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LSD+HBWR+"THH"--retrospective Options
#1 Posted : 1/31/2011 1:06:26 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 133
Joined: 15-Sep-2010
Last visit: 11-Jul-2011
Location: In the human body
300mg of "THH" [now known to be mostly harmine]
9 Hawaiian HBWR seeds
1 hit of strong, pure blotter acid.

1st Night
okay so I visited an old friend that I hadn't seen in almost 2 years. let's call him B. I had brought along the "THH", seeds, and acid but did not actually plan on taking it with B. I had also brought 100g Red vine, 100g White vine, 100g chacruna THIS was what I had planned to do with B. anyway, I was only able to stay for 2 nights and 1 day, so I figured we would talk and catch-up, etc on the first night, spend the following day brewing and preparing our brew, and drink it on the 2nd night. Sounds like a good plan right?

well The first night was a disaster. I had not smoked weed in weeks, and had ZERO tolerance, while B is a very heavy daily smoker. We talked for maybe a good 10 minutes, just small talk. then he rolls up 2 fat blunts [eww] of some slightly-early picked sativa. very potent. we smoked the first one and I was already too high for comfort. suddenly he sparks up the second one and we smoke, etc. I was not just baked, I was BAR-B-Qed!!! so then I ask for a cigarette [again ZERO tolerance] and inhale deeply and slowly, holding in my hits like its weed. As I got down to the end of the cigarette I started to Trip, like maybe 45mg of spice for camparison. But it was more of a delerium really. I puked, then dry-heaved.

Anyway, being this high absolutely KILLED my conversation skills and I ended up saying a lot of off-color and/or rude things to B. Rolling eyes this night was a disaster. I was fucked up and acting like a drunken bafoon.

Next day:

So the next morning, I get up and somehow ended up telling B about the other 'goodies' I had brought, besides the vine+leaf. B, seeing an opportunity to consume more drugs faster, convinces me that we should take this stuff now. [which is why I brought the vine+leaf in the first place btw] I eventually agreed and downed 300mg of FV "THH", B took 250mg. We then each downed 9 HBWR seeds that were picked fresh and frozen, and held the acid under the tongue. (the seeds were believed to have LSH in them due to a previous experience with the same seeds. here)

Not even 5 minutes later, I was puking furiously. It was rough, really rough. I was puking/heaving repeatedly over the next 2 hours. As I had my face in a cup, B took over driving and I felt a wave of heavy sedation begin to creep over me, presumably from the harmine. Carbon based lifeforms was blaring (or so it seemed) and I could feel every beat, every thump, every sound vibrating throughout my entire body. It was as If my body was a string on an intrument being played by CBL!

after about ~5 minutes after the first puke, the visuals began. It was SO unexpected and I went from feeling kinda heavy to a full-on breakthrough that topped many of my spice journeys in intensity.Shocked I was soo gone and B had no idea [he didnt puke and said he still felt sober]. I became a triangular plate that was constantly changing color and I would move around a circle to the pattern of CBL. I was obliterated into a vast space that I belive is the void. The experience itself was not so LSD-like, or like anything I had ever experienced. It was mostly like a high dose of DMT, but with the sharpness and fluidity of LSD. The seeds should have been left out as I now think they are best eaten by themselves -and fresh.

The breakthrough lasted only like an hour, and after that I could feel the acid only. This was wierd because I was coming down as B was just coming up, even though we took the same stuff. I should be clear about one thing: This experience was NOT enjoyable. I now realize that I was trying to force an experience and as a result it kicked my ass. The fact that me and B were together on the same stuff, but not tripping at the same time really screwed up any kind communication between us and actually drove us further apart Crying or very sad . This all happened in the morning and we did spend a good portion of the day beating the vine with a hammer and brewing it. However, we ran out of time and ended up not sufficiently extracting the vine, and didnt even start on the leaf.
Night 2
So me and B spent the night sober, and for the first time we were actually able to have a decent conversation about deep topics and connect with each other. It was a good night, and I left first thing the next morning. B is one of my best friends and It hurts me to see him doing so much drugs without any regard to his own personal health. So I left the rest of the aya materials with him so that he can still experience its healing power. I still don't know if he has done it yet or not; our contact is sporadic at best.
All post are made by SWIM. I am not SWIM.

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