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inner root bark bull right? Options
#1 Posted : 8/4/2008 8:24:30 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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anyways, the source i had all it had was inner root bark, which from what i heard from some ppl is no stronger then the regular bark and some yes, anyways my question is, is it really stronger then most barks? the reason that i am asking is that lemme post up this trip i had


anyways as u can see it was a pretty fucking horrible trip after it got too intense,
so lemme explain, anyways i don't know exactly how much mimosa i used, if i had to guess prolly 18-25 grams, but the thing was though is that i boiled it down to a really low amount, prolly 1/6 of a cup, now i have this inner root bark shit im doing my 1/6 cup technique, and im using 14.5 grams, im hoping its going to be very strong but not as strong as last, but i've also heard from some ppl that inner root bark, doesn't mean shit while, its like 2x more stronger, so anyways if this is true how hard of a trip should 14.5g of inner root be? the trip in the shroomery vault i put, was easily a level 4 trip.

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#2 Posted : 8/4/2008 11:06:01 AM

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Even though I have problem understanding what you're writing (misuse of punctuation marks), I feel that you should not be afraid of a strong trip! Or as I once read somewhere, you didn't go to the circus just to do the carousel, right? So to speak therefore, the answer to your question can only be answered if you consume your 14.5g. and then report back! My prediction would be sth like "interestingly intense"#

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#3 Posted : 8/5/2008 2:42:43 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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wtf man
you can alwas do half
if not enuff do other in a hour after onset with a little more maoi
and have a sitter
do more research

and buy your trip report
id say you messed up the brew and got a weak trip
14 grams will make you still like budda
wou wont be walking round and such
not in this world any way

You'd better be prepared for the jump into hyperspace. It's unpleasantly like being drunk."

"What's so unpleasant about being drunk?"

"You ask a glass of water."

Douglas Adams

#4 Posted : 8/5/2008 3:19:04 AM


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word it just kinda flows, you wouldnt be able to walk around untill after its pretty much over. IE no fear.

To answer your question, i think it has to do with nature, were the plant is grown, & how well it was treated.

Ive heard all the magic is in the high quality inner pink root... but then ive also heard that its in the outter layer of the bark... id say buy a little bit of both & mx em in.
Everything above me is really a lie... think for yourself & question authority!
#5 Posted : 8/5/2008 4:08:14 AM
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islandhome wrote:
wtf man
you can alwas do half
if not enuff do other in a hour after onset with a little more maoi
and have a sitter
do more research

and buy your trip report
id say you messed up the brew and got a weak trip
14 grams will make you still like budda
wou wont be walking round and such
not in this world any way

i've never read any erowid reports of ppl on 20g+ of not being able to walk, at least well... anyways, i can't imagine anybody fucking wanting to take anything more then 14 grams if u cant even walk... that shit was the most terrifying extreme experience, it was prob a high level 4, i had ever felt, the visions were so fucking terrifying that although this might make it seem like it wasn't that strong, i felt like if i took like 5 more grams of that shit, i woulda been so scared that my brain couldn't be capable of getting more scared. anyways all i can say is that i dunno if u've ever tried mimosa b4, but i think even with 20 grams cuz no erowid experience ever told me they couldn't walk, i think u could still walk n shit.maybe it just didn't effect me much psyhically, i didn't get any body high, cuz i was so fucking concentrated on the visions, if thats what causes the walking.... 20g is probably gonna be a high level 4 trip right?
#6 Posted : 8/5/2008 4:11:28 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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islandhome wrote:
wtf man
you can alwas do half
if not enuff do other in a hour after onset with a little more maoi
and have a sitter
do more research

and buy your trip report
id say you messed up the brew and got a weak trip
14 grams will make you still like budda
wou wont be walking round and such
not in this world any way

btw, i boiled it for 4 hours on high, then evaporating it on low, to 1/6 of a cup. if that makes any difference, if ur saying that shit was weak compared to a 20g, then ayahuasca is totally fucking crazy.
#7 Posted : 8/5/2008 5:37:36 AM

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13 gm mim put im glass jar (old jelly jar)2 table spoons ample cider vinger
rest filterd water let sat 4 2 days [think over night would be ok ]
[the bark was not ground just cut to fit in jar ]
day of
mim put in large ceramic coated pot 12 glass of water very hot heat not boil
{heard bout nasty stuff happning if you dont use stainless steal or glass ceramicpot ? }
let sat for 3 hours on heat put tea aside
repeat above with tlbspoon vin
combine all high heat not boil reduced and left with bout 10 oz liquid
filterd through cloth
{if have time just put it back in jar and let it sit over night gunk will settle to bottom }

3 grams rue was choped up in coffie grinder put in glass with 4oz boiling water
1 tlb spoon lime juce let cool down bout 15 min strained
rue first funky monkey here
its not so bad if you dance youll smile lator
20 min lator tea

SWIM did not eat a full meal 4 6 hours before nibble on crakers bout it
one soda when he got real hungey bout 2 hours be for

this is the best way ive found to brew

You'd better be prepared for the jump into hyperspace. It's unpleasantly like being drunk."

"What's so unpleasant about being drunk?"

"You ask a glass of water."

Douglas Adams

#8 Posted : 8/5/2008 2:38:05 PM
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as of anything i read 20 g of mimosa in aya is just fkn crazy. ya know people recomend starting out with 2.5 g especially 4 a 1st timer who doesnt know the potency of their stuff. did u get in trouble 4 that shit from that cop? also i think u screwed up by trying to do shit while intoxicated and come on with ur parents home?
#9 Posted : 8/5/2008 3:16:40 PM

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yea man start with a lower dose. maybe get used to the effects of smoking the spice before taking long powerful trips on it. its not childs play. secondly unless you think your going to die and need serious medical attention never tell the cops what your on. all that does is bring bad attention to whatever drug you are doing.
#10 Posted : 8/5/2008 3:20:31 PM

The Great Namah

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from your double post in INFORMATION.

Please DO NOT double post.

in ideal terms, yes, the inner root bark seems to have the most dmt.

The problem is, this varies from plant to plant and even from different parts of the roots of the same plant.. It´s not like nature standardizes all the trees´ dmt, if you know what I mean.. I dont know about your specific situation, but most people dont get the mimosa themselves, they buy it from vendors, so the question is: Is the inner root bark sold in one particular store stronger than regular (which means with outer part) root bark sold in the same store, and more specially, is it worth the price difference? and this I guess you can only answer by asking people about their experiences with this particular vendor

Im sure there are vendors that make all sort of names to sell more, like ´purple pink ultra fine inner bark supreme´ whatever, and im sure many times its just hyped up bullshit, so as always, if you´re buying, the best thing is to rely on reviews of ppl who already bought.

now if you were to take the root yourself from one particular plant with your friend, and your friend said: "ok so lets make it like this.. we both get the same amount in weight, but one of us gets only the outer rootbark and the other gets the inner.. you can choose what you want" .. if it was me, I would choose the inner...
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getbaked Posted: Monday, August 04, 2008 11:02:35 PM

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endlessness wrote:
in ideal terms, yes, the inner root bark seems to have the most dmt.

The problem is, this varies from plant to plant and even from different parts of the roots of the same plant.. It´s not like nature standardizes all the trees´ dmt, if you know what I mean.. I dont know about your specific situation, but most people dont get the mimosa themselves, they buy it from vendors, so the question is: Is the inner root bark sold in one particular store stronger than regular (which means with outer part) root bark sold in the same store, and more specially, is it worth the price difference? and this I guess you can only answer by asking people about their experiences with this particular vendor

Im sure there are vendors that make all sort of names to sell more, like ´purple pink ultra fine inner bark supreme´ whatever, and im sure many times its just hyped up bullshit, so as always, if you´re buying, the best thing is to rely on reviews of ppl who already bought.

now if you were to take the root yourself from one particular plant with your friend, and your friend said: "ok so lets make it like this.. we both get the same amount in weight, but one of us gets only the outer rootbark and the other gets the inner.. you can choose what you want" .. if it was me, I would choose the inner...
well i notice it has more of the purple color on the inside of it, so i kinda think so. the thing is though i don't want a stronger trip, and don't wanna find out... my last trip i wasn't sure really how much i took i think it was 20-25g boiled to 1/6 of a cup, and it ended up to a ------- totally terrifying trip with the most horrible vivid visions you could ever ------- imagine. now its boiled to 14.5g, and i don't want the inner root bark to make it end up like its 20
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lemmy Posted: Tuesday, August 05, 2008 6:03:20 AM

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3 to 6 grams inner bark should be enough.if its premium inner bark 14.5 gram could be overwhelming,if i where you i would drink half that and then half later on if desired.
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endlessness Posted: Tuesday, August 05, 2008 8:27:31 AM

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getbaked wrote:
well i notice it has more of the purple color on the inside of it, so i kinda think so. the thing is though i don't want a stronger trip, and don't wanna find out... my last trip i wasn't sure really how much i took i think it was 20-25g boiled to 1/6 of a cup, and it ended up to a ------- totally terrifying trip with the most horrible vivid visions you could ever ------- imagine. now its boiled to 14.5g, and i don't want the inner root bark to make it end up like its 20

well lets put it this way:

the stronger it is means the more alkaloids that make you trip, and the less of other harsh substances that can make you sick (tannins, saponins, etc), therefore for the same trip you take less of these ´bad´ things. so its a good thing that its stronger

the problem was that you took way too much, and 14,5 is still too much.. if you just research around, you´ll see that a dose is from 5 to 14 grams, normally in the 10-12 range...

if you dont want a too strong trip, you should be prudent and take less, even half of what you made now, and if you dont feel anything, take more
The Spice extends life
The Spice expands consciousness
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Never underestimate the power of STUFF!

I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not respond...as I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
Spock's Brain
#11 Posted : 8/6/2008 5:21:22 PM

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read the trip report... ending up in the hospital? not cool. If your going to trip on a substance, and in an amount, that you don't know what your getting into, have someone there that's done lots of drugs and knows what's going on to keep you company...
"Infinite Diversity, in Infinite Combinations."
#12 Posted : 8/6/2008 6:09:23 PM

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I just finished reading your report, as hard as it was to decipher your stream of consciousness babble.
(Come on people, use punctuation if you actually want anybody to read this stuff!!)

So you took way more Ayauasca than is ever recommended, and clearly without much research.
You did this at your parents home.
Your daddy had to take you to the hospital
...and you told daddy & a cop about taking DMT and mentioned the DMT-Nexus etc...
Well at least you got to see some visuals at the end, right?!?!?

What the fuck are you messing around with this substance for?!?!?!?!
You are obviously not ready for this!!!
People like you are why Salvia is getting scheduled everywhere right now!!!(did you make a video for youtube as well?)
Just because you can order these things over the internet, does not mean for one second that they are to be monkeyed with like a toy!!!!
DMT & Ayauasca are not the thing for a day running through fields with dayglo paint everywhere!!
The experience is completely internal!! No outside stimulus is needed and can actually be quite invasive to such an internal experience.
LSD is for playing around in your mind & seeing pretty trails of colors superimposed on everything, everywhere.
To be truthful, I'm not sure you are ready for even that!!

Most folks prefer to experience DMT/Aya in a dark room, usually with no sounds, definitely no chance of interruptions. Your body just lays there like your sleeping, most of the time. It's your mind thats running though the cosmos!!
Yes it is true, People intoxicated by Ayauasca, DO NOT usually do too much walking around!! In fact the normal desired effect is an out of body/out of mind/out of this reality, union with the power of the universe!!!
A Lot of times Ayauasca is taken with the intention of the experience being a heavy, hard to handle, mind bending trial of your beliefs and reality!! Hoping to come out on the other end, humbled in physical form & purified in spirit!! But one must learn to let go of this world completely for this to fully manifest!
Way to fuck around with that!!!

Worst of all, you are here asking our advice for next time?!?!?!
How about getting a few more years under your belt, thank your lucky stars that you did not end up in jail or worse & stick with something more "fun" for now!!
And for god sakes, learn about set & setting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry if I come off as a dick, I hesitate to respond like this but I'm actually offended by this guy!! And that doesn't happen too easily!
I love how he recommends treating this chemical with respect in the end of his report.
Best to take your own advise, before handing it out to others!
I've been reading this guy's posts for a short time now and I gotta wonder if he is even old enough to have been through high school yet!! Certainly didn't pay attention in grammar class!!



All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#13 Posted : 8/6/2008 6:50:00 PM

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OMG!!! People need to be responsible when taking ethneogens w/ powerful effects.Obviously, GETBAKED needs to learn a little more about set and setting.Your little mishap could implicate a lot of people who are here to learn and exchange ideas.Because of your irresponsibilty,you are putting other people in jeapordy.Mabey you should rethink you own experiments w/ ethneogens and just stick w/ GETBAKED.Like WS said, i dont mean to sound like an asshole but your irresponsibiltity can have an unwanted rippling effect on others because of your stupidity.We all make mistakes,I just hope you learn something from this one
" Freedom from the desire for an answer is essential to the understanding of a problem." - jiddu Krishnamurti
#14 Posted : 8/8/2008 6:01:40 AM
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burnt wrote:
yea man start with a lower dose. maybe get used to the effects of smoking the spice before taking long powerful trips on it. its not childs play. secondly unless you think your going to die and need serious medical attention never tell the cops what your on. all that does is bring bad attention to whatever drug you are doing.
i was at a hospital and he was just working security, and they already knew that i was on drugs.
#15 Posted : 8/8/2008 6:09:01 AM
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warrensaged wrote:
I just finished reading your report, as hard as it was to decipher your stream of consciousness babble.
(Come on people, use punctuation if you actually want anybody to read this stuff!!)

So you took way more Ayauasca than is ever recommended, and clearly without much research.
You did this at your parents home.
Your daddy had to take you to the hospital
...and you told daddy & a cop about taking DMT and mentioned the DMT-Nexus etc...
Well at least you got to see some visuals at the end, right?!?!?

What the fuck are you messing around with this substance for?!?!?!?!
You are obviously not ready for this!!!
People like you are why Salvia is getting scheduled everywhere right now!!!(did you make a video for youtube as well?)
Just because you can order these things over the internet, does not mean for one second that they are to be monkeyed with like a toy!!!!
DMT & Ayauasca are not the thing for a day running through fields with dayglo paint everywhere!!
The experience is completely internal!! No outside stimulus is needed and can actually be quite invasive to such an internal experience.
LSD is for playing around in your mind & seeing pretty trails of colors superimposed on everything, everywhere.
To be truthful, I'm not sure you are ready for even that!!

Most folks prefer to experience DMT/Aya in a dark room, usually with no sounds, definitely no chance of interruptions. Your body just lays there like your sleeping, most of the time. It's your mind thats running though the cosmos!!
Yes it is true, People intoxicated by Ayauasca, DO NOT usually do too much walking around!! In fact the normal desired effect is an out of body/out of mind/out of this reality, union with the power of the universe!!!
A Lot of times Ayauasca is taken with the intention of the experience being a heavy, hard to handle, mind bending trial of your beliefs and reality!! Hoping to come out on the other end, humbled in physical form & purified in spirit!! But one must learn to let go of this world completely for this to fully manifest!
Way to fuck around with that!!!

Worst of all, you are here asking our advice for next time?!?!?!
How about getting a few more years under your belt, thank your lucky stars that you did not end up in jail or worse & stick with something more "fun" for now!!
And for god sakes, learn about set & setting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry if I come off as a dick, I hesitate to respond like this but I'm actually offended by this guy!! And that doesn't happen too easily!
I love how he recommends treating this chemical with respect in the end of his report.
Best to take your own advise, before handing it out to others!
I've been reading this guy's posts for a short time now and I gotta wonder if he is even old enough to have been through high school yet!! Certainly didn't pay attention in grammar class!!



first of all, i never mentioned anything about dmt-nexus, in that sense in it was a site, i doubt anybody thinks its a site, anyways im sure cops are aware of this place, anyways yeah, it was pretty fucking stupid, but in my experience from that trip, i don't think u could have much control over it. 2nd of all, salvia was not scheduled because it was dangerous, only like 2 ppl in the united states have died from it, it was schuedlued cuz of politics so it wasn't ppl so much as the drug. its been about 8 months sense that trip, and i waited awhile b4 i would decide to do it again, and def not at that dose... 3rd of all honestly... im sure the odds of putting this site in jepordy cuz of it is like one in 20,000, if shroomery can last 11 years, then i doubt this site is doing anything illegal. 4th of all gimmie a friggin break please... what else can i say bout that trip? it was stupid, and i learned a lot a shit about drug responsibility since then. and heres what happend with the dmt-nexus thingy, my dad asks me what im on, and all i can mention is in these exact words, dmt nexus, mushrooms, acid, why why why, I NEVER SAID ANYTHING BOUT IT BEING A SITE.
#16 Posted : 8/8/2008 7:14:20 AM

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I think you miss(ed) the point.

BTW, Nobody has ever died from taking Salvia!!

All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#17 Posted : 8/8/2008 6:31:39 PM

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Hey, swim felt a little bad that his post might have been a little harsh.SWIY made a mistake plain and simple and hopefully SWIY learned from it.SWIY must remember that others are involved and if someone attracks unwarrented attention, people get upset and rightfully so.SWIM apoligize's for being harsh.Just be more careful.Smile
" Freedom from the desire for an answer is essential to the understanding of a problem." - jiddu Krishnamurti
#18 Posted : 8/8/2008 6:59:47 PM

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I guess everyone would love to say: "Listen up, this is not something to mess with..rethink your attitude before smoking again. " ....but your action is a direct threat to a lifestyle most of the guys here persue and don't want to lose.

Many people see aya/DMT as something sacred, or at least immensly beautiful. The thought of losing it forever makes this discussion a very emotional one.

All I can say is: Please be more responsible for your actions. If you can't take the heat...

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