Finally I decided I was ready for the cactus. I extracted some cactus a couple of moths ago, but decided that I had to experience the gore fest of ingesting the cactus snot itself.
The procedure of boiling down 30 inches of cactus took about 6 hours. What was left was a teacup full of bitter snot. I decided to take half of it (it was a long needle peruvianus species).
The taste was bearable but the substance was really awfull. I managed to down the snot with some lemonade.
Then layed down on my bed to get into a relaxed state. After 45 minutes the nausea came. I felt like puking but it wasn't so hard to keep it in.
Then after about half an hour suddenly I got waves on my spine and started smiling automatically. A kind of neutral force (I really can't describe it good) surrounded my whole perception and it felt really really great. Everything became so detailed yet blurred/blended. Sounds from the living room penetrated my ears like never before. My thought processes were little affected (some minor thought loops) and I could really think about the experience like sober but even more sharper.
About 15 mins later patterns were showing up everywhere but in a very smooth non fast-paced way. The television images looked normal but the screen was surrounded by coloured halos.
I was able to conversate in fairly normal way with my girlfriend and a friend of her.
During the whole experiences which took form 1800 to 3.30, I never felt any negativity or confusion. It was not comparable to the chaos that shrooms sometimes induce in any way.
The day after it I had no hang-over or what so ever. I felt refreshed, sharper and better mooded overall.
Yesterday I ate the same amount which I stored in the freezer. Almost the same experience. Again no bad things to report. Only thing to note is that my belly was a little uncomfortable for some moments during the experience. Nothing to worry about though.
Next time I will up the dose and probably take my extracted material.
For years I was kind of scared about the myth about cacti being the toughest psych. Now I believe this is something everyone should try if they had the opportunity. It is magical, beautiful, true and best of all it's invented by natural creation instead of ego based innovation.
Love it!