashed her wand and an explosion of color sprayed across my retinal view master.

What did I see? I saw these shiny, green, replicated, tiny men dancing in place like jitter bugs. Imagine tiny, green football players lining the entire structure of salvia reality. Set, hut one, hut two. Set, hut one, hut two, over and over again, with the speed cranked up to 50 times normal.

I saw salvia people, their arms constantly reaching towards me and away from me, playing some sort of game with me, reaching their hands and arms toward my face and away from my face, over and over again. There was a weird transparency happening.

I heard muffled voices. I can’t remember what they were saying.

The tiny football men lining the structure of salvia reality, along with the larger salvia beings were integrated into the architecture of salvia reality. The beings, both large and small were through and through CITIZENS of salvia space. Their molecules (if they had any) had the stamp “made in salvia space” written on them.

What’s weird is that I’ve seen these tiny, shiny, replicated jitter bugs outlining the walls and general structure of salvia reality before. BUT I WAS NEVER ABLE TO BRING THIS SPECIFIC VISUAL BACK WITH ME TO CONSENSUS REALITY UNTIL NOW.

And those larger human-like beings with their hands and arms reaching toward my face and away again and again…I’ve seen them before too, along with their strange hand signals.

This trip didn’t really explore the parallel worlds concept. There was no rotating contraption of beams and rods. No wheels. But holy shit, there was a salvia world very reminiscent of our physical world. The only difference? IT WAS THROUGH AND THROUGH A SALVIA WORLD. The beings knew they were salvia citizens and not citizens of our world.

Maybe salvia reality is a negative of consensus reality and consensus reality is a negative of salvia reality.

You know something else that was weird? It took me hours to mentally prepare for this trip. I was scared. I was fucking scared of I-don’t-know-what. I was afraid that this trip would fall short of my previous trips. I was afraid that this month long salvia ride would be over.

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