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Am i done? Should i Wash? Options
#1 Posted : 12/29/2010 5:18:06 AM
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I used the below tek and when i was done i got a pyrex full of yellow bumps and crystals, however i scrapped it all with a razor blade, not just the crystals and bumps but everything (all the oily stuff at the bottom of the dish too) into the dish pictured below
when i touch it with my fingers it melts to my skin very easily.
i think i have to purify or wash or whatever, but i am unsure what my next step is.

i followed the below tek exactly,

Can someone help?

Final Write-Up

Required Items
- Any amount of MHRB (preferrably 100+g)
- Roebic Drain Cleaner (Basic Lye)
- VM&P Naptha (Non-Polar Solvent)
- Distilled Water
- Turkey Baster
- Stainless Steel Utensil
- Glass Pie Dish
- Quart Jars with Lids
Note: You will need one quart jar for each cup of MHRB powder (100g of MHRB is about 1 cup powder).

Step 1 Prepare Bark:
1) Break and twist up the MHRB by hand into as small pieces as possible,
no need to hurt your hands. Use plyers if the bark is tough.
2) Put a handful of the broken up MHRB into the blender to turn it to
3) Empty the powder from the blender into a bowl or large measuring cup
and repeat blending until all of the powder is ready.

Step 2 Mix Jars:
4) First, add two cups of distilled water to each empty quart jar.
Note: Put on goggles and rubber gloves for this part...
5) Add three tablespoons of Lye to each jar.
6) Stir the liquid gently with the stainless steel utensil.
7) Slowly and gently add 1 cup of MHRB powder to each jar.
Be careful not to splatter or spill.
Cool Stir the powder gently until it is absorbed evenly and it turns black.
9) Add 150ml-300ml of Naptha , just leave enough room to shake contents.
10) Wipe the tops of the jars and put the lids on, then shake vigorously.

Let the jars sit overnight (8-12 hours should do probably), shake every now and then....

Step 4 Syphen Naptha
1) Syphen the Naptha off the top using the Turkey Baster and squirt it into the glass Pie Dish, being extremely careful to get only the clear Naptha and no black gunk (lye).
2) Add more Naptha to the jar and repeat this step a total of 3x.

Step 5 Evaporate Naptha
Put a fan next to, or a Dehydrator over the pie dish filled with Naptha . When it is dried out there will be white crystals everywhere. Continue to dry until no Naptha is smelled.

NOTE: By making the soaks only 12 hours long (maybe less, like 8?) and using thick layers of Naptha to obtain easy and pure pulls, the resulting crystals should be very clean and further processing unecessary. Also this tek is for low quantities so keep in mind additional washes could decrease the yield to unacceptable levels. My friend says 100g MHRB produced 20 mind blowing experiences without any harshness.

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#2 Posted : 12/29/2010 5:52:09 AM

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Looks like you have spice.

You can use it as is, or you can clean it up by recrystallizing.

Here is a link to recrystallization.

I personally have never tried to reX, but then again, I've never had product as dark as yours.

From all I've read it's good to go though, just not as aesthetically pleasing.

#3 Posted : 12/29/2010 7:24:55 AM

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Many, myself included, enjoy a bit of the good ol' yellow dmt n-oxide in there. I think that it being an oil protects the white n-n from the flame, while also contributing its own unique pleasurable flavor to the experience..

Happy Travels Smile
Bill Cipher
#4 Posted : 12/29/2010 8:50:33 AM

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I don't want to be a killjoy or anything, but I wouldn't go anywhere near that stuff in its current state of yuckitude. That's a pretty bargain basement tek, and there's a whole lot more than n-oxide there providing a bit of color.

If it were me, I would redissolve in naptha, do two or three sodium carbonate washes, freeze precipitate and then re-x with heptane. You've likely got something worth exploring hidden away in there somewhere, but you've definitely got more work to do. Don't smoke it as it is.
#5 Posted : 12/29/2010 9:00:08 AM

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I agree with Art, an attempt to clean that up once or twice is in orderSmile

Step 5 Evaporate Naptha
Put a fan next to, or a Dehydrator over the pie dish filled with Naptha . When it is dried out there will be white crystals everywhere. Continue to dry until no Naptha is smelled.

Your product would have come out a bit cleaner if you had not evaped the naptha all the way down in step 5, pre-evap to about 1/3 of the original naptha amount(or till it gets cloudy), then freeze precip it. Much cleaner spice would have crashed out.

Take a read through the wiki link at the top of the page, loads of extraction teks/DMT info there.

Welcome to the Nexus btwSmile
#6 Posted : 12/29/2010 9:07:32 AM

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just to contradict a bit my friends here, I would say that while its not absolutely necessary to wash or recrystallize, I would say it would be extremely recommended to redissolve it in less toxic solvent (such as pure ethanol/IPA/acetone) and evap again, to get rid of any possible traces of solvent trapped inside your crystals. Check these links out:

Spice purity and color falacy AKA Is my spice ok to smoke?
FAQ: should I wash my spice?
FAQ: How to recrystallize?

Also I think its essential to try to find a good smoking method. As you probably read before, many of us in the Nexus will strongly recommend getting a vaporgenie, but in case you cant have that, try either a machine or a bong with herb sandwhich (or infusing herbs) and going very easy with the lighter
Bill Cipher
#7 Posted : 12/29/2010 9:12:12 AM

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Endlessness... really? Would you smoke that??
#8 Posted : 12/29/2010 9:32:09 AM

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Well I nowadays only smoke limo-extracted stuff but in any case, considering it has no solvent traces and neither mimosa/lye liquid traces, why not?

In the case that there arent these two more "dangerous" impurities imo, I dont see how the darker color is much of an issue, in that case it would be some harmless impurities such as plant oils. And given a good smoking method (aka GVG), I think it would still be smooth to vaporize.

That being said, recrystallizing is easy enough, so I think he could do it, specially if he never done re-x before (its such a visually nice process Very happy ). He could also recrystallize half and separately bioassay both to see if he feels any difference (ideally blind test, but anyways). Personally I think the biggest problem with a lot of people's spice, considering no mimosa traces are present, is actually solvent traces, which is why I always strongly recommend for those extracting with petrochemicals that they redissolve in alcohol/IPA/ethanol and re-evap no matter how many recrystallizations they made. Same would apply IMO for all of those people making crystal growing and having awesome transparent/white crystals. While it might seem like a shame not to directly vaporize those beautiful crystals, IMO health is more important, because no matter how clean they seem (and how long one let it dry), there will be solvent trapped inside crystal lattices.
monty p
#9 Posted : 12/29/2010 10:59:58 AM

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Endlessness, if someone wanted to redissolve then re-evap their spice for a final clean up in IPA what percentage would the IPA need to be?
Monty P is a fictional character i use to make my life seem more interesting than it is, therefore all of these posts are fictional.

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#10 Posted : 12/29/2010 11:11:32 AM


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I would certainly do a CaC03 wash and two Recrystallization's on that stuff.
Be sure to only mix the CaC03 water with the naptha once and separate them in under a few minutes.

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#11 Posted : 12/29/2010 1:25:20 PM

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Im sure you mean Na2CO3, as in sodium carbonate, right xtechre? Calcium carbonate, as many calcium salts, should be very poorly soluble in water, so washes should be done with dilute sodium carbonate solution

Monty p, its not really important what percentage, as long as the only other impurity in the IPA is water (be sure to check if it evaps clean, check msds to see if it doesnt contain anything else). The disadvantage of lesser % of IPA is that it will have more water and therefore take longer to evaporate, so purer (99% for example) will evap faster. But if you're patient, I guess it doesnt matter. As for the amount of IPA, enough to redissolve the whole thing..

Do note that when evaporating something like dmt-containing IPA (or acetone/ethanol), it can very well happen that towards the end you dont see your crystals growing but there's actually a few droplets which seem to not evaporate. This is water, and its normal that the crystals dont form so nicely. Just be patient, let it evap for long (or dry in a food dehydrator), keep scraping/re-scraping it and it will eventually harden up. Again, as I said before, it will very possibly not form crystals as nicely as with naphtha or whatever, but it should definitely solidify to a waxy consistency and it will make sure that you wont have the often-overlooked problem of breathing traces of petrochemicals.

If you want to smoke some nice crystals without having traces of chemicals in it, I suggest making fumarates before (check BLAB tek salting instructions for example, or do FASA on xylene, or FASW on naphtha), and then doing the fumarates to freebase slow water conversion (also check BLAB for instructions)
#12 Posted : 12/29/2010 2:06:11 PM
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Woah, i thought that was a picture of bark, not DMT! Shocked
Bill Cipher
#13 Posted : 12/29/2010 7:06:43 PM

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But that oily gunk that collects during an STB (which is likely the bulk of the ugly scrapings in that photo), is probably just fats, oils, tannins and actual plant matter, don't you think? I'll bet one good recrystallization would reduce his yield by 50-60% - only because much of what he has there probably isn't DMT at all. Why would anyone want to smoke that bilge, when a couple of simple steps is all it takes to come up with a reasonably pure end product.

You make good points about eliminating residual solvents though, Endlessness. I'll admit that this isn't something I've ever considered, post re-x.
#14 Posted : 12/29/2010 7:32:54 PM

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Yeah I always have that darker stuff that accumulates at the bottom of the jar during freeze precip on the first few pulls. I normally scrape all the better looking white to yellow stuff off the sides of the jar and keep it separate from the darker stuff. Recrystalizing that darker stuff a couple times will definitely help some. You can still smoke that as it is though, I have and had normal DMT experiences off of it.
*The above text represents a fictional alter ego, none of it is based on the experiences of a real person.*

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#15 Posted : 12/29/2010 7:54:42 PM

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Uncle Knucles wrote:
But that oily gunk that collects during an STB (which is likely the bulk of the ugly scrapings in that photo), is probably just fats, oils, tannins and actual plant matter, don't you think? I'll bet one good recrystallization would reduce his yield by 50-60% - only because much of what he has there probably isn't DMT at all. Why would anyone want to smoke that bilge, when a couple of simple steps is all it takes to come up with a reasonably pure end product.

You make good points about eliminating residual solvents though, Endlessness. I'll admit that this isn't something I've ever considered, post re-x.

You're right too, Art, Im playing a bit of the devil's advocate here. I mean, I really do think that considering he def didnt let some of the basified liquid come together, that these fats and oils are harmless and that a lot of 'harshness' that some people may feel is actually from smoking instead of vaporizing (I mean, consider that pyrolysis of DMT already creates nasty tasting byproducts, imagine pyrolysis of dmt + a bunch of other stuff, cant be too good).

That being said, I agree its easy enough to recrystallize it and that the OP should do it specially if he never done it in his life (and he will probably need a couple of re-x to get it to white). I do think, though, that he might as well do it with only half the product, and try both, just so he has the experience himself with the different purities and can decide from experience in the future, not just following what others think regarding spice color and necessity of cleaning Smile

And yeah I def recommend regardless of re-x, to make sure there is no solvent traces

#16 Posted : 12/29/2010 11:39:34 PM
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Ok, so i really want to recrystalize this stuff. i started with 1000g and i have another dish that looks about the same as this one after i evap it all. a few questions, first some of the rextal teks say to heat the crap out of naptha or heptane. i was under the impression that if you heat DMT to far it will just vaporize.. or does something about it being in the solution protect it? also what rextal tek should i follow for the ammount of stuff i have?
#17 Posted : 12/30/2010 1:05:16 AM

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what does 'heat the crap' mean? Doesnt sound good Very happy Check the FAQ instructions on recrystallization, hope it helps!
#18 Posted : 12/30/2010 7:15:48 PM
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what does 'heat the crap' mean? Doesnt sound good Very happy Check the FAQ instructions on recrystallization, hope it helps!

"heat the crap out of" was just my way of saying heat to a higher temperature.

i have about 2 bowls like this of my highly oily dmt (haven't weighed it yet). i was thinking of just mixing it all with warm naptha and doing a freeze precip to get rid of most the oily crap. any recommendations?

#19 Posted : 12/30/2010 10:52:47 PM

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Here ya go

endlessness wrote:

#20 Posted : 12/31/2010 5:44:59 AM

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citrusfizz wrote:

i was thinking of just mixing it all with warm naptha and doing a freeze precip to get rid of most the oily crap. any recommendations?

That should work too.
Use just enough naptha to dissolve it all and make sure the freezer is good and cold.
Even if you decide to recrystalize, this would be a good initial clean up step.
You might want to do a polar wash before you precip too.
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