I bought four ounces of powdered white caapi vine and four ounces of Caapi leaves!
With the powdered vine I plan on using a modified Herbal percolator using cheesecloth instead of cotton below and above the vine while pouring the water. For the liquid, I plan on using approximately 4.5-5 gallons of water acidified with a half-liter of 5% white vinegar. From this pull I will reduce the liquid to about a half-liter. Then, I plan to follow the Caapi extraction TEK on the Wiki.
With the dried Caapi leaves I plan on making a wonderful changa. I will make a changa with just spice and then a batch of changa with both spice and the aforementioned Caapi extractions. I also want to reserve some of my Caapi extractions for sublingual potentiation of my spice. Any hints or guidance?
I've ordered my MHRB from a supplier I've used twice previously. I have my Caapi products; Mr. Postman, hurry with my mimosa! I'll restudy the full harmaloid extraction to completion tomorrow!
Everything posted here is hypothetical in nature and represents only the ramblings of an aspiring fiction-writer (d)elving into character study for fame and monetary gain. None of the above has ever happened nor is intended to be taken at face value.
Psychic Head
And again, verily I say unto you, all wholesome herbs God hath ordained for the constitution, nature, and use of man—Every herb in the season thereof, and every fruit in the season thereof; all these to be used with prudence and thanksgiving.
Doctrine and Covenants 89