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First Experience - Unlike anything I can even think of. Options
#1 Posted : 8/5/2008 5:57:34 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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When I used to hear people talk about DMT trips as "impossible" or "alien" I always thought they were putting it on a bit - exaggerating just a normal psychedelic experience. Well, let me tell you, my belief on that has been entirely reversed.

I always wanted to do DMT, but even as a long time psychedelic user, I found it extremely hard to find. Extraction was out of the question, because lets just say my roommate is completely anti-drugs, anti-fun, anti-conscious exploration, yada yada, the conservative military type. About three weeks ago I got a call from a friend who said that finally, she had managed to acquire a couple grams of DMT. Immediately I became excited, we called up a few friends and arranged a meet up at her house the next day.

I was the only one there who hadn't done DMT before, so they said that I could do it first because they'd all been to "hyperspace" before. I had no idea how to take the stuff, I just know it can't be done orally unless you have an MAOI or something like that (what the hell is an MAOI???).. So they loaded what looked like a decent amount (turned out to be like 40mg) into this small glass bubbler, and told me to hit it. Apparently you have to hold the flame a decent distance away so it vaporises the DMT or something, I did that, and began to inhale. The smoke wasn't as harsh as people said it would be - after about 3 seconds I started getting visuals, fractals etc. I took another hit quickly, this time taking in as much as I possibly could before I was completely out of it. Immediately as I exhaled, I saw the famous orange and red circular thingy above me. I couldn't feel my arms, and my head felt like it was folding in and out (really hard to describe). I started to ascend, and this loud buzzing noise started - I got kinda frightened here, but they told me to not worry, because in the great words of Bill Hicks "It's just a ride." As I got closer to it, I sped up, and broke through.

Immediately after breakingthrough, I had this feeling of being greatly refreshed, I was completely absent from my surroundings at this point. What I saw, I can't really describe. I was floating, and around me was an ocean, but not like a normal ocean, it was like a cuboid ocean, and I was in the middle, in an invisible bubble. I zoomed out, and I could see the cuboid getting smaller until I could just see a little blue dot. Aside from the dot, there was nothing. It was completely black. Not like black when you close your eyes - there were none of those yellow dots you usually see in your vision when its dark, it was completely black. The most black I have ever seen.

Suddenly, I felt something in my brain. Something other than myself, something else. I haven't ever felt that feeling before and I now understand why people find it so difficult to explain their DMT trips. The experiences are so personal that only the person who experienced it can possibly understand it - the events that go on in hyperspace are beyond words. This presence scared me a bit, but I just kept telling myself to stop worrying - at this point I could feel the "presence" searching through my mind, and I had visions of past memories, ones that are long forgotten and I don't even know if they are real or not, only I had a feeling of deja vu about them. The visions stopped, and the presence left - and this was the worst part of the trip by far. I felt so alone, there was just this faint blue in the distance, and I was just nothing, nowhere.

Then, the most amazing thing, that I can't even describe happened. I'll try anyway. A tunnel formed in the blackness, and I was pulled into it, I tried to resist, but eventually gave in to this overwhelming force, as I travelled through this tunnel, I became absent from myself. I honestly don't know how to explain it. It was if I wasn't me. Before my DMT trip, I had heard people say this but I could only imagine it from my own perspective, and thus, it was impossible to imagine. Anyway, it was as if I wasnt there, but at the same time, I was. At the end of this tunnel, there was a woman. Not human, but had some human features. I seem to remember being in a room at this point, and the atmosphere was very.. ugh.. foreign. Everything was made of fractals, except this woman. Well, when I say "woman", I mean I felt that she was female, or had a certain femininity about her. She was dancing and had this sort of shroud around here, and in the middle of her body there was this dot of bright white light. She pulled me closer to her, and I just felt the most amazing feeling ever. I felt as if I was loved unconditionally by this being, again, I can't really describe it. When I entered the bright white dot inside her, everything was white, everywhere. But, the strangest thing was that I was her. I was looking from her perspective. It was as if I was her. In front of me, was me (as in myself.) So suddenly the roles had been reversed, and I was feeling what she was feeling. And I felt this great pity for the person infront of me. I know that may sound as if I was feeling sorry for myself, but it wasn't, because I wasn't me. Anyway, I could access her memories, and knowledge. It wasn't as if I was accessing them, because I was her so they were already there, but immediately as I became her, all of this happened instantly, at the same time. From her perspective, she had been there forever, no beginning. I can't comprehend that statement, because it seems so unreal, but she was "eternal." And life, (not just human, other alien creatures too) were all there simply because they could be. There was no reason for anything, but she didn't challenge this as you would expect a human to, she just accepted it because it was what she knew - again, this may sound ridiculous but this is totally out of human perception so the way I describe it is kinda off on how it actually felt.

Anyway, at this point, I felt the most unreal feeling, a feeling of being everything at once. As if I were God (when I say God, I mean the human idea of a God. Eternal, beyond time and space. Not literally Jesus or the Abrahamic God.)And again, I didn't ask where this all came from, what started everything, because to her (to me as I was her) it didn't even occur. There was no reason - and that WAS the reason at the same time.

As I looked upon myself, I didn't feel any familiarity as if it were me looking in a mirror, I was totally her. And as she (I) looked at me (it), I remembered, or experienced the thought of pity that this human was trapped in the realm of their chemically perceived reality when actual reality is beyond perception. And whilst her reality was her perception, it was the fact that she realised this and I didn't that made me (her), pity me.

This all happened instantly. I was her, so I didn't have to think about it, it was just there. UGH, its frustrating because I honestly can't describe it well enough to articulate what it actually felt like. Anyway, I was her for only a second, and then I flipped back, but I was back in my self, my SELF was there now, and I was trying to comprehend what had just happened. She was still there dancing, and the visuals were still there, but I felt as if the main part of the trip was over. She slowly disappeared, and I travelled back through the tunnel into nothingness but zoomed inside of the cuboid ocean and just floated there completely bewildered for what felt like days (honestly). Slowly this faded out and I was back in the room, I still had fractals goin on for a couple hours and even now weeks later, when I close my eyes I still have pretty decent CEVs (not sure if thats from the DMT or other stuff).

Anyway, this experience was just incredible. I don't really feel the need to do it again any time soon, because I am still struggling to understand what actually happened then.

Perhaps the strangest thing about the trip was that throughout the entire thing, I felt the strangest feeling of deja vu. It felt as if I had been there before, long ago. Again, I don't know how to make sense of this, I've never had an experience quite like it even on high doses of other drugs, and it feels like I'm going to have to think about it alot before I can even begin to understand (if ever) what happened there.

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magic clown
#2 Posted : 8/5/2008 8:05:16 PM

aka Slap Stick Sam

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Welcome to the Hyperspace Club MyopiA and guess what? This is just the start. The journeys just get more bizarre and more utterly peculiar as you start to venture into the Spice Relm. They take off in totally unexpected and odd directions. Each time you jump, you see new things. After 300+ leaps, I have never seen the same events unfold twice.

After my first few jumps, I used to try and figure out the meaning of what I had seen. I thought, nothing that "full on", could possibly be devoid of meaning. It was like, I had just had revealed to me the inner workings of the universe. I had seen it all! Not only that, but with a little effort, I would fully understand it. After maybe 20 jumps, It started to dawn on me that I was never, ever really going to understand them. Being free from that encumberment of understanding is pretty much how I live my life now. I am now free to never knowingly understand anything.

I like the sound of your friends MyopiA, sound like you need another roomy though. I might be available.
I am a clown, nothing I say can be taken seriously. It is my profesion to talk nonsense
#3 Posted : 8/5/2008 8:24:16 PM

The Great Namah

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Very nicely written report.

Get a new room mate, mate!
The Spice extends life
The Spice expands consciousness
The Spice is vital for space travel
Never underestimate the power of STUFF!

I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not respond...as I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
#4 Posted : 8/5/2008 10:30:59 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Sounds like your friends really set you up right MyopiA!!
You should thank them again!!
Too often people do not get a full on breakthrough their first time but when you finally do, you know, without any question, there is no exaggerating with DMT!!!

If one doesn't get enough spice into their blood system, because of smoking method or any other multitudes of reasons, you do get very beautiful CEV's and that is nice on its own sometimes.
But when you receive a full dose of DMT, there is a barrier that gets crossed, and its no longer just pretty fractal patterns, you are someplace else, this place is definitely inhabited and it is for real!!
Sounds like you reached that necessary level for overload!!


All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#5 Posted : 8/7/2008 12:31:24 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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v nice report, and a great read.
El Ka Bong
#6 Posted : 8/9/2008 8:36:24 PM

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Wooo Hhoooo ! ... I get goose bumps reading that ! ... so just keep writing reports for us ..!
#7 Posted : 8/10/2008 1:56:49 AM

John Murdoch IV

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Thank you for an excellent report and welcome to the group Smile

It was a good read and you seem to remember the trip quite well. I haven't tripped now for around 18 months but I'm still remembering parts of my former trips. My last ride was very hard so it has
taken me a long time to gain courage to take off again but that's going to happen very soon Smile More of the magic powder on the way Smile

But it's so weird how sometimes fractions of old trips are coming to me still. You might remember more later of this first trip of yours.


DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction.
I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!

Neo Guado
#8 Posted : 8/10/2008 12:38:46 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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A very fantastic experience,now I know were some fantasy authors might get their inspiration from.
“People believe I am what they see Me as, rather than what they do not see. But I am the Great Unseen, not what I cause Myself to be in any particular moment. In a sense, I am what I am not. It is from the Am-notness that I come, and to it I always return.” -Neale Donald Walsch-
#9 Posted : 8/10/2008 8:19:17 PM


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Dmt far exceeds what one has previously thought about it until they try it, all preconcieved notions of understanding what Dmt is like should be extinguished,

i just dont have the balls to smoke that stuff,
not that its extracted in pure form next to me anyway,

cool story, ive heard of this orange circle thing before, cept it was a salvia story

are all dimensions of intense hallucinagens the same or is there a specific Dmt realm?

after drinking ayahuasca i definitely could tell a drmatic likeness/similiarity of a high dose mushroom trip (aborts). the feeling i believe is due to the fact that Dmt and Psilocyban are indole hallucinagens affecting the brains hormones like seratonin, but on cactus which is more adrenaline based i havent felt that same world with it, and ive done cactus most out of all the psychedelics.


sorry for the misguided response, i couldnt help myself...
#10 Posted : 8/11/2008 8:35:48 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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i think that altough the brain mechanisms of many substances differ, the psychological principles are basically the same. The great advantage of all the tryptamines and the more DMT related ones in particular is that it while altering your state of mind, leaves you more or less open to completely undergo the experience. I have never done salvia, ketamine or PCP and i don't intend to do them, because it seems to me that on these substances you're not completely sane. I have done other discociatives and i mean, that they make you sort of numb. The tryptamines i am familiar with don't do that. So i would say that the DMT realm is probably the same as the salvia realm, but you undergo it differently. Like being in a landscape is different from watching it on TV.
#11 Posted : 8/13/2008 11:58:19 PM

John Murdoch IV

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polytrip wrote:
.....So i would say that the DMT realm is probably the same as the salvia realm, but you undergo it differently. Like being in a landscape is different from watching it on TV.

I don't have much experience with Salvia but I feel it takes you to a different place and works very differently.

And it actually works differently than any other psychedelic. It binds to the K-Opioid receptor but all other classic psychedelics bind to the 5-HT2A serotonin receptor.
I've done a very heavy dose of Salvia and had a very powerful (level 5-6) nightmarish experience but I'm never anxious when I take of to Salvia space and I was ready to go again next day.
I've also had a bad DMT experience and I needed months to gain courage to go again Razz I don't really know why. I don't really understand the difference. Well DMT is more powerful Smile That's maybe why Smile

DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction.
I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!

#12 Posted : 9/6/2008 4:31:28 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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outstanding report, well done
enjoyable and insightfull read.
thanks for this myopia
ambi lysergance is a fictional character who in the realms of fantasy indulges in such topics as science, arts and psychoactive plant induced visions
#13 Posted : 9/7/2008 5:16:05 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Man, all the important parts of that experience happened to me in my dream. Same thing too, first time, one small hit, then one large hit & a break through. I had that total blinking out of existence, and feeling like I was everything and that life exists because it's impossible for it NOT to exist. Even the head folding in and out, except I had a pretty bad experience all in all. It was like my whole body was being sucked into my own mouth turning myself inside out and doing it again and turning myself right side out again, but like you said, I have no idea and it's impossible to really explain because frankly there's nothing similar to it in the normal human experience. That's why everyone feels like they've witnessed something taboo or alien, it really is when you think about it. It was really odd, I was sitting there today and I bit the inside of my lip, like pinched some flesh between my teeth gently as I sometimes do out of habit, and for some reason it just completely reminded me of something I kept feeling when my mind was trapped in that loop. I'm trying to follow ron's advice and be more vulcan when I examine this. It is pretty dang interesting and just a little bit exciting more than scary when I discover something that may have been biologically incorporated in the experience. Your head folding in and out is probably breathing, it's some cool stuff.
Thanks for reading my dream diary! I hope you found it interesting! LMBO!
Chakra Vajra
#14 Posted : 9/7/2008 4:53:07 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Very nice Report, thank you!
#15 Posted : 10/29/2019 5:44:58 AM

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Beautiful report.
Todo lo que quiero es que me recuerdes siempre así...amándote. Mantay kuna kayadidididi~~Ayahuasca shamudididi. Silence ○ Shiva ◇ eternal Purusha.
What we have done is establish the rule of authority in silence. Silence is the administrator of the universe. In silence is the script of Natural Law, eternally guiding the destiny of everyone. The Joy of Giving See the job. Do the job. Stay out of the misery.
May this world be established with a sense of well-being and happiness. May all beings in all worlds be blessed with peace, contentment, and freedom.
This mass of stress visible in the here & now has sensuality for its reason, sensuality for its source, sensuality for its cause, the reason being simply sensuality.
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