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Before starting a/b extraction here are the questions Options
#1 Posted : 1/9/2011 3:37:00 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Hello everyone, Swim has read the dmt handbook many times and feels confident with the concept. Swim wants to start with a small batch to get the technique down before making a bigger batch. Now for the questions:

1) Will using 50grms of mhrb hinder me by being too small to siphon the liquids in the siphoning part of step 3?

2) The 5litre containers swim is going using are going to be too big for the test batch , so I will be try to use 2litre containers(empty and clean coke bottles) will the tempreture of the liquids melt the bottle?

3)Swim is using rosonol lighter fluid since shellite is not available where they live, will it do the job?

4)Swim is unsure of the amount to scale down the lye and rosonol to, can anyone offer advice?

5)Swim read on another post that someone using this tek didnt give the result they wanted(they got ice at the bottom of the glass bowl instead of crystals)and were advised to add more base solutions during the pulls. Has anyone has a simliar experience?

6)Can I reuse the rosonol after the test batch on the bigger batch or is it better to start with fresh solvent(I only ask due to it being expensive)?

I hope I have my questions clearly stated, I apologise if they sound rookieish or unclear. I also thank you for taking the time to read over them and reply. Its all pretty exciting I just want to have a very clear understanding of what swim is doing before they start.

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#2 Posted : 1/9/2011 10:50:20 AM

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1- It depends on the size of your container. Smaller thin containers will make the layers thick, big containers will be very hard to separate small quantities due to thin layers.

2- Dont use coke bottles for extraction, just do a search on 'chemical compatibility' and you'll see PET plastic is no good with lye and organic solvents.

Get a glass or some HDPE container. Any hardware store should have HDPE (look for a triangle with 2 in the middle) containers of a smaller size.

3- Check the FAQ

4- Scale down proportionately. Also check FAQ for recommended solvent amounts. As for lye, you can just add until the whole thing is black..

5- Having ice cannot have any relation with 'too little base', probably that person did something wrong (like getting water in the container). Too little base can at most result in small yield. If the whole thing is black, though, its enough....

6- You can reuse solvents after freeze precipitation, if thats what youre asking, yes. At most what will happen is that even freezing, it will come out yellow/more impure because with each reuse the solvent will accumulate more plant oils. Thats fine, just recrystallize the dmt afterwards if desired. Also remember not to throw anything away until you are done with the extraction and have your final satisfactory yield.
#3 Posted : 1/9/2011 2:38:21 PM

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endlessness has some solid advice there, especially regarding not using PET bottles. Have any brew supply stores nearby? Glass jugs used for making wine can generally bought for less than $5 USD in either 1/2 or 1 gallon sizes. If you cannot find glass (did my first small batch in a 1L glass Ball jar used for canning!), at least find a HDPE container to use. This shouldn't be hard, many beverages come in HDPE containers (look for the 2 in the recycle symbol). Test the container with a little bit of basified water and solvent first to be sure. Vaporized DMT tends to taste plastic-y enough, I couldn't imagine adding whatever the basified H2O and solvent will extract from a PET bottle!

Regarding the Ronsonal, I recommend doing an evaporation test on your pyrex with a very small amount of the fluid (shake it first) and see if it evaporates clear. If you don't see anything, scrape lightly with a fingernail or a razor blade to ensure there are no transparent/translucent residues.

Finally, Norman's tek gives excellent ratios for 50g of bark that I heard are spot on. Also, read all the through to the FAQ section for some sound advice regarding solvent usage. If you follow the recommended .4ml/g of bark, it sounds like you'll have better luck freeze preciping, which means you should be able to reuse your solvent!

Good luck and good pulling!
#4 Posted : 1/9/2011 4:02:37 PM

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On the subject of vessels, the semi-transparent plastic bottles milk comes in are HDPE and work perfectly. If you are doing a reduction in the acid phase you will most probably be able to use a 1 pint bottle for the basic phase.

I use PET bottles too, but only for temporary storage/filtering in the acid phase when I have more solution to deal with.

Regarding UK Ronsonol, it seems fine to me, as are Newport, and Swan brands. If you want larger amounts a better and cheaper bet is Primus Powerfuel which you can get from some camping shops.
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#5 Posted : 1/9/2011 4:37:21 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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cheers for the heads up on the "Primus Powerfuel" do you mean to say its better when needing to use large amounts (it being cheaper) or is it just better period?

i found pound shops were a great saver for the newport lighter fluid i first used. buying 16 cans could have been twice the amount. I never evapourated half/three quaters off so i still have the best part of the naptha to re use.

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welcome to the boards Mr Chess..... BOOOOOM! Pleased
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#6 Posted : 1/9/2011 6:04:18 PM

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I like Powerfuel because it comes in litre bottles, buying lots of cans is annoying and slightly dodgy. Powerfuel also works out quite cheap in comparison to lots of small bottles. Think I found it in Blacks.
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