If one was following
This tek, how much FASI would they want to be adding to the limonene? It just says that as you add it dropwise it will begin to cloud and the fumarate will eventually all fall out, so it sounds like you can add as much as you'd like. But if one wanted to know approximately how much is there a number or ratio?
About preparing the FASI, does IPA dissolve fumaric acid at the same rate as acetone (approx 618 mg of acid to 100 ml ace)? if there wasnt a specific number then basically one would just add as much as they can until no more is being dissolved, yes?
Also, why is the limonene added to a jar of dessicant after the pull from the basic solution? Is this to keep the limo from absorbing moisture or is it meant for a quick drying of the limo? Confused... Can this step be skipped?