So this weekend, I freed my self from all official business, payed by respect and tributes to my elders and locked my self in my trust-able room and produced music for 36 hours straight.
Mainly slept around the CPU, would occasionally wake up in the middle of the night just to add a tune here, and melody there.
Nothing exceptional what i do but the natural astonishment of creating energy blows all logic away. This was only the begging of the 'Shedding'.
It seemed even more natural to pick up the VG, fill some meo and NN-mint changa, and torch it up. (STB - mimosa -->dmTek ->FASA -> Acetone Evap)
The mind refused to enter a bad trip. I have gotten better at psychologically defending myself, in order to proceed to a higher realm - Hash also helps. Familiar feelings of totalitarianism, aristocracy and religion were refused to mingle with my peace, which i sat with in my little corner which was only the middle ground between our realities.
We sat there on a spinning wheel. Different characters of brilliant lights (LED type PURPLE GREEN LIGHT BROWN RED) started entering our small playground, which was placed right before the vast brightly lit sky. Characters that were, at first perceived as fear and control. Myself was placed on the balcony watching over all this sky, while spinning on the wheel spun around by - what seemed excited individuals, real excited. The whole picture had a perfectly set golden, light brown hue to everything. Each time a thought would come to the mind, the picture would break and i would find my self divided between two worlds. One where i sat with these little beings, playing and loving each other and this other world of thought, which would naturally pop out of curiosity and literally break what was being experienced. Each-time a thought would come, i would see and feel a break in the dimension. Like a crack in the wall.
The mind wants to know at all times, its position. The mind, in excited states, accepts and rejects everything at face value. The mind gives too much importance to thought. The mind when silent, creates peace in all realities. The mind is more comfortable with geometrical patterns - easy to look at and fun to understand.
The entire weekend was light and floaty. faced some inert truths about my existence, revisited some lost memories, nailed tekken 6 with steve and learn t new tricks on FL (music generator), but as i sit here and ponder over my activities, the fact that surprises me the most is that we are so oblivious to novelty. I am so oblivious to novelty. I drive 40 Kms to work every day. There are hundreds of trees and other plants growing on sides of the road. Most of them are A. Notilca. Imagine the amount of Spice in them, but they seem to be so silent and peaceful. Standing under the glow of the day, dancing with the wind, rain, whatever comes there way. Holding their ground steady and firm, with their egos (visual elements - bark, leaves etc)as an extended function of the self.
I see little kids playing around, with their patches of clothing and their un-sterilized faces, without a worry in the world, witnessing - seeing - interacting with the curiosity at hand.
Then I see oddly constructed factories, with a blue man (security guy) standing outside the oiled gate. Most of these blue men have egos as big as their mustache. How are they so oblivious to novelty? Are they oblivious to novelty? Then why does the blue man chooses not to talk about novelty? Afraid that he'll loose it, by talking about it?
The blue man knows that novelty is precious to each and every individual. Blue man also thinks that novelty is the only thing keeping him going in this life. Without novelty, there might not be a purpose to life. So the blue man holds on to whatever novelty he has, saves it for his kids, in order to share with them. The blue man sacrifices his own desires in order to save up on his piece of novelty. And when his miniature clones are lacking all hope for life, the blue mans takes a piece of novelty and shares it with them.
The blue man also has a wife - an alien slave who has been understood, accepted, appreciated, loved and then conveniently put away in a small box called home, several times in history. Now, man with all his superiority and might refuses to accept equal authority of the feminine thought. Blue man faces his insecurities, his faults, guilt, childhood, friendship love, in front of the feminine thought. The feminine thought encourages language of the heart but the blue man refuses to accept the existence of heart. And the endless history continues.
Novelty is in each and everyone of us. Spice is within each and everyone of us. Spice is to be respected. It is a medicine with a generous heart. It compels one to witness (observing and understanding) life in all its interconnected nature. Life as it is!
Thank you for listening. Apologies for any offensive or seemingly factual statements. Certainly don't mean to make any sort of factual claims in the above writing. Mere ramblings of an itch.
Sending love and prayers
Observing in Silence!
Everything posted by this user are the insane ramblings of an itch that is in the deepest oceans and highest skies. The author holds no responsibility for any content published.-------------