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Help me reach enlightenment. Options
Mutt Johnson
#1 Posted : 1/22/2011 4:43:17 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Hi. This is my first post. This is a really cool website.

Anyway, SWIM enjoys doing psychedelics but is frustrated by how hard they are to come by. SWIM wants to take matters into his own hands. SWIM's question is what would be one of the easier/easiest methods for getting some enlightenment. HBWR seeds look like the easiest thing, the cold water extraction looks extremely simple. Mescaline extract looks a good deal more difficult but not too bad either...

Is there a certain order people would recommend for one on this journey of learning for an individual with no chemistry experience aside from one high school class? SWIM wants to extract DMT to enlighten his loved ones but should SWIM try some easier things first? The stickied topics on this board look helpful....

SWIM isn't trying to be vague here just wondering what some more experienced folks think he should do to get started with no experience what so ever. THANKS!

STS is a community for people interested in growing, preserving and researching botanical species, particularly those with remarkable therapeutic and/or psychoactive properties.
#2 Posted : 1/22/2011 5:13:01 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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1.) buy dried peruvian torch chips
2.) add water
3.) ????
4.) profit
#3 Posted : 1/22/2011 5:52:35 PM

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I think you might be dissapointed if you're really looking for enlightenment. Psychedelics are no panacea and the real work you do is once you're back, the effort to integrate it all and be better in daily life.

In any case if you're look for good info regarding where to start, I suggest check the FAQ for starter. Its important that before you extract, you understand the reason for each step and not just follow blindly the instructions. Remember to start with low dosages when experimenting with a batch or substance for the first time.

The comment of highschool made me hope that you are not in highschool any more, are over 18 and will be doing the extraction in your own place or place where owners are aware and ok with the extraction.

Anyways, considering its all cool, there's several ways one can start with these substances and extractions, and it depends on a lot of factors like context and personal prefferences. In any case maybe one option is start with cactus resin tek (check the wiki), which is simple enough and effective, and mid doses of resin can be a good mild introduction to psychedelics (but notice it has a loooong duration. ). Or extract dmt from mimosa and harmalas, and have it both for oral and vapped use.

Wish you luck. Tell us if you do try something.
Mutt Johnson
#4 Posted : 1/22/2011 6:59:09 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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The enlightenment thing was really just me trying to come up with a mildly interesting topic title, lol. I am most definitely out of highschool. I should have added that the chem class was a long time ago. I'm well over 18 and live in an apartment with my girlfriend who is well-aware and supportive of things I may or may not do. I also read the stuff about how this site doesn't try to give out stealth teks etc and completely agree with it.

Anyway, SWIM has had a decent amount of experience with psychs. SWIM's first and only DMT experience was the most terrifying but profound experience of his life (mostly to do with set and setting and the fact that SWIM had absolutely no idea what to expect from it) and the terror felt during it makes him feel as though he is prepared enough to take on other substances. Just to note SWIM is probably beyond the "introduction" stage.

In any event, I appreciate the reply and will read the faq and look into the things you mentioned. I'm sure I'll have many questions down the road. Thanks!
#5 Posted : 1/22/2011 10:55:02 PM

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endlessness wrote:
Psychedelics are no panacea and the real work you do is once you're back, the effort to integrate it all and be better in daily life.

very true.
im just a blue reindeer, dont listen to me, listen to her:
#6 Posted : 1/22/2011 11:56:34 PM

Winnie the Pooh

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endlessness wrote:
I think you might be dissapointed if you're really looking for enlightenment. Psychedelics are no panacea and the real work you do is once you're back, the effort to integrate it all and be better in daily life.


i'm not sure i understand that statement nor agree with it to an extent... isn't this exactly what shamans use their brews for??... entheogens are a set of keys, no? of coarse it's important to integrate... but swim seeks enlightenment and attains it every time..

'ask and it shall be given, knock and it will be open, seek and you will find'

mutt... cactus is a perfect entheogen to start off with.. because one can really dose as far as they want to go calculably and it has such a positive vibration, really gets one in touch with energy and spirituality of Earth... ..like your experience already with dmt,, it can be highly variable on how deep the experience is, though generally the experience is very enlightening and can be super intense.. unless dosed really low.. still amazing tho
and cactus is super easy to brew and its hard to mess up,, unless it's burnt to a crisp,, speaking from swim's experience,, lol.... the cactus resin tek is stupid easy,, with a crock pot swim doesn't have to hover over it at all.. but swim would advise knowing the potency of your plants... ...having to play trial and error is very time consuming... but teaches non-the-less

and like others have already said.. be fully aware of what you are getting into... read read read... besides learning about the entheogens, ur gonna learn a lot of reallllly cool stuff
everything posted by godling is false information.. just imagination at work

I am learning not to search for eve anymore but to just 'be' with her for she is already the other half of my soul and one day we'll organically meet as we reach across the cosmos to one another..now comes the light of love

shine as bright as the flame in the pupil of my eye
Mutt Johnson
#7 Posted : 1/23/2011 4:18:53 PM
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Hey thanks a lot! I'm pretty sure SWIM'll try an LSA extract from HBWR seeds first, then maybe the resin tek.
#8 Posted : 1/23/2011 4:25:59 PM

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Welcome to the Nexus, Mutt. Sounds like a solid beginning.
PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms
#9 Posted : 1/23/2011 4:27:48 PM

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Read some old posts from others who have gone down this path. I fear you may place too much into a mind altering drug. I can expect my car to fly but it was never meant to take to the air it is incapable of such a task. Should I be angry at the car for defying my hopes? It is the same for DMT many including myself when I began placed so much of their hopes on this compound and it's power makes it appear initially that it is what you have sought. Only in time and many journeys will you see that you have unrealistic expectations of the chemical. Usually when people discover this on their own they backlash against the chemical and sometimes even the culture. DMT is a screwdriver in a toolbox. When you need it it is invaluable but it has limited abilities, try to remain realistic in your objectives.

If you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing.
#10 Posted : 1/23/2011 4:35:05 PM

Rainbow Randolph

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psychedelics are an interesting experience but are no way a definitive precursor to 'enlightenment.'

I read a lot on the subject when I was younger, but the only understanding I came to was my own. The idea that nothing is truly provable or discernible from illusion. Just because I believe myself to be of a physical, discernible, body and mind is no guarantee that this is in fact truth. Just because I have sensory organs doesn't mean those sensory organs are in fact returning unadulterated data about what is truly going on around me. This line of thinking eventually roused the idea that perhaps existence itself is a farce and perhaps this character I refer to as me is simply an actor fulfilling some kind of off-beat role in this play.

I don't really know, when I think outside of my senses, I believe what we generally see as concrete is much more abstract and chaotic than what our minds are capable of fathoming. I mean a mind is meant to make sense of the senseless right? -- To make judgments based on patterns, to recognize and identify. Is an elephant really an e-l-e-p-h-a-n-t? Is a rock really abiotic? A lot of what we believe is true is based on the consensus that it is true. Everyday though as we learn more we realize the past information we had previously relied on is bs.

If you really want a clearer picture then the one you have now, get some books and start reading. My suggestion would be the Illuminatus Trilogy, but anything by Robert Anton Wilson works.

EDIT*** I would read say read a lot in what you're looking to try. If you want to start with DMT then pick up DMT : The Spirit Molecule. Honestly I've been reading about DMT since I was in high school and it took about 4-5 years before I decided it was time to start brewing.
#11 Posted : 1/23/2011 4:39:58 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hey there, I would like to give a little advise.

Psychedelics, in almost all organic natural forms, are a wonderful source for knowledge. the only way one will find how they feel about psychedelics is to try them their self. I suggest starting small, experiment with low doses. But probably the most important thing to always keep in mind, is that psychedelics are not a toy, they should not be taken because you want your kicks, they should be taken in search of answers or information, to find your true spirit. and yes, most of all, to enlighten yourself.. Many will probably disagree with me, because most people just want to get "stoned" these days, and not enough are really asking the drug "what are you? what can you show me? how can i be a better person? ect ect".

Dont ever take psychedelics for granted.. For they have been around long before you and me and everyone on this earth, what your seeing is the collective of whats been witnessed on that drug for thousands of years. what your feeling is the same feeling many others before you have felt. the alter conscious reality that your witnessing is something so many many others have seen.. but it still remains completely unique to you and your body/brain.

Good luck my friend, be safe on your journeys, always know your source, know your product, and know your mind.
Everything I say is fictional, I do not support illegal drug use of any kind, SWIM is a fictional character.

#12 Posted : 1/26/2011 11:25:07 AM

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entheogenics are the light to see the object but you have to deal with the object in darkness, the light gives you a hint and shows you the way.its a matter of following the path given by the light.and that to me is enlightment.but im just a blue reindeer... "just do your thing man, doing it , ya know... "(J.Brown)
im just a blue reindeer, dont listen to me, listen to her:
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